battle in Arabic

Meaning of battle in Arabic is: (صارع، عراك، تقاتل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

battle in Arabic

Arabic for battle

1) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

صارع أيّ عارك و قاوم

Click to show conjugation of صارع

  ∘ صارع past tense conjugation in Arabic

صارع صارعت صارعنا صارعوا

  ∘ صارع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يصارع تصارع أصارع نصارع يصارعون تصارعون

  ∘ صارع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

صارع صارعي صارعوا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

He battled cancer for two years.

صارع مرض السرطان لمدة عاميّن.

They will battle the enemy with heavy weapons.

سيصارعون العدوّ بأسلحة ثقيلة.

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She battles death for a long time.

تصارع الموّت من وقت طويل.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

2) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control

العراك هو الخصام و القتال و الشجار على مسألة معيّنة

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

The discussion ended after a tough battle.

أنتهت المناقشة بعد عراك عنبف.

Politicians usually run hot political battles.

يخوض السياسيّون غالبا عراكات سياسيّة حاميّة.

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The essay deals with the constant battle of wills.

تتناول المقالة عراك المستمرّ للإرادات.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

3) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

قاتل شخصيّن أو فئتيّن دفاعا عن أمر ما أيّ كافحتا و دافعتا عنه

Click to show conjugation of تقاتل

  ∘ تقاتل past tense conjugation in Arabic

قاتل قاتلت قاتلنا قاتلوا

  ∘ تقاتل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقاتل تقاتل أقاتل نقاتل يقاتلون تقاتلون

  ∘ تقاتل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قاتل قاتلي قاتلوا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

Both of them were battling for the championship.

كان كلاهما يقاتل من أجل البطولة.

The two teams battle bravely to win the game.

يقاتل الفريقان بشجاعة للفوز بالمباراة.

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His parents were battling to keep him out of prison.

كان والديّه يقاتلان من أجل إبقائه خارج السجن.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

4) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

قاوم شيّء ما أو أمر ما أيّ ناضل ضده

Click to show conjugation of قاوم

  ∘ قاوم past tense conjugation in Arabic

قاوم قاومت قاومنا قاوموا

  ∘ قاوم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقاوم تقاوم أقاوم نقاوم يقاومون تقاومون

  ∘ قاوم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قاوم قاومي قاوموا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

They are battling the difficult circumstances to keep survive.

يقاومون الظروف الصعبة من أجل البقاء.

The two armies battled hard to reach a truce.

قاوم الجيّشان بشدّة ليتوصلوا إلى هدنة.

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Leaders battle to keep authority.

يقاوم القادة للحفاظ على السلطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

5) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people

المعركة هي ما ينجم عن الاشتباك و التنازع و التضارب بيّن الأشخاص خاصة بالحرب

  ∘ Plural of معركة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

We defeated the enemy in the battle.

هزمنا العدوّ في المعركة.

They prepared a plan for the battle.

أعدوا خطة للمعركة.

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The soldiers were well armed for the battle.

سّلّح الجنود بشكل جيّد من أجل المعركة.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

6) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] a determined effort that somebody makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation

النضال هو الدفاع عن أمر ما قوّلا و فعلا للوصول إلى الغاية أو الهدف

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

Palestinians' life has become a battle for survival.

أصبحت حياة الفلسطينيّون نضال من أجل البقاء.

She died after a long battle with disease.

ماتت بعد مضال طويل مع المرض.

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He fought a decisive battle against bribes.

خاض تضال حاسم ضد الرشاوي.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

Arabic for battle

1) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

صارع أيّ عارك و قاوم

Click to show conjugation of صارع

  ∘ صارع past tense conjugation in Arabic

صارع صارعت صارعنا صارعوا

  ∘ صارع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يصارع تصارع أصارع نصارع يصارعون تصارعون

  ∘ صارع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

صارع صارعي صارعوا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

He battled cancer for two years.

صارع مرض السرطان لمدة عاميّن.

They will battle the enemy with heavy weapons.

سيصارعون العدوّ بأسلحة ثقيلة.

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She battles death for a long time.

تصارع الموّت من وقت طويل.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

2) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control

العراك هو الخصام و القتال و الشجار على مسألة معيّنة

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

The discussion ended after a tough battle.

أنتهت المناقشة بعد عراك عنبف.

Politicians usually run hot political battles.

يخوض السياسيّون غالباً عراكات سياسيّة حاميّة.

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The essay deals with the constant battle of wills.

تتناول المقالة عراك المستمرّ للإرادات.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

3) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

قاتل شخصيّن أو فئتيّن دفاعاً عن أمر ما أيّ كافحتا و دافعتا عنه

Click to show conjugation of تقاتل

  ∘ تقاتل past tense conjugation in Arabic

قاتل قاتلت قاتلنا قاتلوا

  ∘ تقاتل present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقاتل تقاتل أقاتل نقاتل يقاتلون تقاتلون

  ∘ تقاتل imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قاتل قاتلي قاتلوا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

Both of them were battling for the championship.

كان كلاهما يقاتل من أجل البطولة.

The two teams battle bravely to win the game.

يقاتل الفريقان بشجاعة للفوز بالمباراة.

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His parents were battling to keep him out of prison.

كان والديّه يقاتلان من أجل إبقائه خارج السجن.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

4) battle-verb


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

to try very hard to achieve something difficult or to deal with something unpleasant or dangerous

قاوم شيّء ما أو أمر ما أيّ ناضل ضده

Click to show conjugation of قاوم

  ∘ قاوم past tense conjugation in Arabic

قاوم قاومت قاومنا قاوموا

  ∘ قاوم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقاوم تقاوم أقاوم نقاوم يقاومون تقاومون

  ∘ قاوم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

قاوم قاومي قاوموا

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

They are battling the difficult circumstances to keep survive.

يقاومون الظروف الصعبة من أجل البقاء.

The two armies battled hard to reach a truce.

قاوم الجيّشان بشدّة ليتوصلوا إلى هدنة.

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Leaders battle to keep authority.

يقاوم القادة للحفاظ على السلطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

5) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people

المعركة هي ما ينجم عن الاشتباك و التنازع و التضارب بيّن الأشخاص خاصة بالحرب

  ∘ Plural of معركة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

We defeated the enemy in the battle.

هزمنا العدوّ في المعركة.

They prepared a plan for the battle.

أعدوا خطة للمعركة.

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The soldiers were well armed for the battle.

سّلّح الجنود بشكل جيّد من أجل المعركة.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as

6) battle-noun


  ∘ battle meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, usually singular] a determined effort that somebody makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation

النضال هو الدفاع عن أمر ما قوّلاً و فعلاً للوصول إلى الغاية أو الهدف

  ∘ Examples of battle in Arabic and English

Palestinians' life has become a battle for survival.

أصبحت حياة الفلسطينيّون نضال من أجل البقاء.

She died after a long battle with disease.

ماتت بعد مضال طويل مع المرض.

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He fought a decisive battle against bribes.

خاض تضال حاسم ضد الرشاوي.

  ∘ How to pronounce battle in English?

The word battle is pronounced in English as
