agreement in Arabic

Meaning of agreement in Arabic is: (اتفاقيّة، توافق، معاهدة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

agreement in Arabic

Arabic for agreement

1) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

an arrangement, a promise, or a contract made with someone an international peace agreement

اتفاقيّة أي وثيقة تشرح تفاهم رسمي بين طرفين أو أكثر

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

The two companies have signed an agreement.

وقعت الشركتين اتفاقيّة.

When does the trade agreement you did with China expire?

متى تنتهي صلاحيّة الاتفاقيّة التجاريّة التي عقدتها مع الصين؟

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Finally, after a long discussion they reached an agreement.

توصلوا أخيرا بعد مناقشة طويلة إلى اتفاقيّة.

Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement.

كان إنجاز عظيم الوصول إلى هذه الاتفاقيّة بسرعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

2) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

the state of sharing the same opinion or feeling

توافق في الأمر أي كانت آراءهم واحدة

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

Both sides are not in agreement.

كلا الطرفين ليسا على توافق.

The jury is in agreement about the case.

هيئة المحلفين على توافق حول القضيّة.

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She and I are in complete agreement.

هي و أنا على توافق تام.

We are in an agreement on the subject.

نحن على توافق حول الموضوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

3) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

an arrangement, a promise, or a contract made with someone an international peace agreement

معاهدة أي اتفاقيّة مع طرف آخر

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

Both of them agreed to sign a formal agreement.

كلاهما وافق على توقيع معاهدة رسميّة.

The two sides signed an agreement to protect their borders.

وقع كلا الطرفين معاهدة لحماية حدودهما.

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There is a peace agreement among some countries.

يوجد معاهدة سلام بين بعض الدول.

The conflict between the two countries stopped after signing an agreement.

توقف الصراع بين البلدين بعد توقيع المعاهدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

4) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

the fact of someone approving of something and allowing it to happen

الموافقة أي قبول أمر ما و التصديق عليه

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

She nodded in agreement.

أومأت بالموافقة.

They reached an agreement about the plan.

توصلوا إلى موافقة حول الخطة.

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There is a sold agreement about their decision.

هناك موافقة إجماعيه حول قرارهم.

There is agreement on the necessity of reforms.

هناك موافقة على الإصلاحات الضروريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

Arabic for agreement

1) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

an arrangement, a promise, or a contract made with someone an international peace agreement

اتفاقيّة أي وثيقة تشرح تفاهم رسمي بين طرفين أو أكثر

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

The two companies have signed an agreement.

وقعت الشركتين اتفاقيّة.

When does the trade agreement you did with China expire?

متى تنتهي صلاحيّة الاتفاقيّة التجاريّة التي عقدتها مع الصين؟

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Finally, after a long discussion they reached an agreement.

توصلوا أخيراً بعد مناقشة طويلة إلى اتفاقيّة.

Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement.

كان إنجاز عظيم الوصول إلى هذه الاتفاقيّة بسرعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

2) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

the state of sharing the same opinion or feeling

توافق في الأمر أي كانت آراءهم واحدة

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

Both sides are not in agreement.

كلا الطرفين ليسا على توافق.

The jury is in agreement about the case.

هيئة المحلفين على توافق حول القضيّة.

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She and I are in complete agreement.

هي و أنا على توافق تام.

We are in an agreement on the subject.

نحن على توافق حول الموضوع.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

3) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

an arrangement, a promise, or a contract made with someone an international peace agreement

معاهدة أي اتفاقيّة مع طرف آخر

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

Both of them agreed to sign a formal agreement.

كلاهما وافق على توقيع معاهدة رسميّة.

The two sides signed an agreement to protect their borders.

وقع كلا الطرفين معاهدة لحماية حدودهما.

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There is a peace agreement among some countries.

يوجد معاهدة سلام بين بعض الدول.

The conflict between the two countries stopped after signing an agreement.

توقف الصراع بين البلدين بعد توقيع المعاهدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as

4) agreement-noun


  ∘ agreement meaning in Arabic & English

the fact of someone approving of something and allowing it to happen

الموافقة أي قبول أمر ما و التصديق عليه

  ∘ Examples of agreement in Arabic and English

She nodded in agreement.

أومأت بالموافقة.

They reached an agreement about the plan.

توصلوا إلى موافقة حول الخطة.

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There is a sold agreement about their decision.

هناك موافقة إجماعيه حول قرارهم.

There is agreement on the necessity of reforms.

هناك موافقة على الإصلاحات الضروريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce agreement in English?

The word agreement is pronounced in English as
