determined in Arabic

Meaning of determined in Arabic is: (مصمم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

determined in Arabic

Arabic for determined

1) determined-adj


  ∘ determined meaning in Arabic & English

having made a definite decision to do something and not letting anyone prevent you

قد اتخذ قرارا نهائيا بفعل شيء ما ولا يسمح لأي شخص بمنعه

  ∘ Examples of determined in Arabic and English

She was determined to start her own business.

كانت مصممة على بدء عملها الخاص.

He remained determined despite the obstacles.

ظل مصمما على الرغم من العقبات.

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They are determined to finish the project on time.

هم مصممون على إنهاء المشروع في الوقت المحدد.

She showed a determined effort to succeed.

أظهرت جهدا مصمما على النجاح.

The team was determined to win the match.

كان الفريق مصمما على الفوز بالمباراة.

They were determined to make a difference in the community.

كانوا مصممين على إحداث فارق في المجتمع.

Arabic for determined

1) determined-adj


  ∘ determined meaning in Arabic & English

having made a definite decision to do something and not letting anyone prevent you

قد اتخذ قراراً نهائياً بفعل شيء ما ولا يسمح لأي شخص بمنعه

  ∘ Examples of determined in Arabic and English

She was determined to start her own business.

كانت مصممة على بدء عملها الخاص.

He remained determined despite the obstacles.

ظل مصمماً على الرغم من العقبات.

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They are determined to finish the project on time.

هم مصممون على إنهاء المشروع في الوقت المحدد.

She showed a determined effort to succeed.

أظهرت جهداً مصمماً على النجاح.

The team was determined to win the match.

كان الفريق مصممًا على الفوز بالمباراة.

They were determined to make a difference in the community.

كانوا مصممين على إحداث فارق في المجتمع.
