English for بعد
1) proportion -noun
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
proportions [plural] the size or importance of something
البعد هو أهمّيّة الشّيء أو حجمه أو مدى تأثيره جمعه أبعاد
∘ Plural of بعد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
An ecological crisis of massive proportions
أزمة بيئيّة أبعادها (= ذات أبعاد) عظيمة
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
proportion is pronounced in English as
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
the relative sizes of the different parts of a building, object etc
الأبعاد هي الطّول والعرض والارتفاع ونحو ذلك في بناء وغيره
∘ Plural of بعد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
The room is of perfect proportions, twice as long as it is wide
أبعاد الغرفة مثاليّة طولها ضعف عرضها
2) after-conjunction
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
after is pronounced in English as
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
later than something; following something in time
بعد شيء ما أي ما يليه أو ما يتبعه في الزمان
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
More Examples
After winning the match, they became champions.
بعد فوزهم في المباراة، أصبحوا أبطالا.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
after is pronounced in English as
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after -preposition
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
later than something; following something in time
بعد ظرف زمان يفيد حصول شيء معيّن تاليا أو لاحقا لشيء آخر
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
after is pronounced in English as
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
next to and following somebody/something in order or importance
بعد ظرف زمان يفيد التّرتيب واحدا تلو الآخر
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
She came after Jasmine
جاءت بعد ياسمين
She is the richest, after Zaid
هي الأغنى بعد زيد
More Examples
After you
من بعدك
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
3) Dimension -noun
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
The length, width, depth, diameter, etc of something
البعد هو الطّول أو العرض أو الإرتفاع الخ
∘ Plural of بعد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
What are the dimensions of the wall's cross section
ما هي أبعاد المقطع العرضيّ للجدار
Measure the dimensions of the box
قس أبعاد الصّندوق
More Examples
Specify the dimensions of the column
حدّد أبعاد العمود
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
Dimension is pronounced in English as
4) dimension-noun
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
An aspect or a way of thinking about or looking at something
البعد هو طريقة النّظر أو التّفكير بشأن معيّن
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
His opinions added extra dimensions to the solution
أضفت آراءه أبعادا جديدة للحلّ
The moral dimensions of poverty
الأبعاد الأخلاقيّة للفقر
More Examples
What is the economic dimension of the plan
ما هو البعد الاقتصاديّ للخطّة
The political/ social dimension
البعد السّياسيّ/ الاجتماعيّ
Her son gave a new dimension to her life
أعطى ابنها بعدا جديدا لحياتها
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
A size or extent of a situation
البعد هو مدى أو حجم موقف أو مشكلة محدّدة
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
A crisis of considerable dimensions
أزمة بأبعاد كبيرة
A catastrophe of enormous dimensions
كارثة بأبعاد مهولة
5) next -adverb
بعد -ظرف زمان
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
immediately afterwards
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
Next, put it into the boiling water
ضعها في الماء المغليّ بعد ذلك
No one know what will happen next
لا أحد يدري مالّذي سيحصل بعد ذلك
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
next is pronounced in English as
6) afterwards-adverb
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned
بعد أي فيما بعد أو لاحقا لحدث أو قول قيل
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
Let's meet and afterwards go walking.
دعنا نلتقي بعدها نذهب للسيّر.
It rained afterwards the match was canceled.
بعد أن أمطرت ألغيّت المباراة.
More Examples
We cooked dinner and afterwards baked a cake.
طهونا العشاء و بعدها خبزنا الكعكة.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
afterwards is pronounced in English as
7) beyond-preposition
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
later than a particular time
بعد أي في وقت لاحق
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
He hasn't thought what he will do beyond graduation.
لم يفكر ما سيفعل بعد التخرّج.
More Examples
Her plans include the deeds beyond the performance.
تشمل خططها الأعمال ما بعد التنفيذ.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
beyond is pronounced in English as
8) post--prefix
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
A prefix meaning
بادئة تعني
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
Postgraduate studies occur after the completion of a bachelor
تتم الدراسات العليا بعد إكمال درجة البكالوريوس.
Post-war era refers to the period after a war.
تشير حقبة ما بعد الحرب إلى الفترة التي تلي الحرب.
