وحيد in English

Meaning of وحيد in English is: (single, sole, alone) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

وحيد بالانجليزي

English for وحيد


1) single-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

only one

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

We have a single mission left to win the game

بقي علينا مهمّة وحيدة للفوز باللّعبة

There is a single notebook into my bag

في حقيبتي دفتر وحيد

More Examples

My team scored a single goal in the match

سجّل فريقي هدفا وحيدا في المباراة

He sent me a single gift through the engagement

أرسل لي هديّة وحيدة طوال فترة خطبتنا

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

single is pronounced in English as



  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

using to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

My mother is the single person who loves and wish me the best

أمّي الوحيدة الّتي تحبّني وتتمنّى لي الخير

The corrupt cabinet is the single reason of the deteriorated economy

الحكومة الفاسدة هي السّبب الوحيد لتردّي الاقتصاد

More Examples

His wife is his single supporter

زوجته داعمه الوحيد

2) sole-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] only; single

وحيد أي واحد لا ثاني له

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

She was the sole survivor of the massacre

هي النّاجية الوحيدة من المجزرة

Polluted water is the sole reason for the rise in deaths

المياه الملوّثة هي السّبب الوحيد لارتفاع الوفيّات

More Examples

Boats are the sole mean of transportation between the island and the port

القوارب هي الوسيلة الوحيدة للتّنقّل بين الجزيرة والمرفأ

His sole purpose was to collect money

غايته الوحيدة جمع النّقود

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

sole is pronounced in English as



  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

belonging to one person or group; not shared

وحيد أي واحد لا شريك له

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

The sole heir to the throne

الوارث الوحيد للعرش

Mary has sole responsibility for what happened last night

ماري المسؤولة الوحيدة عمّا حدث اللّيلة الماضية

More Examples

Ahmad is the sole owner of the hotel chain

أحمد المالك الوحيد لسلسلة الفنادق

3) alone-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

without any other people

وحيد أي بمفرده و دون مرافقة شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

He was alone reading a newspaper.

كان يقرأ الجريدة وحيدا .

He found himself alone in the desert.

وجد نفسه وحيدا في الصحراء.

More Examples

She is alone in the office.

هي وحيدة في المكتب.

Don't leave your child alone in the house.

لا تترك طفلك وحيدا في المنزل.

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

alone is pronounced in English as

4) only-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

used to say that no other or others of the same group exist or are there

تستخدم للدلالة على عدم وجود غيره أو أخرين ضمن المجموعة نفسها

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

She was the only person in the room.

كانت الشخص الوحيد في الغرفة.

He is the only one who can help.

هو الوحيد الذي يستطيع المساعدة.

More Examples

This is the only way to solve the problem.

هذه هي الطريقة الوحيدة لحل المشكلة.

My only concern is your safety.

همي الوحيد هو سلامتك.

They were the only ones left.

كانوا الأشخاص الوحيدين المتبقين.

The only option available was to retreat.

الخيار الوحيد المتاح كان التراجع.

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

only is pronounced in English as

5) lonely-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to

غير سعيد بسبب عدم وجود أصدقاء أو أشخاص للتحدث معهم

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

He became lonely after moving to the new city.

أصبح وحيدا بعد الانتقال إلى المدينة الجديدة.

The lonely child missed her friends.

اشتاقت الطفلة الوحيدة لأصدقائها.

More Examples

The song spoke of a lonely sailor’s journey.

تحدثت الأغنية عن رحلة بحار وحيد.

She felt lonely.

شعرت أنها وحيدة.

English for وحيد


1) single-adj


  ∘ وَحِيْد meaning in English & Arabic

only one

  ∘ Examples of وَحِيْد in English and Arabic

We have a single mission left to win the game

بَقِيَ عَلَيْنَا مَهَمَّةٌ وَحِيْدَةٌ لِلْفَوْزِ بِاللُّعْبَةِ

There is a single notebook into my bag

فِيْ حَقِيْبَتِيْ دَفْتَرٌ وَحِيْدٌ

More Examples

My team scored a single goal in the match

سَجَّلَ فِرِيْقِيْ هَدَفًا وَحِيْدًا فِيْ المُبَارَاةِ

He sent me a single gift through the engagement

أَرْسَلَ لِيْ هَدِيَّةً وَحِيْدَةً طَوَالَ فَتْرَةِ خُطْبَتِنَا

  ∘ How to pronounce وَحِيْد in English?

