argument in Arabic

Meaning of argument in Arabic is: (جدال، شجار، مجادلة) among others. This article contains pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for argument

1) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

الجدال هو المناظرة أو المناقشة لإظهار الصواب

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

He proved his point of view after argument.

أثبت وجهة مظره بعد الجدال.

They finally stopped their argument.

و أخيرا أوقفوا جدالهم.

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She carried on an argument on social issues.

واصلت في الجدال حول قضايا اجتماعيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

2) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

شجار أيّ نزاع أو مناقشة محتدمة بين طرفيّن أو أكثر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

People should avoid argument.

يجب على الناس أن يتجنبوا الشجار.

Their argument ended with a fight.

انتهى شجارهم باقتتال.

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He got into an argument with his neighbour.

دخل في شجار مع جاره.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

3) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

المجادلة هي المناظرة لإظهار الصواب

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

They had a strong religious argument.

خاضو مجادلة دينيّة.

The politicians mentioned more than one problem during the argument.

ذكر السياسيون أكثر من مشكلة أثناء المجادلة.

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Although they both are in constant argument, but neither of them can convince the other.

بالرغم من أن كلاهما في مجادلة دائمة، إلا أنهما لا يستطيع أحدهما إقناع الآخر.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

4) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

مشاجرة أيّ نزاع و مشاكسة

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

They were in a heated argument.

كانوا بمشاجرة ساخنة.

She hates to be in an argument with anybody.

تكره أن تدخل مشاجرة مع أيّ شخص كان.

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They had a political argument ended with agreement.

دخلوا بمشاجرة سياسيّة انتهت بالاتفاق.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

5) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

المناقشة هي تبادل وجهات النظر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

Arguments should be sophisticated.

يجب أن تكون المناقشات راقيّة.

Their arguments depend on reason and logic.

تعتمد مناقشاتهم على الإدراك و المنطق.

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She was in argument with them to prove the objectivity of her point of view.

كانت في مناقشة معهم لتثبت موضوعيّة وجهة نظرها.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

6) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

النزاع هو الخصومة أو الخلاف على أثر مناقشة ساخنة

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

Their long argument ended in failure.

انتهى نزاعهم الطويل بالفشل.

Her curiosity keeps her in constant argument with others.

فضولها يبقيها بنزاع دائم مع الآخرين.

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He led his friends to a heated argument.

قاد أصدقاءه إلى نزاع حاد.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

7) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

النقاش هو الجدال و تبادل وجهات النظر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

I like to hear reasonable arguments.

أحب أن استمع للنقاشات المنطقيّة.

Our last argument was about environment protection.

كان نقاشنا الأخير حول حمايّة البيئة.

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The argument in the evening will be titled " against or for zoos".

سيكون النقاش في المساء بعنوان " ضد أو مع جائق الحيّوان".

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

Arabic for argument

1) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

الجدال هو المناظرة أو المناقشة لإظهار الصواب

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

He proved his point of view after argument.

أثبت وجهة مظره بعد الجدال.

They finally stopped their argument.

و أخيراً أوقفوا جدالهم.

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She carried on an argument on social issues.

واصلت في الجدال حول قضايا اجتماعيّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

2) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

شجار أيّ نزاع أو مناقشة محتدمة بين طرفيّن أو أكثر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

People should avoid argument.

يجب على الناس أن يتجنبوا الشجار.

Their argument ended with a fight.

انتهى شجارهم باقتتال.

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He got into an argument with his neighbour.

دخل في شجار مع جاره.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

3) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

المجادلة هي المناظرة لإظهار الصواب

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

They had a strong religious argument.

خاضو مجادلة دينيّة.

The politicians mentioned more than one problem during the argument.

ذكر السياسيون أكثر من مشكلة أثناء المجادلة.

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Although they both are in constant argument, but neither of them can convince the other.

بالرغم من أن كلاهما في مجادلة دائمة، إلا أنهما لا يستطيع أحدهما إقناع الآخر.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

4) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

مشاجرة أيّ نزاع و مشاكسة

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

They were in a heated argument.

كانوا بمشاجرة ساخنة.

She hates to be in an argument with anybody.

تكره أن تدخل مشاجرة مع أيّ شخص كان.

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They had a political argument ended with agreement.

دخلوا بمشاجرة سياسيّة انتهت بالاتفاق.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

5) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

المناقشة هي تبادل وجهات النظر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

Arguments should be sophisticated.

يجب أن تكون المناقشات راقيّة.

Their arguments depend on reason and logic.

تعتمد مناقشاتهم على الإدراك و المنطق.

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She was in argument with them to prove the objectivity of her point of view.

كانت في مناقشة معهم لتثبت موضوعيّة وجهة نظرها.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

6) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily

النزاع هو الخصومة أو الخلاف على أثر مناقشة ساخنة

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

Their long argument ended in failure.

انتهى نزاعهم الطويل بالفشل.

Her curiosity keeps her in constant argument with others.

فضولها يبقيها بنزاع دائم مع الآخرين.

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He led his friends to a heated argument.

قاد أصدقاءه إلى نزاع حاد.

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as

7) argument-noun


  ∘ argument meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a reason or set of reasons that someone uses to show that something is true or correct

النقاش هو الجدال و تبادل وجهات النظر

  ∘ Examples of argument in Arabic and English

I like to hear reasonable arguments.

أحب أن استمع للنقاشات المنطقيّة.

Our last argument was about environment protection.

كان نقاشنا الأخير حول حمايّة البيئة.

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The argument in the evening will be titled " against or for zoos".

سيكون النقاش في المساء بعنوان " ضد أو مع جائق الحيّوان".

  ∘ How to pronounce argument in English?

The word argument is pronounced in English as
