Arabic for against
1) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
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It seems as if the hills stood against the sky.
بدت الهضبة و كأنها تقف جانب السماء.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
2) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
ضدّ الشخص أو الشيء أيّ خلافه أيّ يعارضه و لا يتفق معه
∘ Plural of ضدّ in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
We are against bullying.
نحن ضدّ التنمر.
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What happened was against the law.
ما حضل كان ضدّ القانون.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
in order to prevent something from happening or to reduce the damage caused by something
تأمين ضدّ الشيّء أي الحماية من الخسائر و منع الضرر أو التقليل من خطورته
∘ Plural of ضدّ in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
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3) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
عكس الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ نقيضّه أو معارض له و لا يتفق معه
∘ Plural of عكس in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
What you did is against our principles.
كان ما فعلته عكس مبادئنا.
She is acting as if she is against the current.
تتصرف و كأنها عكس التيّار.
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They did against what they had planned.
فعلوا عكس ما خططوا له.
Don't do anything against your beliefs.
لا تفعل أيّ شيّء عكس معتقداتك.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
4) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
close to, touching or hitting somebody/something
قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أي بجانبه أو ملامس له
∘ Plural of قرب in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
The boy was leaning against the door.
كان الولد متكئا قرب الباب.
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He put the refrigerator against the cupboard.
وضع البراد قرب الخزانة.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
5) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
It’s against my principles.
إنه مخالف لمبادئي.
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What happened was against our morals.
ما حدث كان مخالف لأخلاقنا.
6) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
معاكس لشخص أو شيء ما أيّ مخاف له أيّ يعارضه و لا يتفق معه
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Jim's opinion was against Jane's.
كان رأي جيم معاكس لرأي جين.
Their votes were against the others.
كانت أصواتهم معاكسة للآخرين.
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What they did was against what they said.
كان ما قالوه معاكس لما فعلوه.
It seems that he is always against the current.
يبدو أنه دائما معاكس للتيّار.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
7) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
with something in the background, as a contrast
مقابل أيّ من الجهة المقابلة لإظهار التباين أو التفاوت بين شيّئيّن
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
There are seventy votes against twenty votes.
يوجد هناك سبعين صوت مقابل عشرين.
His point of view succeeded against theirs'.
نجحت وجهة نظره مقابل وجهات نظرهم.
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The advantages outbalanced against disadvantages.
رجحت كفة الفوائد مقابل المساوئ.
The black box stood clearly against the white dress.
بدا الصندوق الأسود واضحا مقابل الفستان الأبيّض.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
against -preposition
مقابل -اسم
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
used when you are comparing two things
مقابل الشيّء أيّ نظيره عندما تتم المقارنة بين شيّئيّن
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Weigh the quality against the price.
وازن بين الجودة مقابل السعر.
Compare the rate of death against the birth.
قارن معدّل الوفيات مقابل الولادات.
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Check your money against the payments.
تحقق من أموالك مقابل المدفوعات.
What's the rate of exchange against the Euro?
ما هو سعر الضرف مقابل اليورو؟
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
8) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
not to the advantage or favour of somebody/something
نقيض لشخص ما أو شيّء ما أي مخالف أو معارض له و لا يتفق معه أو مع مصلحته
∘ Plural of نقيض in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Peace is against war.
السلام نقيض الحرب.
His beliefs are against his friend's.
معتقداته نقيضة لمعتقدات صديقه.
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What she said was completely against what she did.
كان ما قالته نقيض تماما لما فعلته.
The results were against the plan.
كانت النتائج نقيضة للخطة.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
Arabic for against
1) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
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It seems as if the hills stood against the sky.
بدت الهضبة و كأنها تقف جانب السماء.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
2) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
ضدّ الشخص أو الشيء أيّ خلافه أيّ يُعارضه و لا يتفق معه
∘ Plural of ضدّ in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
We are against bullying.
نحن ضدّ التنمر.
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What happened was against the law.
ما حضل كان ضدّ القانون.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
in order to prevent something from happening or to reduce the damage caused by something
تأمين ضدّ الشيّء أي الحماية من الخسائر و منع الضرر أو التقليل من خطورته
∘ Plural of ضدّ in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
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3) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
عكس الشخص أو الشيّء أيّ نقيضّه أو معارض له و لا يتفق معه
∘ Plural of عكس in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
What you did is against our principles.
كان ما فعلته عكس مبادئنا.
She is acting as if she is against the current.
تتصرف و كأنها عكس التيّار.
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They did against what they had planned.
فعلوا عكس ما خططوا له.
Don't do anything against your beliefs.
لا تفعل أيّ شيّء عكس معتقداتك.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
4) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
close to, touching or hitting somebody/something
قرب شخص ما أو شيّء ما أي بجانبه أو ملامس له
∘ Plural of قرب in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
The boy was leaning against the door.
كان الولد متكئاً قرب الباب.
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He put the refrigerator against the cupboard.
وضع البراد قرب الخزانة.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
5) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
It’s against my principles.
إنه مخالف لمبادئي.
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What happened was against our morals.
ما حدث كان مخالف لأخلاقنا.
6) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
opposing or disagreeing with somebody/something
معاكس لشخص أو شيء ما أيّ مخاف له أيّ يعارضه و لا يتفق معه
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Jim's opinion was against Jane's.
كان رأي جيم معاكس لرأي جين.
Their votes were against the others.
كانت أصواتهم معاكسة للآخرين.
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What they did was against what they said.
كان ما قالوه معاكس لما فعلوه.
It seems that he is always against the current.
يبدو أنه دائماً معاكس للتيّار.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
7) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
with something in the background, as a contrast
مقابل أيّ من الجهة المقابلة لإظهار التباين أو التفاوت بين شيّئيّن
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
There are seventy votes against twenty votes.
يوجد هناك سبعين صوت مقابل عشرين.
His point of view succeeded against theirs'.
نجحت وجهة نظره مقابل وجهات نظرهم.
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The advantages outbalanced against disadvantages.
رجحت كفة الفوائد مقابل المساوئ.
The black box stood clearly against the white dress.
بدا الصندوق الأسود واضحاً مقابل الفستان الأبيّض.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
against -preposition
مقابل -اسم
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
used when you are comparing two things
مقابل الشيّء أيّ نظيره عندما تتم المقارنة بين شيّئيّن
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Weigh the quality against the price.
وازن بين الجودة مقابل السعر.
Compare the rate of death against the birth.
قارن معدّل الوفيات مقابل الولادات.
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Check your money against the payments.
تحقق من أموالك مقابل المدفوعات.
What's the rate of exchange against the Euro?
ما هو سعر الضرف مقابل اليورو؟
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as
8) against-preposition
∘ against meaning in Arabic & English
not to the advantage or favour of somebody/something
نقيض لشخص ما أو شيّء ما أي مخالف أو معارض له و لا يتفق معه أو مع مصلحته
∘ Plural of نقيض in Arabic
∘ Examples of against in Arabic and English
Peace is against war.
السلام نقيض الحرب.
His beliefs are against his friend's.
معتقداته نقيضة لمعتقدات صديقه.
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What she said was completely against what she did.
كان ما قالته نقيض تماماً لما فعلته.
The results were against the plan.
كانت النتائج نقيضة للخطة.
∘ How to pronounce against in English?
The word against is pronounced in English as