تقدير in English

Meaning of تقدير in English is: (discretion, recognition, tribute) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

تقدير بالانجليزي

English for تقدير


1) discretion-noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation

التّقدير هو الحرّيّة والقدرة على تقرير وفعل ما يتوجّب فعله في موقف معيّن

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

I left this matter to the manager's discretion

تركت هذا الأمر لتقدير المدير

He said he will leave it to the discretion of the doctor

قال إنّه سيتركه لتقدير الطّبيب

More Examples

The scholarships are offered at the discretion of the committee.

يتمّ منح الجوائز وفقا لتقدير اللّجنة

  ∘ How to pronounce تقدير in English?

discretion is pronounced in English as

2) recognition-noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] public praise and reward for somebody’s work or actions

التّقدير هو الاعتراف والعرفان والثّناء على شخص ما أو على عمله ونحو ذلك

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

The young talent deserves more recognition

تستحقّ المواهب الشّابّة (= الفتيّة) تقديرا أكثر

He received an award in recognition of his service

تلقّى جائزة تقديرا لخدماته

  ∘ How to pronounce تقدير in English?

recognition is pronounced in English as

3) tribute-noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, countable] tribute (to somebody) an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your love or respect, especially for a dead person

التّقدير هو فعل أو بيان أو هديّة تظهر محبّتك وتكريمك لشخص ما قد فارق الحياة

  ∘ How to pronounce تقدير in English?

tribute is pronounced in English as

4) appreciation -noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

It is a magnificent piece of work, show some appreciation.

إنه عمل رائع ، أظهر بعض التقدير.

His work in gardening deserves appreciation.

عمله في البستنة يستحق التقدير.

More Examples

She has an enormous appreciation for poetry.

لديها تقدير كبير للشعر.



  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

medals were given to soldiers in appreciation for their services.

تمّ تسليم الميداليّات للجنود تقديرا لخدماتهم.

He showed no appreciation for his former teachers.

لم يظهر أيّ تقدير لمعلميه السابقين.

5) credit -noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

praise, approval, or honour because you are responsible for something good that has happened

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

The prime minister has not got the credit he deserves

لم ينل رئيس الوزراء التّقدير الّذي يستحقّه

My friend got all the credit for the project that we worked together on it

أخذ صديقي التّقدير كاملا عن المشروع الّذي عملناه سويّا

More Examples

I worked hard and he got the credit

أنا عملت بجدّ وهو نال التّقدير

Give me some credit

امنحني شيئا من التّقدير

  ∘ How to pronounce تقدير in English?

credit is pronounced in English as

6) assessment-noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an amount that has been calculated and that must be paid

تقدير الشيّء أيّ تخمينه أو تثمينه

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

The assessment of the cost of the building was not very high.

لم يكن تقدير تكلفة البناء باهظا كثيرا.

The assessments of his incomings doesn't meet that of his outgoings.

لا تتناسب تقديرات مدخولاته مع مصروفاته.

More Examples

The assessment of the value of the jewels was so expensive.

كان تقدير قيمة المجوهرات غاليّ جدا.

English for تقدير


1) discretion-noun


  ∘ تَقْدِيْر meaning in English & Arabic

the freedom or power to decide what should be done in a particular situation

التَّقْدِيْرُ هُوَ الحُرِّيَّةُ وَالقُدْرَةُ عَلَىْ تَقْرِيْرِ وَفِعْلِ مَا يَتَوَجَّبُ فِعْلُهُ فِيْ مَوْقِفٍ مُعَيَّنٍ

  ∘ Examples of تَقْدِيْر in English and Arabic

I left this matter to the manager's discretion

تَرَكْتُ هَذَا الأَمْرَ لِتَقْدِيْرِ المُدِيْرِ

He said he will leave it to the discretion of the doctor

قَالَ إِنَّهُ سَيَتْرُكُهُ لِتَقْدِيْرِ الطَّبِيْبِ

More Examples

The scholarships are offered at the discretion of the committee.