single is pronounced in English as



  ∘ وَحِيْد meaning in English & Arabic

using to emphasize that you are referring to one particular person or thing on its own

  ∘ Examples of وَحِيْد in English and Arabic

My mother is the single person who loves and wish me the best

أُمِّيَ الوَحِيْدَةُ الَّتِيْ تُحِبُّنِيْ وَتَتَمَنَّىْ لِيَ الخَيْرَ

The corrupt cabinet is the single reason of the deteriorated economy

الحُكُوْمَةُ الفَاسِدَةُ هِيَ السَّبَبُ الوَحِيْدُ لِتَرَدِّيْ الاقْتِصَادِ

More Examples

His wife is his single supporter

زَوْجَتُهُ دَاعِمُهُ الوَحِيْدُ

2) sole-adj


  ∘ وَحِيْد meaning in English & Arabic

[only before noun] only; single

وَحِيْدٌ أَيْ وَاحِدٌ لَا ثَانِيَ لَهُ

  ∘ Examples of وَحِيْد in English and Arabic

She was the sole survivor of the massacre

هِيَ النَّاجِيَةُ الوَحِيْدَةُ مِنَ المَجْزَرَةِ

Polluted water is the sole reason for the rise in deaths

المِيَاهُ المُلَوَّثَةُ هِيَ السَّبَبُ الوَحِيْدُ لِارْتِفَاعِ الوَفِيَّاتِ

More Examples

Boats are the sole mean of transportation between the island and the port

القَوَارِبُ هِيَ الوَسِيْلَةُ الوَحِيْدَةُ لِلتَّنَقُّلِ بَيْنَ الجَزِيْرَةِ وَالمَرْفَأِ

His sole purpose was to collect money

غَايَتُهُ الوَحِيْدَةُ جَمْعُ النُّقُوْدِ

  ∘ How to pronounce وَحِيْد in English?

sole is pronounced in English as



  ∘ وَحِيْد meaning in English & Arabic

belonging to one person or group; not shared

وَحِيْدٌ أَيْ وَاحِدٌ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَهُ

  ∘ Examples of وَحِيْد in English and Arabic

The sole heir to the throne

الوَارِثُ الوَحِيْدُ لِلْعَرْشِ

Mary has sole responsibility for what happened last night

مَارِيْ المَسْؤُوْلَةُ الوَحِيْدَةُ عَمَّا حَدَثَ اللَّيْلَةَ المَاضِيَةَ

More Examples

Ahmad is the sole owner of the hotel chain

أَحْمَدُ المَالِكُ الوَحِيْدُ لِسِلْسِلَةِ الفَنَادِقِ

3) alone-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

without any other people

وحيد أي بمفرده و دون مرافقة شخص آخر

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

He was alone reading a newspaper.

كان يقرأ الجريدة وحيداً .

He found himself alone in the desert.

وجد نفسه وحيداً في الصحراء.

More Examples

She is alone in the office.

هي وحيدة في المكتب.

Don't leave your child alone in the house.

لا تترك طفلك وحيداً في المنزل.

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

alone is pronounced in English as

4) only-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

used to say that no other or others of the same group exist or are there

تُستخدم للدلالة على عدم وجود غيره أو أخرين ضمن المجموعة نفسها

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

She was the only person in the room.

كانت الشخص الوحيد في الغرفة.

He is the only one who can help.

هو الوحيد الذي يستطيع المساعدة.

More Examples

This is the only way to solve the problem.

هذه هي الطريقة الوحيدة لحل المشكلة.

My only concern is your safety.

همي الوحيد هو سلامتك.

They were the only ones left.

كانوا الأشخاص الوحيدين المتبقين.

The only option available was to retreat.

الخيار الوحيد المتاح كان التراجع.

  ∘ How to pronounce وحيد in English?

only is pronounced in English as

5) lonely-adj


  ∘ وحيد meaning in English & Arabic

unhappy because you have no friends or people to talk to

غير سعيد بسبب عدم وجود أصدقاء أو أشخاص للتحدث معهم

  ∘ Examples of وحيد in English and Arabic

He became lonely after moving to the new city.

أصبح وحيدا بعد الانتقال إلى المدينة الجديدة.

The lonely child missed her friends.

اشتاقت الطفلة الوحيدة لأصدقائها.

More Examples

The song spoke of a lonely sailor’s journey.

تحدثت الأغنية عن رحلة بحار وحيد.

She felt lonely.

شعرت أنها وحيدة.