9) yet-adv
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
used in negative sentences and questions to talk about something that has not happened but that you expect to happen
تستخدم في الجمل النفية والأسئلة للتحدث عن شيء لم يحدث بعد ولكنك تتوقع أن يحدث
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
I haven't finished my homework yet.
لم أنته من واجبي المنزلي بعد.
Has the mail arrived yet?
هل وصلت البريد بعد؟
More Examples
They haven't called us yet.
لم يتصلوا بنا بعد.
It's not time to leave yet.
لم يحن وقت المغادرة بعد.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
yet is pronounced in English as
English for بعد
1) proportion -noun
∘ بُعْد meaning in English & Arabic
proportions [plural] the size or importance of something
البُعْدُ هُوَ أَهَمِّيَّةُ الشَّيْءِ أَوْ حَجْمُهُ أَوْ مَدَىْ تَأْثِيْرِهِ جَمْعُهُ أَبْعَادٌ
∘ Plural of بُعْد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بُعْد in English and Arabic
An ecological crisis of massive proportions
أَزْمَةٌ بِيْئِيَّةٌ أَبْعَادُهَا (= ذَاتُ أَبْعَادٍ) عَظِيْمَةٌ
∘ How to pronounce بُعْد in English?
proportion is pronounced in English as
∘ بُعْد meaning in English & Arabic
the relative sizes of the different parts of a building, object etc
الأَبْعَادُ هِيَ الطُّوْلُ وَالعَرْضُ وَالِارْتِفَاعُ وَنَحْوُ ذَلِكَ فِيْ بِنَاءٍ وَغَيْرِهِ
∘ Plural of بُعْد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بُعْد in English and Arabic
The room is of perfect proportions, twice as long as it is wide
أَبْعَادُ الغُرْفَةِ مِثَالِيَّةٌ طُوْلُهَا ضِعْفُ عَرْضِهَا
2) after-conjunction
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
after is pronounced in English as
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
later than something; following something in time
بعد شيء ما أي ما يليه أو ما يتبعه في الزمان
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
More Examples
After winning the match, they became champions.
بعد فوزهم في المباراة، أصبحوا أبطالاً.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
after is pronounced in English as
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after -preposition
∘ بَعْدَ meaning in English & Arabic
later than something; following something in time
بَعْدَ ظَرْفُ زَمَانٍ يُفِيْدُ حُصُوْلَ شَيْءٍ مُعَيَّنٍ تَالِيًا أَوْ لَاحِقًا لِشَيْءٍ آخَرَ
∘ Examples of بَعْدَ in English and Arabic
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce بَعْدَ in English?
after is pronounced in English as
∘ بَعْدَ meaning in English & Arabic
next to and following somebody/something in order or importance
بَعْدَ ظَرْفُ زَمَانٍ يُفِيْدُ التَّرْتِيْبَ وَاحِدًا تِلْوَ الآخَرِ
∘ Examples of بَعْدَ in English and Arabic
She came after Jasmine
جَاءَتْ بَعْدَ يَاسَمِيْنَ
She is the richest, after Zaid
هِيَ الأَغْنَىْ بَعْدَ زَيْدٍ
More Examples
After you
مِنْ بَعْدِكَ
∘ بَعْدَ meaning in English & Arabic
as a result of or because of something that has happened
بَعْدَ ظَرْفُ زَمَانٍ يُفِيْدُ بَيَانَ نَتِيْجَةَ حَدَثٍ أَوْ سَبَبَهُ
∘ Examples of بَعْدَ in English and Arabic
∘ بَعْدَ meaning in English & Arabic
despite something; although something has happened
بَعْدَ أَيْ بِالرَّغْمِ عَنْ شَيْءٍ مَا قَدْ حَصَلَ
∘ Examples of بَعْدَ in English and Arabic
I will never do that, not after what you have done for me
لَنْ أَفْعَلَ هَذَا أَبَدًا, لَيْسَ بَعْدَ مَا فَعَلْتَهُ لِيْ
3) Dimension -noun
∘ بُعْد meaning in English & Arabic
The length, width, depth, diameter, etc of something
البُعْدُ هُوَ الطُّوْلُ أَوِ العَرْضُ أَوِ الإِرْتِفَاعُ اِلَخْ
∘ Plural of بُعْد in Arabic
∘ Examples of بُعْد in English and Arabic
What are the dimensions of the wall's cross section
مَا هِيَ أَبْعَادُ المَقْطَعِ العَرْضِيِّ لِلْجِدَارِ
Measure the dimensions of the box
قِسْ أَبْعَادَ الصُّنْدُوْقِ
More Examples
Specify the dimensions of the column
حَدِّدْ أَبْعَادَ العَمُوْدِ
∘ How to pronounce بُعْد in English?