يَتِمُّ مَنْحُ الجَوَائِزِ وَفْقًا لِتَقْدِيْرِ اللَّجْنَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَقْدِيْر in English?

discretion is pronounced in English as

2) recognition-noun


  ∘ تَقْدِيْر meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable] public praise and reward for somebody’s work or actions

التَّقْدِيْرُ هُوَ الِاعْتِرَافُ وَالعِرْفَانُ وَالثَّنَاءُ عَلَىْ شَخْصٍ مَا أَو عَلَىْ عَمَلِهِ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ

  ∘ Examples of تَقْدِيْر in English and Arabic

The young talent deserves more recognition

تَسْتَحِقُّ المَوَاهِبُ الشَّابَّةُ (= الفَتِيَّةُ) تَقْدِيْرًا أَكْثَرَ

He received an award in recognition of his service

تَلَقَّىْ جَائِزَةً تَقْدِيْرًا لِخَدَمَاتِهِ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَقْدِيْر in English?

recognition is pronounced in English as

3) tribute-noun


  ∘ تَقْدِيْر meaning in English & Arabic

[uncountable, countable] tribute (to somebody) an act, a statement or a gift that is intended to show your love or respect, especially for a dead person

التَّقْدِيْرُ هُوَ فِعْلٌ أَوْ بَيَانٌ أَوْ هَدِيَّةٌ تُظْهِرُ مَحَبَّتَكَ وَتَكْرِيْمَكَ لِشَخْصٍ مَا قَدْ فَارَقَ الحَيَاةَ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَقْدِيْر in English?

tribute is pronounced in English as

4) appreciation -noun


  ∘ تَقدِير meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of تَقدِير in English and Arabic

It is a magnificent piece of work, show some appreciation.

إِنَهُ عَمَلٌ رَائِعٌ ، أَظْهِرْ بَعْضَ الْتَقْدِيْرِ.

His work in gardening deserves appreciation.

عَمَلُهُ فِيْ اَلْبَسْتَنَةِ يَسْتَحِقُ الْتَقْدِيْرَ.

More Examples

She has an enormous appreciation for poetry.

لَدَيْهَا تَقْدِيْرٌ كَبِيْرٌ لِلْشِعْرِ.



  ∘ تَقدِير meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of تَقدِير in English and Arabic

medals were given to soldiers in appreciation for their services.

تَمَّ تَسْلِيْمُ الْمِيْدَالِيَّاتِ لِلْجُنُوْدِ تَقْدِيْراً لِخَدَمَاتِهِمُ.

He showed no appreciation for his former teachers.

لَمْ يُظْهِرْ أَيَّ تَقْدِيْرٍ لِمُعَلِمِيْهِ الْسَابِقِيْنَ.

5) credit -noun


  ∘ تَقْدِيْر meaning in English & Arabic

praise, approval, or honour because you are responsible for something good that has happened

  ∘ Examples of تَقْدِيْر in English and Arabic

The prime minister has not got the credit he deserves

لَمْ يَنَلْ رَئِيْسُ الوُزَرَاءِ التَّقْدِيْرَ الَّذِيْ يَسْتَحِقُّهُ

My friend got all the credit for the project that we worked together on it

أَخَذَ صَدِيْقِيَ التَّقْدِيْرَ كَامِلًا عَنِ المَشْرُوْعِ الَّذِيْ عَمِلْنَاهُ سَوِيًّا

More Examples

I worked hard and he got the credit

أَنَا عَمِلْتُ بِجِدٍّ وَهُوَ نَالَ التَّقْدِيْرَ

Give me some credit

امْنَحْنِيْ شَيْئًا مِنَ التَّقْدِيْرِ

  ∘ How to pronounce تَقْدِيْر in English?

credit is pronounced in English as

6) assessment-noun


  ∘ تقدير meaning in English & Arabic

[countable] an amount that has been calculated and that must be paid

تقدير الشيّء أيّ تخمينه أو تثمينه

  ∘ Examples of تقدير in English and Arabic

The assessment of the cost of the building was not very high.

لم يكن تقدير تكلفة البناء باهظاً كثيراً.

The assessments of his incomings doesn't meet that of his outgoings.

لا تتناسب تقديرات مدخولاته مع مصروفاته.

More Examples

The assessment of the value of the jewels was so expensive.

كان تقدير قيمة المجوهرات غاليّ جداً.
