praise in Arabic

Meaning of praise in Arabic is: (مَدَحَ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

praise in Arabic

Arabic for praise

1) praise-n


  ∘ praise meaning in Arabic & English

words that show that you approve of and admire somebody/something

كلمات تظهر أنك توافق على شخص أو شيء ما وتعجب به

  ∘ Examples of praise in Arabic and English

She received much praise for her work.

تلقت الكثير من المدح لعملها.

Praises were sung for the heroes.

تم غناء المدائح للأبطال.

  ∘ How to pronounce praise in English?

The word praise is pronounced in English as

Arabic for praise

1) praise-n


  ∘ praise meaning in Arabic & English

words that show that you approve of and admire somebody/something

كلمات تظهر أنك توافق على شخص أو شيء ما وتعجب به

  ∘ Examples of praise in Arabic and English

She received much praise for her work.

تلقت الكثير من المدح لعملها.

Praises were sung for the heroes.

تم غناء المدائح للأبطال.

  ∘ How to pronounce praise in English?

The word praise is pronounced in English as
