رائع in English

Meaning of رائع in English is: (fabulous, magnificent, remarkable) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

رائع بالانجليزي

English for رائع


1) fabulous-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal) extremely good

رائع أي جميل شديد الجمال

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The fabulous performance of the team in the World Cup

أداء المنتخب رائع في كأس العالم

A fabulous dress

فستان رائع

More Examples

You look fabulous this night

تبدين رائعة اللّيلة

The fabulous view of the apartment

إطلالة الشّقّة رائعة

In Dubai, there are many fabulous buildings and towers

هناك كثير من الأبنية والأبراج الرّائعة في دبيّ

2) magnificent-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

very good or beautiful, and very impressive

رائع أي كثير الجمال

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The villa is magnificent

الفيلّا رائعة

a magnificent Romanian coliseum

مدرّج رومانيّ رائع

More Examples

The painting is expensive but magnificent

اللّوحة باهظة ولكنّها رائعة

The magnificent beaches of the Maldives

شواطئ المالديف الرّائعة

They have a magnificent dance performance

قدّموا عرض رقص رائع

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

magnificent is pronounced in English as

3) remarkable-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

رائع أي مثير للإعجاب شادّ للانتباه مجاوز للحدّ في الحسن والجمال

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The company celebrated a remarkable technical accomplishment

احتفلت الشّركة بإنجاز تقنيّ رائع

Her feat is remarkable

إنجازها رائع

More Examples

Meeting him in Cairo was a remarkable coincidence

كان لقاؤه في القاهرة صدفة رائعة

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

remarkable is pronounced in English as

4) super-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal, becoming old-fashioned) ​extremely good

رائع أي ذو جودة كبيرة والمؤنّث رائعة

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

I've eaten a supper meal

أكلت وجبة رائعة

I had a super time in Qatar

قضيت وقتا رائعا في قطر

More Examples

The player scored a super goal

سجّل اللّاعب هدفا رائعا

What a super idea!

يا لها من فكرة رائعة

You really did a super job

لقد قمت بعمل رائع

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

super is pronounced in English as

5) superb-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

excellent; of very good quality

رائع أي جيّد جدّا أو ممتاز والمؤنّث رائعة

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The house is located on a superb location

موقع المنزل رائع

It was absolutely superb goal

لقد كان هدفا رائعا

More Examples

The Syrian cuisine is quite superb

إنّ المطبخ السّوريّ رائع

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

superb is pronounced in English as

6) terrific-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal) excellent; wonderful

رائع أي جميل كثير الجمال المؤنّث رائعة

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

You have done a terrific job

قمت بعمل رائع

That’s terrific news!

هذه أخبار رائعة

More Examples

That was a terrific idea!

كانت فكرة رائعة

The actress sounded terrific in that dress

بدت الممثّلة رائعة في ذلك الفستان

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

terrific is pronounced in English as

7) amazing-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

very surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire

الشيّء الرائع هو الشيّء المدهش أو المبهر بطريقة مستحبّة

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

It is amazing your performance of work.

إن إنجازك للعمل رائع.

His techniques were absolutely amazing.

كانت براعته رائعة بالمطلق.

More Examples

The idea you gave in the meeting was amazing.

كانت الفكرة التي أدليّت بها في الاجتماع رائعة.

The story I read last night was amazing.

كانت القصة التي قرأتها ليّلة أمس رائعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

amazing is pronounced in English as

8) brave-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

brave new (sometimes ironic) new in an impressive way

رائع أيّ مثير للإعجاب و كل ما جاوز الحد في نواحي الفن و الأخلاق و الفكر

  ∘ Plural of رائع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The view was of a brave ancient castle.

كان المنظر لقلعة قديمة رائعة .

His ideas were of a brave new vision.

كانت أفكاره لرؤية جديدة رائعة.

More Examples

They did brave development for their project.

قاموا بتطوير رائع لمشروعهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

brave is pronounced in English as

9) fantastic-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

extremely good; excellent

شديد الجودة؛ ممتاز

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The food was fantastic.

