كثيف in English

Meaning of كثيف in English is: (dense, extensive, heavy) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

كثيف بالانجليزي

English for كثيف


1) dense-adj


  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them

كثيف غزير كثير العدد متداخل

  ∘ Plural of كثيف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

The city was attacked by a dense army

هاجم جيش كثيف المدينة

A dense crowd waited the team outside the airport

انتظر حشد كثيف الفريق خارج المطار

More Examples

I got lost in the dense jungles

تهت في الأدغال الكثيفة

  ∘ How to pronounce كثيف in English?

dense is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to see through

كثيف أي سميك تصعب الرّؤية خلاله

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

Do not drive while there is a dense fog

لا تقد والضّباب كثيف

The fire caused dense smoke that can be seen miles away

سبّبت النّار دخانا كثيفا يمكن رؤيته على بعد أميال

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  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information

كثيف أي صعب يحوي معلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

A dense economic report

تقرير اقتصاديّ كثيف بالمعلومات

A dense book

كتاب كثيف



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

heavy in relation to its size

كثيف أي أنّ نسبة وزنه إلى حجمه مرتفعة (حجمه قليل ووزنه ثقيل)

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

The dense core of the earth

لبّ الأرض الكثيف

Water is denser than oil

الماء أكثف من الزّيت

More Examples

Iron is very dense

الحديد كثيف جدّا

2) extensive-adj


  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

covering a large area; great in amount

كثيف أي بكمّيّات وكثافة كبيرة

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغارات الجوّيّة الكثيفة على المدينة

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تحتاج الكنيسة أعمال صيانة كثيفة ومقدارا ضخما من النّقود

More Examples

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة كثيفة غير مسبوقة

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تعّرّض شرق إفريقيا لغزو جراد كثيف

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

ربّما يؤدّي الاستخدام الكثيف للأسمدة في المنطقة إلى تخريب التّربة

  ∘ How to pronounce كثيف in English?

extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

including or dealing with a wide range of information

كثيف أي شامل لمعلومات كثيرة

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

معلوماته في الذّكاء الصّنعيّ كثيفة

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حظيت الانتخابات الرّئاسيّة بتغطية إعلاميّة كثيفة غير مسبوقة

3) heavy-adj


  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

great in amount, degree or severity

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

Pollution caused by the heavy traffic in the capital

التلوّث النّاجم عن الحركة المروريّة الكثيفة في العاصمة

Heavy snow

ثلوج كثيفة

  ∘ How to pronounce كثيف in English?

heavy is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

BUSY: involving a lot to do

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

A heavy schedule

برنامج كثيف بالمهامّ

I went to sleep after a heavy day

خلدت إلى النّوم بعد يوم كثيف من العمل

4) thick -adj


  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

Growing very close together or having a lot of leaves

  ∘ Plural of كثيف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

I was walking in the thick forest yesterday

سرت البارحة في الغابة الكثيفة

That man with thick hair

ذاك الرّجل ذو الشّعر الكثيف

More Examples

A thick eyebrow

حاجب كثيف



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

filling the air, and difficult to see through or breath in

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

The storm lifted thick dust

أثارت العاصفة غبارا كثيفا

Do not drive while there is thick fog

لا تقد والضّباب كثيف

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  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

LIQUID: almost solid and therefore flowing very slowly or not flowing at all

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

The paint is very thick

الدّهان كثيف جدّا

Thick soup

شوربة كثيفة



  ∘ كثيف meaning in English & Arabic

having having a lot of hair or fur

  ∘ Examples of كثيف in English and Arabic

I had thick hair in my youth

كان شعري كثيفا في شبابي

English for كثيف


1) dense-adj


  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them

كَثِيْفٌ غَزِيْرٌ كَثِيْرُ العَدَدِ مُتَدَاخِلٌ

  ∘ Plural of كَثِيْف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

The city was attacked by a dense army

هَاجَمَ جَيْشٌ كَثِيْفٌ المَدِيْنَةَ

A dense crowd waited the team outside the airport

انْتَظَرَ حَشْدٌ كَثِيْفُ الفَرِيْقَ خَارِجَ المَطَارِ

More Examples

I got lost in the dense jungles

تُهْتُ فِيْ الأَدْغَالِ الكَثِيْفَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce كَثِيْف in English?

dense is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to see through

كَثِيْفُ أَيْ سَمِيْكُ تَصْعُبُ الرُّؤْيَةُ خِلَالَهُ

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

Do not drive while there is a dense fog

لَا تَقُدْ وَالضَّبَابُ كَثِيْفٌ

The fire caused dense smoke that can be seen miles away

سَبَّبَتِ النَّارُ دُخَانًا كَثِيْفًا يُمْكِنُ رُؤْيَتُهُ عَلَىْ بُعْدِ أَمْيَالَ

