English for نقطة
1) dot-noun
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
a small round mark, especially one that is printed; something that looks like a small spot because it is so far away
النّقطة هي علامة مستديرة صغيرة تستخدم في الكتابة كما أنّها تستخدم لوصف جسم بعيد يبدو صغيرا جدّا
∘ Plural of نقطة in Arabic
نقط/ نقاط
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
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∘ How to pronounce نقطة in English?
dot is pronounced in English as
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
(computing) a symbol like a full stop used to separate parts of a domain name, a URL or an email address
النّقطة هي رمز يوضع لفصل أجزاء من عنوان معيّن عن بعضها كالبريد الإلكترونيّ أو اسم النّطاق الخ
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
2) point-noun
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Plural of نقطة in Arabic
نقطات/ نقطات/ نقاط/ نقط
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
She made many interesting points at the meeting.
قدّمّت العّديد من النقاط الهامة خلال الأجتماع.
I would like to thoroughly discuss the second point with you.
ود أن نناقش النّقطة الثانية بالتفصيل.
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∘ How to pronounce نقطة in English?
point is pronounced in English as
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
A particular description or fact
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
The main points are summarized in this report.
تمّ تلخيص النقاط الرئيسية في هذا التقرير.
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You have proposed interesting points for the study.
لقد إقترحت نقاط مثيرة للإهتمام للدراسة.
There are many important points to yet be discussed.
هنّاك العديد من النقاط الهامة التي لم يتمّ منّاقشتها بعد.
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∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
Leadership is not one of his strong points.
القيادة ليست واحدة من نقاط قوته.
Read the description to learn the finer points of the model.
اقرأ الوصف لمعرفة النقاط التفصيلية للنموذج.
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∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
a particular place or area.
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
the point at which the river divides.
النّقطة التي ينقسم عندها النهر.
More Examples
Draw a curve between three points.
أرسم منحن بين ثلاث نقاط.
No standing beyond this point.
لا وقوف بعد هذه النّقطة.
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
An individual unit that contributes to a game or sports competition score.
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
to win/lose a point.
لتربح/ لتخسر نقطة.
The team finished 10 points ahead.
أنهى الفريق المحلي متقدّما ب 10 نقط.
More Examples
You get bounce points for completing the task first.
ستحصل على نقاط إضافية بحال إكمال المهمة أولا.
They won on points
فازوا بفارق النقاط.
He scored 20 points last season
سجل 20 نقطة الموسم الماضي.
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
unit on a scale of measurement.
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
His popularity dropped by 10 points after the corruption scandal.
انخفضت شعبيته بمقدار 10 نقاط بعد فضيحة الفساد.
The index rose by 3 points by the end of the quarter.
ارتفع المؤشر 3 نقاط بنهاية الربع الأول.
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
a unit of credit towards an award.
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
Contenders are awarded points on factors like attendance and participation in quizzes.
يتم منح المتسابقين نقاط بناء على عوامل مثل الحضور و المشاركة في الإختبارات.
You can trade your points with a wide range of gifts.
يمكنك مقايضة نقاطك بمجموعة واسعة من الهدايا.
3) aspect-noun
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable] a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered
نقطة من شيء ما أي جانب أو ناحيّة منه
∘ Plural of نقطة in Arabic
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
The essential aspects of his experience appear in his performance.
تظهر النقاط الجوهريّة في خبرته في إنجازه.
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∘ How to pronounce نقطة in English?
aspect is pronounced in English as
English for نقطة
1) dot-noun
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
a small round mark, especially one that is printed; something that looks like a small spot because it is so far away
النُّقْطَةُ هِيَ عَلَامَةٌ مُسْتَدِيْرَةٌ صَغِيْرَةٌ تُسْتَخْدَمُ فِيْ الكِتَابَةِ كَمَا أَنَّهَا تُسْتَخْدَمُ لِوَصْفِ جِسْمٍ بَعِيْدٍ يَبْدُوْ صَغِيْرًا جِدًّا
∘ Plural of نُقْطَة in Arabic
نُقَط/ نِقَاط
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce نُقْطَة in English?
dot is pronounced in English as
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
(computing) a symbol like a full stop used to separate parts of a domain name, a URL or an email address
النُّقْطَةُ هِيَ رَمْزٌ يُوْضَعُ لِفَصْلِ أَجْزَاءٍ مِنْ عِنْوَانٍ مُعَيَّنٍ عَنْ بَعْضِهَا كَالبَرِيْدِ الإِلْكِتْرُوْنِيَّ أَوِ اسْمِ النِّطَاقِ الِخْ
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
2) point-noun
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Plural of نُقْطَة in Arabic
نُقُطَات/ نُقْطَات/ نِقَاط/ نُقَط
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
She made many interesting points at the meeting.
