like in Arabic

Meaning of like in Arabic is: (أحب) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

like in Arabic

Arabic for like

1) like-VERB


  ∘ like meaning in Arabic & English

to find somebody/something pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy something

إيجاد شخص ما أو شيء ما جذابا أو ممتعا أو يلبي معيارا جيدا كافيا؛ الاستمتاع بشيء

  ∘ Examples of like in Arabic and English

I like chocolate.

أحب الشوكولاتة.

He likes reading books.

يحب قراءة الكتب.

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She likes to travel around the world.

تحب السفر حول العالم.

They like the design of this car.

يحبون تصميم هذه السيارة.

Do you like this song?

هل تحب هذه الأغنية؟

We like to spend time with our family.

نحب قضاء الوقت مع العائلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce like in English?

The word like is pronounced in English as

Arabic for like

1) like-VERB


  ∘ like meaning in Arabic & English

to find somebody/something pleasant, attractive or of a good enough standard; to enjoy something

إيجاد شخص ما أو شيء ما جذاباً أو ممتعاً أو يلبي معياراً جيداً كافياً؛ الاستمتاع بشيء

  ∘ Examples of like in Arabic and English

I like chocolate.

أحب الشوكولاتة.

He likes reading books.

يحب قراءة الكتب.

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She likes to travel around the world.

تحب السفر حول العالم.

They like the design of this car.

يحبون تصميم هذه السيارة.

Do you like this song?

هل تحب هذه الأغنية؟

We like to spend time with our family.

نحب قضاء الوقت مع العائلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce like in English?

The word like is pronounced in English as
