famous in Arabic

Meaning of famous in Arabic is: (مشهور) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

famous in Arabic

Arabic for famous

1) famous-adj


  ∘ famous meaning in Arabic & English

known about by many people

معروف عند الكثير من الناس

  ∘ Examples of famous in Arabic and English

She is a famous actress.

إنها ممثلة مشهورة.

He became famous for his research in biology.

أصبح مشهورا بسبب أبحاثه في علم الأحياء.

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The famous painting attracted thousands of visitors.

جذبت اللوحة المشهورة آلاف الزوار.

Their famous victory will be remembered for years.

سيتم تذكر انتصارهم المشهور لسنوات.

He owns a famous restaurant in the city.

يمتلك مطعما مشهورا في المدينة.

She wore a dress made by a famous designer.

ارتدت فستانا صنع بواسطة مصمم مشهور.

Arabic for famous

1) famous-adj


  ∘ famous meaning in Arabic & English

known about by many people

معروف عند الكثير من الناس

  ∘ Examples of famous in Arabic and English

She is a famous actress.

إنها ممثلة مشهورة.

He became famous for his research in biology.

أصبح مشهورًا بسبب أبحاثه في علم الأحياء.

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The famous painting attracted thousands of visitors.

جذبت اللوحة المشهورة آلاف الزوار.

Their famous victory will be remembered for years.

سيتم تذكر انتصارهم المشهور لسنوات.

He owns a famous restaurant in the city.

يمتلك مطعمًا مشهورًا في المدينة.

She wore a dress made by a famous designer.

ارتدت فستانًا صُنع بواسطة مصمم مشهور.