كان الطعام رائعا.

She had a fantastic time at the party.

قضت وقتا رائعا في الحفلة.

More Examples

A fantastic achievement.

إنجاز رائع.

He gave a fantastic performance.

قدم أداء رائعا.

The view from the top was fantastic.

كان المنظر من الأعلى رائعا.

They live in a fantastic house.

يعيشون في منزل رائع.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

fantastic is pronounced in English as

10) wonderful-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

very good, pleasant or a lot of fun

جيد جدا، ممتع أو مليء بالمرح

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

We had a wonderful time at the beach.

قضينا وقتا رائعا على الشاطئ.

She received some wonderful news.

تلقت أخبارا رائعة.

More Examples

The movie was absolutely wonderful.

كان الفيلم رائعا بشكل مطلق.

He cooked a wonderful meal for us.

طهى لنا وجبة رائعة.

The performance was a wonderful success.

كان العرض نجاحا رائعا.

They live in a wonderful house.

يعيشون في بيت رائع.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

wonderful is pronounced in English as

English for رائع


1) fabulous-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal) extremely good

رَائِعٌ أَيْ جَمِيْلٌ شَدِيْدُ الجَمَالِ

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

The fabulous performance of the team in the World Cup

أَدَاءُ المُنْتَخَبِ رَائِعٌ فِيْ كَأْسِ العَالَمِ

A fabulous dress

فُسْتَانٌ رَائِعٌ

More Examples

You look fabulous this night

تَبْدِيْنَ رَائِعَةً اللَّيْلَةَ

The fabulous view of the apartment

إِطْلَالَةُ الشُّقَّةِ رَائِعَةٌ

In Dubai, there are many fabulous buildings and towers

هُنَاكَ كَثِيْرٌ مِنَ الأَبْنِيَةِ وَالأَبْرَاجِ الرَّائِعَةِ فِيْ دُبَيَّ

2) magnificent-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

very good or beautiful, and very impressive

رَائِعٌ أَيْ كَثِيْرُ الجَمَالِ

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

The villa is magnificent

الفِيْلَّا رَائِعَةٌ

a magnificent Romanian coliseum

مُدَرَّجٌ رُوْمَانِيٌّ رَائِعٌ

More Examples

The painting is expensive but magnificent

اللَّوْحَةُ بَاهِظَةٌ وَلَكِنَّهَا رَائِعَةٌ

The magnificent beaches of the Maldives

شَوَاطِئٌ المَالْدِيْفَ الرَّائِعَةَ

They have a magnificent dance performance

قَدَّمُوْا عَرْضَ رَقْصٍ رَائِعٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

magnificent is pronounced in English as

3) remarkable-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

unusual or surprising in a way that causes people to take notice

رَائِعٌ أَيْ مُثِيْرٌ لِلْإِعْجَابِ شَادٌّ لِلِانْتِبَاهِ مُجَاوِزٌ لِلْحَدِّ فِيْ الحُسْنِ وَالجَمَالِ

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

The company celebrated a remarkable technical accomplishment

احْتَفَلَتِ الشَّرِكَةُ بِإِنْجَازٍ تِقَنِيٍّ رَائِعٍ

Her feat is remarkable

إِنْجَازُهَا رَائِعٌ

More Examples

Meeting him in Cairo was a remarkable coincidence

كَانَ لِقَاؤُهُ فِيْ القَاهِرَةِ صُدْفَةً رَائِعَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

remarkable is pronounced in English as

4) super-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal, becoming old-fashioned) ​extremely good

رَائِعٌ أَيْ ذُوْ جُوْدَةٍ كَبِيْرَةٍ وَالمُؤَنَّثُ رَائِعَةٌ

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

I've eaten a supper meal

أَكَلْتُ وَجْبَةً رَائِعَةً

I had a super time in Qatar

قَضَيْتُ وَقْتًا رَائِعًا فِيْ قَطَرَ

More Examples

The player scored a super goal

سَجَّلَ اللَّاعِبُ هَدَفًا رَائِعًا

What a super idea!