قَدَّمّتِ الْعّدِيدَ مِنَ الْنِقَاطِ الْهَامَةِ خِلَالَ الأِجْتِمَاعِ.
I would like to thoroughly discuss the second point with you.
وَدُ أَن نُنَاقِشَ الْنُّقْطَةِ الْثَانِيةِ بِالْتَفْصِيلِ.
More Examples
Safety was another important point to consider.
الْسَّلَامَةُ كَانَتِ نُقْطَةً أُخْرَى مُهِمَةََ لِلْنَّظَرِ بِهَا.
∘ How to pronounce نُقْطَة in English?
point is pronounced in English as
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
A particular description or fact
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
The main points are summarized in this report.
تَمَّ تَلْخِيصُ الْنِقَاطِ الْرَئِيسِيةِ فِي هَذَا الْتَقْرِيرِ.
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You have proposed interesting points for the study.
لَقَدْ إقْتَرَحْتَ نُقَاطََ مُثِيرَةََ لِلإهْتِمَامِ لِلدِرَاسَةِ.
There are many important points to yet be discussed.
هُنَّاكَ الْعَديِدُ مِنَ الْنِقَاطِ الْهَامَةِ الَتِي لَمْ يَتِمَّ مُنَّاقَشَتُهَا بَعْدُ.
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∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
Leadership is not one of his strong points.
الْقِيَادَةُ لَيْسَتْ وَاحِدَةََ مِنْ نِقَاطِ قُوَتِهِ.
Read the description to learn the finer points of the model.
اقْرَأِ الْوَصْفَ لْمَعْرِفَةِ الْنِقَاطِ الْتَفْصِيلِيةِ لِلْنَمُوذَجِ.
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∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
a particular place or area.
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
the point at which the river divides.
الْنُّقْطَةُ الْتِي يَنْقَسِمُ عِنْدَهَا الْنَهْرُ.
More Examples
Draw a curve between three points.
أِرسُمْ مُنْحَنِِ بَينَ ثَلاثِ نِقَاطِِ.
No standing beyond this point.
لَا وُقُوفَ بَعْدَ هَذِهِ الْنُّقْطَةِ.
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
An individual unit that contributes to a game or sports competition score.
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
to win/lose a point.
لِتَرْبَحَ/ لِتَخْسَرَ نُقْطَةََ.
The team finished 10 points ahead.
أَنْهَى الْفَرِيقُ الْمَحَلِيُ مُتَقَدِّمَاََ بِ 10 نُقَطِِ.
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You get bounce points for completing the task first.
سَتَحْصُلُ عَلَى نِقَاطِِ إِضَافِيةِِ بِحَالِ إكْمَالِ الْمُهِمَةِ أُولاً.
They won on points
فَازُوا بِفَارِقِ الْنِقَاطِ.
He scored 20 points last season
سَجَلَ 20 نُقْطَةََ الْمَوْسِمَ الْمَاضِيَ.
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
unit on a scale of measurement.
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
His popularity dropped by 10 points after the corruption scandal.
اِنْخَفَضَتْ شَعْبِيتُهُ بِمِقْدَارِ 10 نِقَاطِِ بَعْدَ فَضِيْحَةِ الْفَسَادِ.
The index rose by 3 points by the end of the quarter.
ارْتَفَعَ الْمُؤَشِرُ 3 نِقَاطِِ بِنِهَايَةِ الْرُبْعِ الْأَوَلِ.
∘ نُقْطَة meaning in English & Arabic
a unit of credit towards an award.
∘ Examples of نُقْطَة in English and Arabic
Contenders are awarded points on factors like attendance and participation in quizzes.
يَتِمُ مَنْحُ الْمُتَسَابِقِينَ نِقَاطََ بِنَاءََ عَلَى عَوَامِلَ مِثَلَ الْحُضُورِ وَ الْمُشَارَكَةِ فِي الإخْتِبَارَاتِ.
You can trade your points with a wide range of gifts.
يُمْكِنُكَ مُقَايَضَةُ نِقَاطِكَ بِمَجْمُوعَةِِ وَاسِعَةِِ مِنَ الْهَدَايَا.
3) aspect-noun
∘ نقطة meaning in English & Arabic
[countable] a particular part or feature of a situation, an idea, a problem, etc.; a way in which it may be considered
نقطة من شيء ما أي جانب أو ناحيّة منه
∘ Plural of نقطة in Arabic
∘ Examples of نقطة in English and Arabic
The essential aspects of his experience appear in his performance.
تظهر النقاط الجوهريّة في خبرته في إنجازه.
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∘ How to pronounce نقطة in English?
aspect is pronounced in English as