essay in Arabic

Meaning of essay in Arabic is: (مَقَال) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

essay in Arabic

Arabic for essay

1) essay-noun


  ∘ essay meaning in Arabic & English

a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study

قطعة كتابية قصيرة يكتبها الطالب كجزء من مقرر دراسي

  ∘ Examples of essay in Arabic and English

She wrote an essay on Shakespeare.

كتبت مقالا عن شكسبير.

The teacher assigned an essay for homework.

حدد المعلم مقالا للواجب المنزلي.

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Essays are considered a major part of university courses.

تعتبر المقالات جزء رئيسي من دورات الجامعة.

He worked on his essay all night.

عمل على مقاله طوال الليل.

She received a high grade for her essay.

تلقت درجة عالية على مقالها.

The collection features essays on various topics.

تضم القائمة مقالات حول مواضيع متنوعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce essay in English?

The word essay is pronounced in English as

Arabic for essay

1) essay-noun


  ∘ essay meaning in Arabic & English

a short piece of writing by a student as part of a course of study

قطعة كتابية قصيرة يكتبها الطالب كجزء من مقرر دراسي

  ∘ Examples of essay in Arabic and English

She wrote an essay on Shakespeare.

كتبت مقالاً عن شكسبير.

The teacher assigned an essay for homework.

حدد المعلم مقالاً للواجب المنزلي.

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Essays are considered a major part of university courses.

تُعتبر المقالات جزء رئيسي من دورات الجامعة.

He worked on his essay all night.

عمل على مقاله طوال الليل.

She received a high grade for her essay.

تلقت درجة عالية على مقالها.

The collection features essays on various topics.

تضم القائمة مقالات حول مواضيع متنوعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce essay in English?

The word essay is pronounced in English as
