goal in Arabic

Meaning of goal in Arabic is: (مَرْمَى) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

goal in Arabic

Arabic for goal

1) goal-noun


  ∘ goal meaning in Arabic & English

a frame with a net into which players must kick or hit the ball in order to score a point

إطار مع شبكة يجب على اللاعبين ركل الكرة أو ضربها داخله لتسجيل نقطة

  ∘ Examples of goal in Arabic and English

The soccer player scored by kicking the ball into the goal.

سجل لاعب كرة القدم هدفا بركل الكرة داخل المرمى.

The goalkeeper jumped to catch the ball before it entered the goal.

قفز حارس المرمى لالتقاط الكرة قبل أن تدخل المرمى.

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Fans cheered when their team hit the ball into the goal.

هتف المشجعون عندما سدد فريقهم الكرة داخل المرمى.

The coach devised a strategy to defend their goal.

وضع المدرب استراتيجية للدفاع عن مرماهم.

During practice, players practiced shooting at the goal.

خلال التدريب، تدرب اللاعبون على التسديد نحو المرمى.

  ∘ How to pronounce goal in English?

The word goal is pronounced in English as

Arabic for goal

1) goal-noun


  ∘ goal meaning in Arabic & English

a frame with a net into which players must kick or hit the ball in order to score a point

إطار مع شبكة يجب على اللاعبين ركل الكرة أو ضربها داخله لتسجيل نقطة

  ∘ Examples of goal in Arabic and English

The soccer player scored by kicking the ball into the goal.

سجل لاعب كرة القدم هدفًا بركل الكرة داخل المرمى.

The goalkeeper jumped to catch the ball before it entered the goal.

قفز حارس المرمى لالتقاط الكرة قبل أن تدخل المرمى.

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Fans cheered when their team hit the ball into the goal.

هتف المشجعون عندما سدد فريقهم الكرة داخل المرمى.

The coach devised a strategy to defend their goal.

وضع المدرب استراتيجية للدفاع عن مرماهم.

During practice, players practiced shooting at the goal.

خلال التدريب، تدرب اللاعبون على التسديد نحو المرمى.

  ∘ How to pronounce goal in English?

The word goal is pronounced in English as