يَا لَهَا مِنْ فِكْرَةٍ رَائِعَةٍ

You really did a super job

لَقَدْ قُمْتَ بِعَمَلٍ رَائِعٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

super is pronounced in English as

5) superb-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

excellent; of very good quality

رَائِعٌ أَيْ جَيِّدٌ جِدًّا أَوْ مُمْتَازٌ وَالمُؤَنَّثُ رَائِعَةٌ

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

The house is located on a superb location

مَوْقِعُ المَنْزِلِ رَائِعٌ

It was absolutely superb goal

لَقَدْ كَانَ هَدَفًا رَائِعًا

More Examples

The Syrian cuisine is quite superb

إِنَّ المَطْبَخَ السُّوْرِيَّ رَائِعٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

superb is pronounced in English as

6) terrific-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

(informal) excellent; wonderful

رَائِعٌ أَيْ جَمِيْلٌ كَثِيْرُ الجَمَالِ المُؤَنَّثُ رَائِعَة

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

You have done a terrific job

قُمْتَ بِعَمَلٍ رَائِعٍ

That’s terrific news!

هَذِهِ أَخْبَارٌ رَائِعَةٌ

More Examples

That was a terrific idea!

كَانَتْ فِكْرَةً رَائِعَةً

The actress sounded terrific in that dress

بَدَتِ المُمَثِّلَةُ رَائِعَةً فِيْ ذَلِكَ الفُسْتَانِ

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

terrific is pronounced in English as

7) amazing-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

very surprising, especially in a way that you like or admire

الشيّء الرائع هو الشيّء المدهش أو المبهر بطريقة مستحبّة

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

It is amazing your performance of work.

إن إنجازك للعمل رائع.

His techniques were absolutely amazing.

كانت براعته رائعة بالمطلق.

More Examples

The idea you gave in the meeting was amazing.

كانت الفكرة التي أدليّت بها في الاجتماع رائعة.

The story I read last night was amazing.

كانت القصة التي قرأتها ليّلة أمس رائعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

amazing is pronounced in English as

8) brave-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

brave new (sometimes ironic) new in an impressive way

رائع أيّ مثير للإعجاب و كل ما جاوز الحد في نواحي الفن و الأخلاق و الفكر

  ∘ Plural of رائع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The view was of a brave ancient castle.

كان المنظر لقلعة قديمة رائعة .

His ideas were of a brave new vision.

كانت أفكاره لرؤية جديدة رائعة.

More Examples

They did brave development for their project.

قاموا بتطوير رائع لمشروعهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

brave is pronounced in English as

9) fantastic-adj


  ∘ رائع meaning in English & Arabic

extremely good; excellent

شديد الجودة؛ ممتاز

  ∘ Examples of رائع in English and Arabic

The food was fantastic.

كان الطعام رائعًا.

She had a fantastic time at the party.

قضت وقتًا رائعًا في الحفلة.

More Examples

A fantastic achievement.

إنجاز رائع.

He gave a fantastic performance.

قدم أداءً رائعًا.

The view from the top was fantastic.

كان المنظر من الأعلى رائعًا.

They live in a fantastic house.

يعيشون في منزل رائع.

  ∘ How to pronounce رائع in English?

fantastic is pronounced in English as

10) wonderful-adj


  ∘ رَائِع meaning in English & Arabic

very good, pleasant or a lot of fun

جيد جدًا، ممتع أو مليء بالمرح

  ∘ Examples of رَائِع in English and Arabic

We had a wonderful time at the beach.

قضينا وقتاً رائعاً على الشاطئ.

She received some wonderful news.

تلقت أخباراً رائعة.

More Examples

The movie was absolutely wonderful.

كان الفيلم رائعاً بشكل مطلق.

He cooked a wonderful meal for us.

طهى لنا وجبة رائعة.

The performance was a wonderful success.

كان العرض نجاحاً رائعاً.

They live in a wonderful house.

يعيشون في بيت رائع.

  ∘ How to pronounce رَائِع in English?

wonderful is pronounced in English as
