charge in Arabic

Meaning of charge in Arabic is: (اتهم، تقاضى، شحن) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

charge in Arabic

Arabic for charge

1) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court

اتهم أيّ ألحق بشخص ما تهمة ممكن أن تجعله يمثل أمام المحكمة

Click to show conjugation of اتهم

  ∘ اتهم past tense conjugation in Arabic

اتهم اتهمت اتهمنا اتهموا

  ∘ اتهم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتهم تتهم أتهم نتهم يتهمون تتهمون

  ∘ اتهم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اتهم اتهمي اتهموا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

He was charged with robbery.

أتهم بالسرقة.

They were charged piracy.

أتهموا بالقرصنة.

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Although he was charged with a crime, but in fact he was innocent.

بالرغم من أنه أتهم بجريمة قتل، لكنّه بريء.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in Arabic?

The word اتهم is pronounced in English as

2) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to ask an amount of money for goods or a service

تقاضى أيّ طلب مبلغ من المال لقاء خدمة أو بضاعة أو الخ............ز

Click to show conjugation of تقاضى

  ∘ تقاضى past tense conjugation in Arabic

تقاضى تقاضت تقاضيّنا تقاضوا

  ∘ تقاضى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتتقاضى تتقاضى أتقاضى نتقاضى يتقاضون تتقاضون

  ∘ تقاضى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تقاضى تقاضي تقاضوا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

They charge 500$ per week.

يتقاضون 500 دولار في الأسبوع.

Restaurants charge extra money for delivery.

تتقاضى المطاعم مال إضافي لقاء التوصيل.

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How much do the workers in this factory charge?

كم يتقاضى العمّال في هذا المعمّل؟

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

3) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to pass electricity through something so that it is stored there; to take in electricity so that it is stored and ready for use

شحن أيّ مرر الكهرباء عبر بطارية أو آلة أو الخ........... كيّ تتخزّن الكهرباء في داخله لنتمكّن من استخدامه

Click to show conjugation of شحن

  ∘ شحن past tense conjugation in Arabic

شحن شحنت شحننا شحنوا

  ∘ شحن present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يشحن تشحن أشحن نشحن يشحنون تشحنون

  ∘ شحن imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اشحن اشحني شحنوا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

You can charge your phone.

يمكنك أن تشحن هاتفك.

He will charge his car battery.

سوف يشحن بطارية سيّارته.

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She had charged her laptop before she went to work.

شحنت الحاسب المحمول قبل أن تذهب إلى العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

4) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a statement accusing someone of doing something wrong or bad

الاتهام هو ما يوجّه من تهم لشخص ما بارتكاب أعمال سيّئة أو مخالفة للمألوف

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

He refused the charge of being a liar.

رفض اتهامه بأنه كاذب.

She blamed her friends for the charge that she revealed the secret.

لامت صديقاتها لتوجيهن اتهام لها أنها كشفت السر.

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There was a charge of fake news against the newspaper.

كان هناك اتهام للجريدة بنشر أخبار كاذبة.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

5) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] an official claim made by the police that someone has committed a crime

التهمة هي إدعاء رسميّ لشخص ما من قبل الشرطة لارتكابه جريمة

  ∘ Plural of تهمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

They proved that he was guilty of the charge against him.

أثبتوا أنه مذنب بالتهمة الموّجهة إلّيّه.

She is facing a charge of attempted murder.

إنها تواجه تهمة بالشروع بالقتل.

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They were arrested on a charge of theft.

ألقي القبض عليّهم بتهمة السرقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

6) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] a position of having control over someone or something; responsibility for someone or something

المسؤولية هي مركز للتحكم بزمام الأمور و الإلتزام بأداء عمل تجاه شخص ما أو شيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

I will leave the office in your charge.

سأترك المكتب تحت مسؤوليتك.

He promised to have charge of what had happened.

وعد أن يتحمّل مسؤولية ما حدث.

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She took the charge of the company after the old manager.

