neighbour in Arabic

Meaning of neighbour in Arabic is: (جار) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

neighbour in Arabic

Arabic for neighbour

1) neighbour-noun


  ∘ neighbour meaning in Arabic & English

a person who lives next to you or near you

شخص يعيش بجوارك أو بالقرب منك

  ∘ Examples of neighbour in Arabic and English

Our neighbours are very friendly.

جيراننا ودودون جدا.

She borrowed some sugar from her neighbour.

اقترضت بعض السكر من جارتها.

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We greeted our new neighbours with a welcoming gift.

استقبلنا جيراننا الجدد بهدية الترحيب.

He often helps his elderly neighbour with the grocery shopping.

يساعد جاره المسن في أغلب الأحيان بالتسوق من البقالة.

The sound of loud music from the neighbour kept me awake.

أبقاني صوت الموسيقى الصاخبة من عند جاري مستيقظا.

During the summer, neighbours often share their home-grown vegetables.

غالبا ما يتشارك الجيران الخضروات التي يزرعونها في منازلهم خلال الصيف.

  ∘ How to pronounce neighbour in English?

The word neighbour is pronounced in English as

Arabic for neighbour

1) neighbour-noun


  ∘ neighbour meaning in Arabic & English

a person who lives next to you or near you

شخص يعيش بجوارك أو بالقرب منك

  ∘ Examples of neighbour in Arabic and English

Our neighbours are very friendly.

جيراننا ودودون جدًا.

She borrowed some sugar from her neighbour.

اقترضت بعض السكر من جارتها.

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We greeted our new neighbours with a welcoming gift.

استقبلنا جيراننا الجدد بهدية الترحيب.

He often helps his elderly neighbour with the grocery shopping.

يساعد جاره المسن في أغلب الأحيان بالتسوق من البقالة.

The sound of loud music from the neighbour kept me awake.

أبقاني صوت الموسيقى الصاخبة من عند جاري مستيقظًا.

During the summer, neighbours often share their home-grown vegetables.

غالبًا ما يتشارك الجيران الخضروات التي يزرعونها في منازلهم خلال الصيف.

  ∘ How to pronounce neighbour in English?

The word neighbour is pronounced in English as
