evidence in Arabic

Meaning of evidence in Arabic is: (دليل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

evidence in Arabic

Arabic for evidence

1) evidence-n


  ∘ evidence meaning in Arabic & English

the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true

الحقائق، العلامات أو الأشياء التي تجعلك تؤمن بأن شيئا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of evidence in Arabic and English

She presented evidence to support her claim.

قدمت دليلا لدعم ادعائها.

The police found evidence at the crime scene.

وجدت الشرطة دليلا في مسرح الجريمة.

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There is no evidence to prove his guilt.

لا يوجد دليل لإثبات ذنبه.

The evidence was inconclusive.

كان الدليل غير حاسم.

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة عن تغير المناخ.

The court examined the evidence carefully.

فحصت المحكمة الأدلة بعناية.

  ∘ How to pronounce evidence in English?

The word evidence is pronounced in English as



  ∘ Evidence meaning in Arabic & English

Something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say

شيء مثل الكائن، الحقيقة أو الموقف الذي يظهر، يوضح أو يدعم ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of Evidence in Arabic and English

The evidence was crucial for the trial.

كان الدليل حاسما للمحاكمة.

She presented evidence to support her argument.

قدمت دليلا لدعم حجتها.

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Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة حول تغيّر المناخ.

There is no evidence to prove his involvement.

لا يوجد دليل يثبت تورطه.

He destroyed all the evidences to avoid detection.

اتلف جميع الأدلة لتجنب الكشف عنه.

The artifacts are evidences of the ancient civilization.

الآثار أدلة على الحضارة القديمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce Evidence in English?

The word Evidence is pronounced in English as

Arabic for evidence

1) evidence-n


  ∘ evidence meaning in Arabic & English

the facts, signs or objects that make you believe that something is true

الحقائق، العلامات أو الأشياء التي تجعلك تؤمن بأن شيئًا ما صحيح

  ∘ Examples of evidence in Arabic and English

She presented evidence to support her claim.

قدمت دليلاً لدعم ادعائها.

The police found evidence at the crime scene.

وجدت الشرطة دليلاً في مسرح الجريمة.

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There is no evidence to prove his guilt.

لا يوجد دليل لإثبات ذنبه.

The evidence was inconclusive.

كان الدليل غير حاسم.

Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة عن تغير المناخ.

The court examined the evidence carefully.

فحصت المحكمة الأدلة بعناية.

  ∘ How to pronounce evidence in English?

The word evidence is pronounced in English as



  ∘ Evidence meaning in Arabic & English

Something such as an object, a fact or a situation that shows, explains or supports what you say

شيء مثل الكائن، الحقيقة أو الموقف الذي يظهر، يوضح أو يدعم ما تقوله

  ∘ Examples of Evidence in Arabic and English

The evidence was crucial for the trial.

كان الدليل حاسمًا للمحاكمة.

She presented evidence to support her argument.

قدمت دليلاً لدعم حجتها.

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Scientists are gathering evidence on climate change.

يجمع العلماء أدلة حول تغيّر المناخ.

There is no evidence to prove his involvement.

لا يوجد دليل يثبت تورطه.

He destroyed all the evidences to avoid detection.

اتلف جميع الأدلة لتجنب الكشف عنه.

The artifacts are evidences of the ancient civilization.

الآثار أدلة على الحضارة القديمة.

  ∘ How to pronounce Evidence in English?

The word Evidence is pronounced in English as
