Arabic for care
1) care-verb
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[intransitive, transitive] to feel that something is important and worth worrying about
اهتم أيّ ينشغل بأمر ما و يعتني به و يشعر أنه يستحق العناية و الاهتمام
Click to show conjugation of اهتم
∘ اهتم past tense conjugation in Arabic
اهتم اهتمت اهتمينا اهتموا
∘ اهتم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يهتم تهتم أهتم نهتم يهتمون تهتمون
∘ اهتم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
اهتم اهتمي اهتموا
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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He doesn't care what they think about him.
لا يهتم بما يفكرون به تجاهه.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
2) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] attention or thought that you give to something that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage
الحرص هو الانتباه الشديد لشيّء ما أو عمل ما ليكون متقن تماما و خالي من الأخطاء أو العيوب
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[intransitive] care (about somebody) to like or love someone and worry about what happens to them
حرص على شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اهتم به و قلق عليّه و على يحدث له
Click to show conjugation of حرص
∘ حرص past tense conjugation in Arabic
حرص حرصت حرصنا حرصوا
∘ حرص present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يحرص تحرص أحرص نحرص يحرصون تحرصون
∘ حرص imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
احرص احرصي احرصوا
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
Teachers care about their students.
يحرص المعلمون على طلابهم.
Parents care about their children.
يحرصون الأهالي على أولادهم.
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She cares about her friends.
تحرص على صديقاتها.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
3) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] the process of caring for somebody/something and providing what they need for their health or protection
الرعاية هي عملية الاهتمام و العناية بشخص ما أو شيّء ما و تزويدهم بما يحتاجون من أجل حمايتهم صحيا أو غير ذلك
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
4) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, usually plural, uncountable] (formal) a feeling of worry; something that causes problems or worries
الهم هو الشعور بالقلق أو ما يمكن أن تسببه بعض المشاكل من قاق
∘ Plural of هم in Arabic
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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She seems that she never has a care in her life.
تبدو و كأنها لم يكن لديّها أيّ هم على الإطلاق في حياتها.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
Arabic for care
1) care-verb
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[intransitive, transitive] to feel that something is important and worth worrying about
اهتم أيّ ينشغل بأمر ما و يعتني به و يشعر أنه يستحق العناية و الاهتمام
Click to show conjugation of اهتم
∘ اهتم past tense conjugation in Arabic
اهتم اهتمت اهتمينا اهتموا
∘ اهتم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يهتم تهتم أهتم نهتم يهتمون تهتمون
∘ اهتم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
اهتم اهتمي اهتموا
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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He doesn't care what they think about him.
لا يهتم بما يفكرون به تجاهه.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
2) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] attention or thought that you give to something that you are doing so that you will do it well and avoid mistakes or damage
الحرص هو الانتباه الشديد لشيّء ما أو عمل ما ليكون متقن تماماً و خالي من الأخطاء أو العيوب
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[intransitive] care (about somebody) to like or love someone and worry about what happens to them
حرص على شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ اهتم به و قلق عليّه و على يحدث له
Click to show conjugation of حرص
∘ حرص past tense conjugation in Arabic
حرص حرصت حرصنا حرصوا
∘ حرص present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic
يحرص تحرص أحرص نحرص يحرصون تحرصون
∘ حرص imperative mood conjugation in Arabic
احرص احرصي احرصوا
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
Teachers care about their students.
يحرص المعلمون على طلابهم.
Parents care about their children.
يحرصون الأهالي على أولادهم.
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She cares about her friends.
تحرص على صديقاتها.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
3) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[uncountable] the process of caring for somebody/something and providing what they need for their health or protection
الرعاية هي عملية الاهتمام و العناية بشخص ما أو شيّء ما و تزويدهم بما يحتاجون من أجل حمايتهم صحياً أو غير ذلك
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as
4) care-noun
∘ care meaning in Arabic & English
[countable, usually plural, uncountable] (formal) a feeling of worry; something that causes problems or worries
الهم هو الشعور بالقلق أو ما يمكن أن تسببه بعض المشاكل من قاق
∘ Plural of هم in Arabic
∘ Examples of care in Arabic and English
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She seems that she never has a care in her life.
تبدو و كأنها لم يكن لديّها أيّ هم على الإطلاق في حياتها.
∘ How to pronounce care in English?
The word care is pronounced in English as