سميك in English

Meaning of سميك in English is: (fat, thick, thickly) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

سميك بالانجليزي

English for سميك


1) fat-adj


  ∘ سميك meaning in English & Arabic

thick or wide

  ∘ Plural of سميك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of سميك in English and Arabic

A fat book fell on my foot

وقع كتاب سميك على قدمي

A fat wad of cash

حزمة سميكة من النّقود

  ∘ How to pronounce سميك in English?

fat is pronounced in English as

2) thick -adj


  ∘ سميك meaning in English & Arabic

having a large distance or a larger distance than usual between its two opposite sides or surfaces

  ∘ Plural of سميك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of سميك in English and Arabic

A thick book

كتاب سميك

A thick slice of fries

قطعة بطاطا مقليّة سميكة

More Examples

The door was thick with dust

على الباب طبقة سميكة من الغبار

Put on a thick coat to protect you against the cold

ارتدي معطفا سميكا ليقيك من البرد

A thick wool scarf

وشاح صوفيّ سميك



  ∘ سميك meaning in English & Arabic

measuring a particular distance between two opposite sides or surfaces of something

  ∘ Examples of سميك in English and Arabic

The roof is 28 cm thick

سماكة السّقف 28 سم

How thick is the door?

كم سماكة الباب؟

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  ∘ سميك meaning in English & Arabic

in a way that makes a thick piece or layer of something

  ∘ Examples of سميك in English and Arabic

Cucumber was sliced thick

قطّع الخيار شرائحا سميكة

3) thickly-adverb


  ∘ سميك meaning in English & Arabic

in a way that makes a thick piece or layer of something

  ∘ Examples of سميك in English and Arabic

Cucumber was sliced thick

قطّع الخيار شرائحا سميكة

English for سميك


1) fat-adj


  ∘ سَمِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

thick or wide

  ∘ Plural of سَمِيْك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of سَمِيْك in English and Arabic

A fat book fell on my foot

وَقَعَ كِتَابٌ سَمِيْكٌ عَلَىْ قَدَمِيَ

A fat wad of cash

حُزْمَةٌ سَمِيْكَةٌ مِنَ النُّقُوْدِ

  ∘ How to pronounce سَمِيْك in English?

fat is pronounced in English as

2) thick -adj


  ∘ سَمِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

having a large distance or a larger distance than usual between its two opposite sides or surfaces

  ∘ Plural of سَمِيْك in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of سَمِيْك in English and Arabic

A thick book

كِتَابٌ سَمِيْك

A thick slice of fries

قِطْعَةُ بَطَاطَا مِقْلِيَّةٍ سَمِيْكَةٌ

More Examples

The door was thick with dust

عَلَىْ البَابِ طَبَقَةٌ سَمِيْكَةً مِنَ الغُبَارِ

Put on a thick coat to protect you against the cold

ارْتَدِيْ مِعْطِفًا سَمِيْكًا لِيَقِيْكَ مِنَ البَرْدِ

A thick wool scarf

وِشَاحٌ صُوْفِيٌّ سَمِيْكٌ



  ∘ سَمِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

measuring a particular distance between two opposite sides or surfaces of something

  ∘ Examples of سَمِيْك in English and Arabic

The roof is 28 cm thick

سَمَاكَةُ السَّقْفِ 28 سِمْ

How thick is the door?

كَمْ سَمَاكَةُ البَابِ؟

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  ∘ سَمِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

in a way that makes a thick piece or layer of something

  ∘ Examples of سَمِيْك in English and Arabic

Cucumber was sliced thick

قُطِّعَ الخِيَارُ شَرَائِحًا سَمِيْكَةً

3) thickly-adverb


  ∘ سَمِيْك meaning in English & Arabic

in a way that makes a thick piece or layer of something

  ∘ Examples of سَمِيْك in English and Arabic

Cucumber was sliced thick

قُطِّعَ الخِيَارُ شَرَائِحًا سَمِيْكَةً
