margin in Arabic

Meaning of margin in Arabic is: (حَافَّة، فَارِق، هَامِش) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

margin in Arabic

Arabic for margin

1) margin -noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

(formal) the extreme edge or limit of a place

الحافّة هي الحدّ الأقصى أو الأبعد لشيء محدّد

  ∘ Plural of حافّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The western margin of the Red Sea

الحافة الغربية للبحر الاحمر

The soutern margin of the Arabian peninsula

الحافّة الجنوبيّة لشبه الجزيرة العربيّة

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as

2) margin -noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[usually singular] the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something

الفارق هو الفرق بين عدد النّقاط أو الأصوات ونحو ذلك في المسابقات أو الانتخابات

  ∘ Plural of فارق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The ruling party won the election by a wide margin

فاز الحزب الحاكم في الانتخابات بفارق واسع

They won the match by a comfortable margin

فازوا بالمباراة بفارق واسع

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We have lost by a margin of three votes

لقد خسرنا بفارق ثلاثة أصوات

He won the presidency by a wide margin

فاز بالرّئاسة بفارق كبير

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as

3) margin-noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the empty space at the side of a written or printed page

الهامش هو المساحة االفارغة على جانبي الصّفحة وهو الحاشية

  ∘ Plural of هامش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The teacher wrote his notes in the right-hand margin

كتب المعلّم ملاحظاته على الهامش الأيمن

I need a notebook with wide margins

أريد دفترا ذو هوامش عريضة

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She scribbled a note in the margin

كتبت (=خربشت) ملاحظة على الهامش

Do not write in teh margin

لا تكتب في / على الهامش

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[usually singular] the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something

الهامش هو الفرق بين عدد النّقاط أو الأصوات ونحو ذلك في المسابقات أو الانتخابات

  ∘ Plural of هامش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The opposition leader won by a narrow margin of only 1200 votes

فاز زعيم المعارضة بهامش ضئيل بلغ مجرّد 1200 صوت

The ruling party approved the bill by a By a comfortable margin

مرّر الحزب الحاكم مشروع القانون بهامش مريح

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  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

(also profit margin) (business) the difference between the cost of buying or producing something and the price that it is sold for

الهامش أو هامش الأرباح هو الفارق ما بين تكلفة الإنتاج أو الاستيراد الخ وسعر المبيع أو البيع

  ∘ Plural of هامش in Arabic

هوامش / هوامش الأرباح

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The company operates at low margins

تعمل الشّركة بهوامش ربح منخفضة

Last year, we had a gross profit margin of 60 per cent

في العام الماضي, بلغ هامش ربحنا الإجماليّ 60 بالمئة

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Using cheap labour increases profit margin

زاد استخدام عمالة رخيصة من هامش الرّبح



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

​[usually singular] an extra amount of something such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that something is successful

الهامش هو مقدار إضافيّ من الوقت أو المال الخ يمكنك استخدامه لضمان نجاح عمل محدّد أو تحقيق غايته

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

a safety margin

هامش أمان

They allow me no margin for errors

لم يتيحوا لي هامشا للخطأ

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The schedule left us no margin for error.

لم يترك لنا الجدول الزّمنيّ هامشا للخطأ

The number has a margin of error of 2.5 per cent.

يبلغ هامش الخطأ في الرّقم 1.25 بالمئة



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

​[usually plural] the part that is not included in the main part of a group or situation

الهامش هو الجزء قليل الأهمّيّة الّذي لا يتمّ تضمينه أو إدخاله في الجزء المهمّ أو الأساسيّ

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

People living on the margins of society

النّاس الّذين يعيشون على الهامش (=هامش المجتمع)

Arabic for margin

1) margin -noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

(formal) the extreme edge or limit of a place

الحَافَّةُ هِيَ الحَدُّ الأَقْصَىْ أَوِ الأَبْعَدُ لِشَيْءٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Plural of حَافَّة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The western margin of the Red Sea

الحافة الغربية للبحر الاحمر

The soutern margin of the Arabian peninsula

الحَافَّةُ الجَنُوْبِيَّةُ لِشِبْهِ الجَزِيْرَةِ العَرَبِيَّةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as

2) margin -noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[usually singular] the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something

الفَارِقُ هُوَ الفَرْقُ بَيْنَ عَدَدِ النِّقَاطِ أَوِ الأَصْوَاتِ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ فِيْ المُسَابَقَاتِ أَوِ الِانْتِخَابَاتِ

  ∘ Plural of فَارِق in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The ruling party won the election by a wide margin

فَازَ الحِزْبُ الحَاكِمُ فِيْ الِانتْخِاَباَتِ بِفَارِقٍ وَاسِعٍ

They won the match by a comfortable margin

فَازُوْا بِالمُبَارَاةِ بِفَارِقٍ وَاسِعٍ

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We have lost by a margin of three votes

