Arabic for annoy
1) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أحنق
∘ أحنق past tense conjugation in Arabic
أحنق أحنقت أحنقوا
∘ أحنق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يحنق تحنق أحنق نحنق يحنقون تحنقون
∘ أحنق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أحنق أحنقي أحنقزا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
2) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أزعج
∘ أزعج past tense conjugation in Arabic
أزعج أزعجت أزعجوا
∘ أزعج present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يزعج تزعج أزعج نزعج يزعجون تزعجون
∘ أزعج imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أزعج أزعجي أزعجوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
He annoys his parents with his carelessness.
يزعج أهله بإهماله.
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∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
3) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone slightly angry
أغاظ شخص ما أيّ أغضبه أشد الغضب
Click to show conjugation of أغاظ
∘ أغاظ past tense conjugation in Arabic
أغاظ أغاظت أغاظوا
∘ أغاظ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يغيظ تغيظ أغيظ نغيظ يغيظون تغيظون
∘ أغاظ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أغظ أغيظي أغيظوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
Biting your nails annoy me.
يغيظني قضم أظافرك .
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∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
4) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أغضب
∘ أغضب past tense conjugation in Arabic
أغضب أغضبت أغضبوا
∘ أغضب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يغضب تغضب أغضب نغضب يغضبون تغضبون
∘ أغضب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أغضب أغضبي أغضبوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
If you stay late in the evenings, you will annoy your parents .
إذا تأخرت مساءا سوف تغضب أهلك.
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His classmates used to annoy him with their jokes.
اعتاد زملاؤه في الصف أن بغضبوه بمزاحهم.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
5) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
أقلق شخص ما أيّ أزعجه و جعله مضطربا
Click to show conjugation of أقلق
∘ أقلق past tense conjugation in Arabic
أقلق أقلقت أقلقوا
∘ أقلق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقلق تقلق أقلق نقلق يقلقون تقلقون
∘ أقلق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أقلق أقلقي أقلقوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
His constant remarks annoy me.
تقلقني ملاحظاته الدائمة.
She will annoy her mother if she continue to be careless.
سوف تقلق والدتها إذا استمرت بإهمالها.
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Don't think about what annoys you, just relax.
لا تفكر بما يقلقك، فقط تحرر من التوتر.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
6) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone slightly angry
ضايق شخص ما أيّ أزعجه
Click to show conjugation of ضايق
∘ ضايق past tense conjugation in Arabic
ضايق ضايقت ضايقوا
∘ ضايق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يضايق تضايق أضايق نضايق يضايقون تضايقون
∘ ضايق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
ضايق ضايقي ضايقوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
The barking of dogs annoy me at night.
يضايقني نباح الكلاب ليّلا.
Don't make noise and annoy your neighbours.
لا تصدر ضجيجا و تضايق جيرانك.
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He laughed on purpose to annoy her.
تعمد الضحك ليضايقها.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
7) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
نغص عاى شخص ما أيّ كدّر عليّه
Click to show conjugation of نغص
∘ نغص past tense conjugation in Arabic
نغص نغصت نغصوا
∘ نغص present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
ينغص تنغص آنغص ننغص ينغصون تنغصون
∘ نغص imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
نغص نغصي نغصوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
This bad news will annoy him.
هذه الأنباء السيّئة سوف تنغصه.
The mess my mother saw in the house annoyed her.
الفوضى التي رأتها أمي في المنزل نغصتها.
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It annoys me when I don't have enough time to read.
أتنغص عندما لا أجد وقت للقراءة.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
8) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
نكّد على شخص ما ضايقه و أغاظه
Click to show conjugation of نكّد
∘ نكّد past tense conjugation in Arabic
نكّد نكّدت نكّدوا
∘ نكّد present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
ينكّد تنكّد أنكّد ننكّد ينكّدون تنكّدون
∘ نكّد imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
نكّد نكّدي نكّدوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
Her bad manners annoy her family.
طبعها السيّء نكّد على عائلتها.
The mess my roommate did annoyed me.
الفوضى التي قامت بها شريكتي في السكن نكّدت عليّ.
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If this computer keeps slow, it will annoy me while working.
