apartment in Arabic

Meaning of apartment in Arabic is: (بيّت، حجرة، شقّة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

apartment in Arabic

Arabic for apartment

1) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

البيّت هو المنزل أو المسكن

  ∘ Plural of بيّت in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

My cousin can afford an apartment.

يمكن لابن عمي شراء بيّت.

He shares the apartment with another student.

يتقاسم البيّت مع طالب آخر.

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Our neighbour will move soon to new apartment.

سوف ينتقل جارنا قريبا إلى بيّت جديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

2) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a room in a house, especially a large or famous house

الحجرة هي أحد غرف المنزل الكبير والمؤلف من عدة غرف

  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

You can share one of the apartments with your brother in the house.

يمكنك أن تتقاسم أحد الحجرات مع أخيك في المنزّل.

All the apartments in her big house are rented to students.

جميع الحجرات في منزّلها الكبير مؤجرة لطلاب.

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You can visit the whole citadel except for the secret apartment.

يمكنك زيّارة كلّ القلعة ما عدا الحجرة السريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

3) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

الشقّة هي منزل مؤلف من عدة غرف و عادة ما يكون في طابق واحد ضمن بناء فيه عدد من المساكن

  ∘ Plural of شقّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

His apartment is on the fifth floor.

شقّته في الطابق الخامس.

My brother's apartment is above ours.

شقّة أخي فوق شقّتنا.

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She was looking for an apartment to rent.

كانت تبحث عن شقّة للإيجار.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

4) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a room in a house, especially a large or famous house

الغرفة هي أحد حجرات البيّت

  ∘ Plural of غرفة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

He rented an apartment in that big house.

استأجر غرفة في ذاك المنزّل الكبير.

You are allowed to wander into the whole apartments of the palace.

يسمح لك بالتجوّل في جميع غرف القصر.

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She has a private apartment in her big house which nobody can enter.

لديّها غرفة خاصّة في منزّلها الكبير لا يمكن لأحد دخولها.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

5) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

المسكّن هو محلّ الإقامة أيّ البيّت أو المنزّل المؤلف من عدّة غرّف

  ∘ Plural of مسكّن in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

She lives in a downtown apartment.

تعيش في مسكّن وسط المدينّة.

They are looking for a three-room apartment.

يبحثّون عن مسكّن مؤلف من ثلاث غرّف.

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We have moved recently to the upstairs apartment.

انتقلنا مؤخرا إلى مسكّن في الطّابق العلويّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

6) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

المنزّل هو مكان للسكن يتألّف من عدة غرف

  ∘ Plural of منزّل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

We rented an apartment overlooking the beach.

قمنا باستأجار منزّل يطّل على الشاطىء.

We live in a small apartment in the city.

نسكن في منزّل صغير في المدينّة.

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They could get cheap furniture for their apartment.

استطاعوا أن يحصلوا على فرش رخيص الثمن لمنزّلهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

Arabic for apartment

1) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

البيّت هو المنزل أو المسكن

  ∘ Plural of بيّت in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

My cousin can afford an apartment.

يمكن لابن عمي شراء بيّت.

He shares the apartment with another student.

يتقاسم البيّت مع طالب آخر.

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Our neighbour will move soon to new apartment.

سوف ينتقل جارنا قريباً إلى بيّت جديد.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

2) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a room in a house, especially a large or famous house

الحجرة هي أحد غرف المنزل الكبير والمؤلف من عدة غرف

  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

You can share one of the apartments with your brother in the house.

يمكنك أن تتقاسم أحد الحجرات مع أخيك في المنزّل.

All the apartments in her big house are rented to students.

جميع الحجرات في منزّلها الكبير مؤجرة لطلاب.

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You can visit the whole citadel except for the secret apartment.

يمكنك زيّارة كلّ القلعة ما عدا الحجرة السريّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

3) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

الشقّة هي منزل مؤلف من عدة غرف و عادةً ما يكون في طابق واحد ضمن بناء فيه عدد من المساكن

  ∘ Plural of شقّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

His apartment is on the fifth floor.

شقّته في الطابق الخامس.

My brother's apartment is above ours.

شقّة أخي فوق شقّتنا.

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She was looking for an apartment to rent.

كانت تبحث عن شقّة للإيجار.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

4) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a room in a house, especially a large or famous house

الغرفة هي أحد حجرات البيّت

  ∘ Plural of غرفة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

He rented an apartment in that big house.

استأجر غرفة في ذاك المنزّل الكبير.

You are allowed to wander into the whole apartments of the palace.

يُسمح لك بالتجوّل في جميع غرف القصر.

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She has a private apartment in her big house which nobody can enter.

لديّها غرفة خاصّة في منزّلها الكبير لا يمكن لأحد دخولها.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

5) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

المسكّن هو محلّ الإقامة أيّ البيّت أو المنزّل المؤلف من عدّة غرّف

  ∘ Plural of مسكّن in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

She lives in a downtown apartment.

تعيش في مسكّن وسط المدينّة.

They are looking for a three-room apartment.

يبحثّون عن مسكّن مؤلف من ثلاث غرّف.

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We have moved recently to the upstairs apartment.

انتقلنا مؤخراً إلى مسكّن في الطّابق العلويّ.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as

6) apartment-noun


  ∘ apartment meaning in Arabic & English

a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a building

المنزّل هو مكان للسكن يتألّف من عدة غرف

  ∘ Plural of منزّل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of apartment in Arabic and English

We rented an apartment overlooking the beach.

قمنا باستأجار منزّل يُطّل على الشاطىء.

We live in a small apartment in the city.

نسكن في منزّل صغير في المدينّة.

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They could get cheap furniture for their apartment.

استطاعوا أن يحصلوا على فرش رخيص الثمن لمنزّلهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce apartment in English?

The word apartment is pronounced in English as
