Arabic for left
1) left -noun
لكمة يساريّة-اسم
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
a hit made with your left hand
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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2) left -adverb
يسار-ظرف مكان
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
on or to the left side
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
left -noun
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
the left side or direction
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
Look at the mountains on your left
انظر إلى الجبال على يسارك
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Step two steps to the left
اخط خطوتين نحو اليسار/ يسارا
To the left of the stairs is the manager office
مكتب المدير على يسار الدّرج
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
a left: a turn to the left
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
Take a left
التفّ/انعطف يسارا/ إلى اليسار/ نحو اليسار
Hang/make a left
التفّ/انعطف يسارا/ إلى اليسار/ نحو اليسار
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
The left: political groups that support the ideas of socialism
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
I voted for the left
صوّتّ لصالح اليسار
The left won the election
فاز اليسار في الانتخابات
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The Left and the Right form a coalition to oust the military government
شكّل اليسار واليمين تحالفا للإطاحة بالحكومة العسكريّة
The prime minister is one of the far left of the party
ينتمي رئيس الوزراء لأقصى اليسار في الحزب
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3) left-adj
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
your left side is the side of your body that contains your heart; on the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing the north
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
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His left arm crushed
تحطّمت يده اليسرى
Enter the left alley
ادخل الزّقاق الأيسر
The left side of the town
الجانب الأيسر من المدينة
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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Arabic for left
1) left -noun
لَكْمَةٌ يَسَارِيَّةً-اسم
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
a hit made with your left hand
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
He fell on the ground after a very sharp left
سَقَطَ أَرْضًا بَعْدَ لَكْمَةٍ يَسَارِيَّةً شَدِيْدَةً
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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2) left -adverb
يَسَار-ظرف مكان
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
on or to the left side
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
left -noun
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
the left side or direction
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
Look at the mountains on your left
انْظُرْ إِلَىْ الجِبَالِ عَلَىْ يَسَارِكَ
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Step two steps to the left
اخْطُ خُطْوَتَيْنِ نَحْوَ اليَسَارِ/ يَسَارًا
To the left of the stairs is the manager office
مَكْتَبُ المُدِيْرِ عَلَىْ يَسَارِ الدَّرَجِ
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
a left: a turn to the left
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
Take a left
الْتَفَّ/انْعَطِفْ يَسَارًا/ إِلَىْ اليَسَارِ/ نَحْوَ اليَسَارِ
Hang/make a left
الْتَفَّ/انْعَطِفْ يَسَارًا/ إِلَىْ اليَسَارِ/ نَحْوَ اليَسَارِ
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
The left: political groups that support the ideas of socialism
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
I voted for the left
صَوَّتُّ لِصَالِحِ اليَسَارِ
The left won the election
فَازَ اليَسَارُ فِيْ الانْتِخَابَاتِ
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The Left and the Right form a coalition to oust the military government
شَكَّلَ اليَسَارُ وَاليَمِيْنُ تَحَالُفًا لِلْإِطَاحَةِ بِالحُكُوْمَةِ العَسْكَرِيَّةِ
The prime minister is one of the far left of the party
يَنْتَمِيْ رَئِيْسُ الوُزَرَاءِ لَأَقْصَىْ اليَسَارِ فِيْ الحِزْبِ
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3) left-adj
∘ left meaning in Arabic & English
your left side is the side of your body that contains your heart; on the side of your body which is towards the west when you are facing the north
∘ Examples of left in Arabic and English
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His left arm crushed
تَحَطَّمَتْ يَدُهُ اليُسْرَىْ
Enter the left alley
ادْخُلِ الزِّقَاقَ الأَيْسَرَ
The left side of the town
الجَانِبُ الأَيْسَرَ مِنَ المَدِيْنَةِ
∘ How to pronounce left in English?
The word left is pronounced in English as
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