إذا بقي هذا الكمبيوتر بطيئا، سوف ينكّد عليّ وقت العمل.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
Arabic for annoy
1) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أحنق
∘ أحنق past tense conjugation in Arabic
أحنق أحنقت أحنقوا
∘ أحنق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يحنق تحنق أحنق نحنق يحنقون تحنقون
∘ أحنق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أحنق أحنقي أحنقزا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
Click For More Examples
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
2) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أزعج
∘ أزعج past tense conjugation in Arabic
أزعج أزعجت أزعجوا
∘ أزعج present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يزعج تزعج أزعج نزعج يزعجون تزعجون
∘ أزعج imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أزعج أزعجي أزعجوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
He annoys his parents with his carelessness.
يزعج أهله بإهماله.
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∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
3) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone slightly angry
أغاظ شخص ما أيّ أغضبه أشد الغضب
Click to show conjugation of أغاظ
∘ أغاظ past tense conjugation in Arabic
أغاظ أغاظت أغاظوا
∘ أغاظ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يغيظ تغيظ أغيظ نغيظ يغيظون تغيظون
∘ أغاظ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أغظ أغيظي أغيظوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
Biting your nails annoy me.
يغيظني قضم أظافرك .
Click For More Examples
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
4) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
Click to show conjugation of أغضب
∘ أغضب past tense conjugation in Arabic
أغضب أغضبت أغضبوا
∘ أغضب present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يغضب تغضب أغضب نغضب يغضبون تغضبون
∘ أغضب imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أغضب أغضبي أغضبوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
If you stay late in the evenings, you will annoy your parents .
إذا تأخرت مساءاً سوف تغضب أهلك.
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His classmates used to annoy him with their jokes.
اعتاد زملاؤه في الصف أن بغضبوه بمزاحهم.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
5) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
أقلق شخص ما أيّ أزعجه و جعله مضطرباً
Click to show conjugation of أقلق
∘ أقلق past tense conjugation in Arabic
أقلق أقلقت أقلقوا
∘ أقلق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يقلق تقلق أقلق نقلق يقلقون تقلقون
∘ أقلق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
أقلق أقلقي أقلقوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
His constant remarks annoy me.
تقلقني ملاحظاته الدائمة.
She will annoy her mother if she continue to be careless.
سوف تُقلق والدتها إذا استمرت بإهمالها.
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Don't think about what annoys you, just relax.
لا تفكر بما يقلقك، فقط تحرر من التوتر.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
6) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone slightly angry
ضايق شخص ما أيّ أزعجه
Click to show conjugation of ضايق
∘ ضايق past tense conjugation in Arabic
ضايق ضايقت ضايقوا
∘ ضايق present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يضايق تضايق أضايق نضايق يضايقون تضايقون
∘ ضايق imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
ضايق ضايقي ضايقوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
The barking of dogs annoy me at night.
يضايقني نباح الكلاب ليّلاً.
Don't make noise and annoy your neighbours.
لا تصدر ضجيجاً و تضايق جيرانك.
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He laughed on purpose to annoy her.
تعمد الضحك ليضايقها.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
7) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
نغص عاى شخص ما أيّ كدّر عليّه
Click to show conjugation of نغص
∘ نغص past tense conjugation in Arabic
نغص نغصت نغصوا
∘ نغص present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
ينغص تنغص آنغص ننغص ينغصون تنغصون
∘ نغص imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
نغص نغصي نغصوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
This bad news will annoy him.
هذه الأنباء السيّئة سوف تنغصه.
The mess my mother saw in the house annoyed her.
الفوضى التي رأتها أمي في المنزل نغصتها.
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It annoys me when I don't have enough time to read.
أتنغص عندما لا أجد وقت للقراءة.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as
8) annoy-verb
∘ annoy meaning in Arabic & English
to make someone uncomfortable or unable to relax
نكّد على شخص ما ضايقه و أغاظه
Click to show conjugation of نكّد
∘ نكّد past tense conjugation in Arabic
نكّد نكّدت نكّدوا
∘ نكّد present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
ينكّد تنكّد أنكّد ننكّد ينكّدون تنكّدون
∘ نكّد imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
نكّد نكّدي نكّدوا
∘ Examples of annoy in Arabic and English
Her bad manners annoy her family.
طبعها السيّء نكّد على عائلتها.
The mess my roommate did annoyed me.
الفوضى التي قامت بها شريكتي في السكن نكّدت عليّ.
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If this computer keeps slow, it will annoy me while working.
إذا بقي هذا الكمبيوتر بطيئاً، سوف ينكّد عليّ وقت العمل.
∘ How to pronounce annoy in English?
The word annoy is pronounced in English as