تولّت مسؤولية الشركة بعد المدير القديم.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

Arabic for charge

1) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive] to accuse somebody formally of a crime so that there can be a trial in court

اتهم أيّ ألحق بشخص ما تهمة ممكن أن تجعله يمثل أمام المحكمة

Click to show conjugation of اتهم

  ∘ اتهم past tense conjugation in Arabic

اتهم اتهمت اتهمنا اتهموا

  ∘ اتهم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتهم تتهم أتهم نتهم يتهمون تتهمون

  ∘ اتهم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اتهم اتهمي اتهموا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

He was charged with robbery.

أُتهم بالسرقة.

They were charged piracy.

أُتهموا بالقرصنة.

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Although he was charged with a crime, but in fact he was innocent.

بالرغم من أنه أُتهم بجريمة قتل، لكنّه بريء.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in Arabic?

The word اتهم is pronounced in English as

2) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to ask an amount of money for goods or a service

تقاضى أيّ طلب مبلغ من المال لقاء خدمة أو بضاعة أو الخ............ز

Click to show conjugation of تقاضى

  ∘ تقاضى past tense conjugation in Arabic

تقاضى تقاضت تقاضيّنا تقاضوا

  ∘ تقاضى present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يتتقاضى تتقاضى أتقاضى نتقاضى يتقاضون تتقاضون

  ∘ تقاضى imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

تقاضى تقاضي تقاضوا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

They charge 500$ per week.

يتقاضون 500 دولار في الأسبوع.

Restaurants charge extra money for delivery.

تتقاضى المطاعم مال إضافي لقاء التوصيل.

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How much do the workers in this factory charge?

كم يتقاضى العمّال في هذا المعمّل؟

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

3) charge-verb


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[transitive, intransitive] to pass electricity through something so that it is stored there; to take in electricity so that it is stored and ready for use

شحن أيّ مرر الكهرباء عبر بطارية أو آلة أو الخ........... كيّ تتخزّن الكهرباء في داخله لنتمكّن من استخدامه

Click to show conjugation of شحن

  ∘ شحن past tense conjugation in Arabic

شحن شحنت شحننا شحنوا

  ∘ شحن present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يشحن تشحن أشحن نشحن يشحنون تشحنون

  ∘ شحن imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اشحن اشحني شحنوا

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

You can charge your phone.

يمكنك أن تشحن هاتفك.

He will charge his car battery.

سوف يشحن بطارية سيّارته.

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She had charged her laptop before she went to work.

شحنت الحاسب المحمول قبل أن تذهب إلى العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

4) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a statement accusing someone of doing something wrong or bad

الاتهام هو ما يوجّه من تهم لشخص ما بارتكاب أعمال سيّئة أو مخالفة للمألوف

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

He refused the charge of being a liar.

رفض اتهامه بأنه كاذب.

She blamed her friends for the charge that she revealed the secret.

لامت صديقاتها لتوجيهن اتهام لها أنها كشفت السر.

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There was a charge of fake news against the newspaper.

كان هناك اتهام للجريدة بنشر أخبار كاذبة.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

5) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[countable, uncountable] an official claim made by the police that someone has committed a crime

التهمة هي إدعاء رسميّ لشخص ما من قِبل الشرطة لارتكابه جريمة

  ∘ Plural of تهمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

They proved that he was guilty of the charge against him.

أثبتوا أنه مذنب بالتهمة الموّجهة إلّيّه.

She is facing a charge of attempted murder.

إنها تواجه تهمة بالشروع بالقتل.

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They were arrested on a charge of theft.

أُلقيَ القبض عليّهم بتهمة السرقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as

6) charge-noun


  ∘ charge meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] a position of having control over someone or something; responsibility for someone or something

المسؤولية هي مركز للتحكم بزمام الأمور و الإلتزام بأداء عمل تجاه شخص ما أو شيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of charge in Arabic and English

I will leave the office in your charge.

سأترك المكتب تحت مسؤوليتك.

He promised to have charge of what had happened.

وعد أن يتحمّل مسؤولية ما حدث.

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She took the charge of the company after the old manager.

تولّت مسؤولية الشركة بعد المدير القديم.

  ∘ How to pronounce charge in English?

The word charge is pronounced in English as
