unable in Arabic

Meaning of unable in Arabic is: (عاجز) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for unable

1) unable-adj


  ∘ unable meaning in Arabic & English

not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do something

عدم امتلاك المهارة، القوة، الوقت، المعرفة، إلخ للقيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of unable in Arabic and English

She was unable to solve the puzzle.

كانت عاجزة عن حل اللغز.

They are unable to attend the meeting.

هم عاجزون عن حضور الاجتماع.

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The team was unable to score a goal.

كان الفريق عاجزا عن تسجيل هدف.

She feels unable to continue her study.

تشعر بأنها عاجزة عن مواصلة دراستها.

He was unable to lift the heavy box.

كان عاجزا عن رفع الصندوق الثقيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce unable in English?

The word unable is pronounced in English as

Arabic for unable

1) unable-adj


  ∘ unable meaning in Arabic & English

not having the skill, strength, time, knowledge, etc. to do something

عدم امتلاك المهارة، القوة، الوقت، المعرفة، إلخ للقيام بشيء

  ∘ Examples of unable in Arabic and English

She was unable to solve the puzzle.

كانت عاجزة عن حل اللغز.

They are unable to attend the meeting.

هم عاجزون عن حضور الاجتماع.

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The team was unable to score a goal.

كان الفريق عاجزاً عن تسجيل هدف.

She feels unable to continue her study.

تشعر بأنها عاجزة عن مواصلة دراستها.

He was unable to lift the heavy box.

كان عاجزاً عن رفع الصندوق الثقيل.

  ∘ How to pronounce unable in English?

The word unable is pronounced in English as
