opposition in Arabic

Meaning of opposition in Arabic is: (معارضة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

opposition in Arabic

Arabic for opposition

1) opposition-n


  ∘ opposition meaning in Arabic & English

the act of strongly disagreeing with somebody/something, especially with the aim of preventing something from happening

الفعل الذي يدل على الاختلاف بشكل قوي مع شخص أو شيء، خاصة مع الهدف لمنع شيء من الحدوث

  ∘ Examples of opposition in Arabic and English

The opposition to the new law was immense.

كانت المعارضة للقانون الجديد كبيرة.

He faced strong opposition from his family.

واجه معارضة شديدة من عائلته.

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Her ideas met with opposition in the meeting.

قبلت أفكارها بالمعارضة في الاجتماع.

The opposition to the project eventually led to its cancellation.

أدت المعارضة للمشروع إلى إلغائه في النهاية.

Groups in opposition to the policy are gathering.

احتشدت الجماعات المعارضة للسياسة.

The party announced its opposition to the proposed bill.

أعلن الحزب معارضته لمشروع القانون المقترح.

  ∘ How to pronounce opposition in English?

The word opposition is pronounced in English as

Arabic for opposition

1) opposition-n


  ∘ opposition meaning in Arabic & English

the act of strongly disagreeing with somebody/something, especially with the aim of preventing something from happening

الفعل الذي يدل على الاختلاف بشكل قوي مع شخص أو شيء، خاصة مع الهدف لمنع شيء من الحدوث

  ∘ Examples of opposition in Arabic and English

The opposition to the new law was immense.

كانت المعارضة للقانون الجديد كبيرة.

He faced strong opposition from his family.

واجه معارضة شديدة من عائلته.

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Her ideas met with opposition in the meeting.

قُبلت أفكارها بالمعارضة في الاجتماع.

The opposition to the project eventually led to its cancellation.

أدت المعارضة للمشروع إلى إلغائه في النهاية.

Groups in opposition to the policy are gathering.

احتشدت الجماعات المعارضة للسياسة.

The party announced its opposition to the proposed bill.

أعلن الحزب معارضته لمشروع القانون المقترح.

  ∘ How to pronounce opposition in English?

The word opposition is pronounced in English as
