private in Arabic

Meaning of private in Arabic is: (خاص) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

private in Arabic

Arabic for private

1) private-adj


  ∘ private meaning in Arabic & English

belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use

يخص شخصا أو مجموعة بعينهما ولا يقصد استخدامه من قبل الجمهور

  ∘ Examples of private in Arabic and English

She has a private office.

لديها مكتب خاص.

They were having a private conversation.

كانوا يجرون محادثة خاصة.

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Private lessons are expensive.

الدروس الخاصة مكلفة.

Keep it private.

احتفظ بها في الخاص.

This is a private property.

هذه ملكية خاصة.

The meeting is private.

الاجتماع خاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce private in English?

The word private is pronounced in English as

Arabic for private

1) private-adj


  ∘ private meaning in Arabic & English

belonging to or for the use of a particular person or group; not for public use

يخص شخصًا أو مجموعة بعينهما ولا يُقصد استخدامه من قِبل الجمهور

  ∘ Examples of private in Arabic and English

She has a private office.

لديها مكتب خاص.

They were having a private conversation.

كانوا يجرون محادثة خاصة.

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Private lessons are expensive.

الدروس الخاصة مكلفة.

Keep it private.

احتفظ بها في الخاص.

This is a private property.

هذه ملكية خاصة.

The meeting is private.

الاجتماع خاص.

  ∘ How to pronounce private in English?

The word private is pronounced in English as