لَقْدَ خَسِرْنَا بِفَارِقِ ثَلَاثَةِ أَصْوَاتَ

He won the presidency by a wide margin

فَازَ بِالرِّئَاسَةِ بِفَارِقٍ كَبِيْرٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as

3) margin-noun


  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] the empty space at the side of a written or printed page

الهَامِشُ هُوَ المَسَاحَةُ االفَارِغَةُ عَلَىْ جَانِبَيِ الصَّفْحَةِ وَهُوَ الحَاشِيَةُ

  ∘ Plural of هَامِش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The teacher wrote his notes in the right-hand margin

كَتَبَ المُعَلِّمُ مُلَاحَظَاتِهِ عَلَىْ الهَامِشِ الأَيْمَنِ

I need a notebook with wide margins

أُرِيْدُ دَفْتَرًا ذُوْ هَوَامِشَ عَرِيْضَةً

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She scribbled a note in the margin

كَتَبَتْ (=خَرْبَشَتْ) مُلَاحَظَةً عَلَىْ الهَامِشِ

Do not write in teh margin

لَا تَكْتُبْ فِيْ / عَلَىْ الهَامِشِ

  ∘ How to pronounce margin in English?

The word margin is pronounced in English as



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

[usually singular] the amount of time, or number of votes, etc. by which somebody wins something

الهَامِشُ هُوَ الفَرْقُ بَيْنَ عَدَدِ النِّقَاطِ أَوِ الأَصْوَاتِ وَنَحْوِ ذَلِكَ فِيْ المُسَابَقَاتِ أَوِ الِانْتِخَابَاتِ

  ∘ Plural of هَامِش in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The opposition leader won by a narrow margin of only 1200 votes

فَازَ زَعِيْمُ المُعَارَضَةِ بِهَامِشٍ ضَئِيْلٍ بَلَغَ مُجَرَّدَ 1200 صَوْتٍ

The ruling party approved the bill by a By a comfortable margin

مَرَّرَ الحِزْبُ الحَاكِمُ مَشْرُوْعَ القَانُوْنِ بِهَامِشٍ مُرِيْحٍ

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  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

(also profit margin) (business) the difference between the cost of buying or producing something and the price that it is sold for

الهَامِشُ أَوْ هَامِشُ الأَرْبَاحِ هُوَ الفَارِقُ مَا بَيْنَ تَكْلُفَةِ الإِنْتَاجِ أَوِ الِاسْتِيْرَادِ اِلَخْ وَسِعْرِ المَبِيْعِ أَوِ البَيْعِ

  ∘ Plural of هَامِش in Arabic

هَوَامِش / هَوَامِشُ الأَرْبَاحِ

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

The company operates at low margins

تَعْمَلُ الشَّرِكَةُ بِهَوَامِشَ رِبْحٍ مُنْخَفِضَةٍ

Last year, we had a gross profit margin of 60 per cent

فِيْ العَامِ المَاضِيْ, بَلَغَ هَامِشُ رِبْحِنَا الإِجْمَالِيُّ 60 بِالمِئَةِ

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Using cheap labour increases profit margin

زَادَ اسْتِخْدَامُ عَمَالَةٍ رَخِيْصَةٍ مِنْ هَامِشِ الرِّبْحِ



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

​[usually singular] an extra amount of something such as time, space, money, etc. that you include in order to make sure that something is successful

الهَامِشُ هُوَ مِقْدَارٌ إِضَافِيٌّ مِنَ الوَقْتِ أَوِ المَالِ اِلَخْ يُمْكِنُكَ اسْتِخْدَامُهُ لِضَمَانِ نَجَاحِ عَمَلٍ مُحَدَّدٍ أَوْ تَحْقِيْقِ غَايَتِهِ

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

a safety margin

هَامِشُ أَمَانٍ

They allow me no margin for errors

لَمْ يُتِيْحُوْا لِيْ هَامِشًا لِلْخَطَأِ

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The schedule left us no margin for error.

لَمْ يَتْرُكْ لَنَا الجَدْوَلُ الزَّمَنِيُّ هَامِشًا لِلْخَطَأِ

The number has a margin of error of 2.5 per cent.

يَبْلُغُ هَامِشُ الخَطَأِ فِيْ الرَّقَمِ 1.25 بِالمِئَةِ



  ∘ margin meaning in Arabic & English

​[usually plural] the part that is not included in the main part of a group or situation

الهَامِشُ هُوَ الجُزْءُ قَلِيْلُ الأَهَمِّيَّةِ الَّذِيْ لَا يَتِمُّ تَضْمِيْنُهُ أَوْ إِدْخَالُهُ فِيْ الجُزْءِ المُهِمِّ أَوِ الأَسَاسِيِّ

  ∘ Examples of margin in Arabic and English

People living on the margins of society

النَّاسُ الَّذِيْنَ يَعِيْشُوْنَ عَلَىْ الهَامِشِ (=هَامِشِ المُجْتَمَعِ)