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  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information

كَثِيْفٌ أَيْ صَعْبٌ يَحْوِيْ مَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةً

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

A dense economic report

تَقْرِيْرُ اقْتِصَادِيُّ كَثِيْفُ بِالمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ

A dense book

كِتَابٌ كَثِيْفٌ



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

heavy in relation to its size

كَثِيْفُ أَيْ أَنَّ نِسْبَةَ وَزْنِهِ إِلَىْ حَجْمِهِ مُرْتَفِعَةٌ (حَجْمُهُ قَلِيْلٌ وَوَزْنُهُ ثَقِيْلٌ)

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

The dense core of the earth

لُبُّ الأَرْضِ الكَثِيْفِ

Water is denser than oil

المَاءُ أَكْثَفُ مِنَ الزِّيْتِ

More Examples

Iron is very dense

الحَدِيْدُ كَثِيْفٌ جِدًّا

2) extensive-adj


  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

covering a large area; great in amount

كَثِيْفٌ أَيْ بِكَمِّيَّاتٍ وَكَثَافَةٍ كَبِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

The extensive bombing raids on the city

الغَارَاتُ الجَوِّيَّةُ الكَثِيْفَةُ عَلَىْ المَدِيْنَةِ

The church needs extensive repairing work and a huge deal of money

تَحْتَاجُ الكَنِيْسَةُ أَعْمَالَ صِيَانَةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ وَمِقْدَارًا ضَخْمًا مِنَ النُّقُوْدِ

More Examples

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive coverage in the media

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

Extensive locusts invasions hit East Africa

تَعَّرَّضَ شَرْقُ إِفْرِيْقِيَا لِغَزْوِ جَرَادٍ كَثِيْفٍ

The extensive use of fertilizers in the region might lead to soil degradation

رُبَّمَا يُؤَدِّيْ الِاسْتِخْدَامُ الكَثِيْفُ لِلْأَسْمِدَةِ فِيْ المَنْطِقَةِ إِلَىْ تَخْرِيْبِ التُّرْبَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce كَثِيْف in English?

extensive is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

including or dealing with a wide range of information

كَثِيْفٌ أَيْ شَامِلٌ لِمَعْلُوْمَاتٍ كَثِيْرَةٍ

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

His knowledge of Artificial Intelligence is extensive

مَعْلُوْمَاتُهُ فِيْ الذَّكَاءِ الصُّنْعِيِّ كَثِيْفَةٌ

The presidential elections received unprecedented extensive media coverage

حَظِيَتِ الِانْتِخَابَاتُ الرِّئَاسِيَّةُ بِتَغْطِيَةٍ إِعْلَامِيَّةٍ كَثِيْفَةٍ غَيْرَ مَسْبُوْقَةٍ

3) heavy-adj


  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

great in amount, degree or severity

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

Pollution caused by the heavy traffic in the capital

التَلَوُّثُ النَّاجِمُ عَنِ الحَرَكَةِ المُرُوْرِيَّةِ الكَثِيْفَةِ فِيْ العَاصِمَةِ

Heavy snow

ثُلُوْجٌ كَثِيْفَةٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce كَثِيْف in English?

heavy is pronounced in English as



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

BUSY: involving a lot to do

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

A heavy schedule

بَرْنَامَجٌ كَثِيْفٌ بِالمَهَامِّ

I went to sleep after a heavy day

خَلَدْتُ إِلَىْ النَّوْمِ بَعْدَ يَوْمٍ كَثِيْفٍ مِنَ العَمَلِ

4) thick -adj


  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

Growing very close together or having a lot of leaves

  ∘ Plural of كَثِيْف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

I was walking in the thick forest yesterday

سِرْتُ البَارِحَةَ فِيْ الغَابَةِ الكَثِيْفَةِ

That man with thick hair

ذَاكَ الرَّجُلُ ذُوْ الشَّعْرِ الكَثِيْفِ

More Examples

A thick eyebrow

حَاجِبٌ كَثِيْفٌ



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

filling the air, and difficult to see through or breath in

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

The storm lifted thick dust

أَثَارَتِ العَاصِفَةُ غُبَارًا كَثِيْفًا

Do not drive while there is thick fog

لَا تَقُدْ وَالضَّبَابُ كَثِيْفٌ

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  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

LIQUID: almost solid and therefore flowing very slowly or not flowing at all

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

The paint is very thick

الدِّهَانُ كَثِيْفٌ جِدًّا

Thick soup

شُوْرَبَةٌ كَثِيْفَةٌ



  ∘ كَثِيْف meaning in English & Arabic

having having a lot of hair or fur

  ∘ Examples of كَثِيْف in English and Arabic

I had thick hair in my youth

كَانَ شَعْرِيْ كَثِيْفًا فِيْ شَبَابِيَ