Dimension is pronounced in English as
4) dimension-noun
∘ بُعْد meaning in English & Arabic
An aspect or a way of thinking about or looking at something
البُعْدُ هُوَ طَرِيْقَةُ النَّظَرِ أَوِ التَّفْكِيْرِ بِشَأْنٍ مُعَيَّنٍ
∘ Examples of بُعْد in English and Arabic
His opinions added extra dimensions to the solution
أَضْفَتْ آرَاءُهُ أَبْعَادًا جَدِيْدَةً لِلْحَلِّ
The moral dimensions of poverty
الأَبْعَادُ الأَخْلَاقِيَّةُ لِلْفَقْرِ
More Examples
What is the economic dimension of the plan
مَا هُوَ البُعْدُ الاقْتِصَادِيُّ لِلْخُطَّةِ
The political/ social dimension
البُعْدُ السِّيَاسِيُّ/ الاجْتِمَاعِيُّ
Her son gave a new dimension to her life
أعطى ابنها بعدا جديدا لحياتها
∘ بُعْد meaning in English & Arabic
A size or extent of a situation
البُعْدُ هُوَ مَدَىْ أَوْ حَجْمُ مَوْقِفٍ أَوْ مُشْكِلَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ
∘ Examples of بُعْد in English and Arabic
A crisis of considerable dimensions
أَزْمَةٌ بِأَبْعَادٍ كَبِيْرَةٍ
A catastrophe of enormous dimensions
كَارِثَةٌ بِأَبْعَادٍ مَهُوْلَةٍ
5) next -adverb
بَعْدَ -ظرف زمان
∘ بَعْدَ meaning in English & Arabic
immediately afterwards
∘ Examples of بَعْدَ in English and Arabic
Next, put it into the boiling water
ضَعْهَا فِيْ المَاءِ المَغْلِيِّ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ
No one know what will happen next
لَا أَحَدُ يَدْرِيْ مَالَّذِيْ سَيَحْصُلُ بَعْدَ ذَلِكَ
∘ How to pronounce بَعْدَ in English?
next is pronounced in English as
6) afterwards-adverb
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned
بعد أي فيما بعد أو لاحقاً لحدث أو قول قيل
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
Let's meet and afterwards go walking.
دعنا نلتقي بعدها نذهب للسيّر.
It rained afterwards the match was canceled.
بعد أن أمطرت أُلغيَّت المباراة.
More Examples
We cooked dinner and afterwards baked a cake.
طهونا العشاء و بعدها خبزنا الكعكة.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
afterwards is pronounced in English as
7) beyond-preposition
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
later than a particular time
بعد أي في وقت لاحق
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
He hasn't thought what he will do beyond graduation.
لم يفكر ما سيفعل بعد التخرّج.
More Examples
Her plans include the deeds beyond the performance.
تشمل خططها الأعمال ما بعد التنفيذ.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
beyond is pronounced in English as
8) post--prefix
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
A prefix meaning
بادئة تعني
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
Postgraduate studies occur after the completion of a bachelor
تتم الدراسات العليا بعد إكمال درجة البكالوريوس.
Post-war era refers to the period after a war.
تشير حقبة ما بعد الحرب إلى الفترة التي تلي الحرب.
9) yet-adv
∘ بعد meaning in English & Arabic
used in negative sentences and questions to talk about something that has not happened but that you expect to happen
تستخدم في الجمل النفية والأسئلة للتحدث عن شيء لم يحدث بعد ولكنك تتوقع أن يحدث
∘ Examples of بعد in English and Arabic
I haven't finished my homework yet.
لم أنته من واجبي المنزلي بعد.
Has the mail arrived yet?
هل وصلت البريد بعد؟
More Examples
They haven't called us yet.
لم يتصلوا بنا بعد.
It's not time to leave yet.
لم يحن وقت المغادرة بعد.
∘ How to pronounce بعد in English?
yet is pronounced in English as