busy in Arabic

Meaning of busy in Arabic is: (مزدحم، مشغول، منهمك) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

busy in Arabic

Arabic for busy

1) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

full of people, activity, vehicles, etc.

مزدحم أيّ يوجد فيه زحمة أيّ مليء بالناس أو الأنشطة أو السيارات الخ................

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

The airport is busy today with many passengers.

إن المطار مزدحم اليوم بالمسافرين.

The market was too busy. I couldn't buy anything>

كان السوق مزدحم. لم استطع أن أشتري شيّئا.

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The road was busy, it took us two hours to reach our house.

كان الطريق مزدحم، استغرق الوقت ساعتين لوصلنا إلى المنزل.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as

2) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do something else because you are working on something

شخص مشغول أيّ لديّه الكثير من العمل ليقوم به و ليس لديّه وقت فراغ لعمل أيّ شيّء آخر

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

He will be too busy to attend the meeting.

سوف يكون مشغولا كثيرا و لن يحضر الاجتماع.

She is busy nowadays preparing for her Master's degree.

إنها مشغولة هذه الأيّام بالتحضير للماجستير.

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The were busy repairing the broken machine.

كانوا مشغولين بتصليح الآلة المعطّلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as

3) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

giving all your attention and effort to a particular activity

منهمك أيّ مهتم جدا بأمر ما يعيره انتباهه و جهده كلّه

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

She is busy cleaning the house.

إنها منهمكة بتنظيف المنزل.

He is busy studying for the exam.

إنه منهمك يالدرّاسة للإمتحان.

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They were busy preparing for the party.

كانوا منهمكين في التحضير للحفلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as

Arabic for busy

1) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

full of people, activity, vehicles, etc.

مزدحم أيّ يوجد فيه زحمة أيّ مليء بالناس أو الأنشطة أو السيارات الخ................

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

The airport is busy today with many passengers.

إن المطار مزدحم اليوم بالمسافرين.

The market was too busy. I couldn't buy anything>

كان السوق مزدحم. لم استطع أن أشتري شيّئاً.

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The road was busy, it took us two hours to reach our house.

كان الطريق مزدحم، استغرق الوقت ساعتين لوصلنا إلى المنزل.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as

2) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

having a lot to do; perhaps not free to do something else because you are working on something

شخص مشغول أيّ لديّه الكثير من العمل ليقوم به و ليس لديّه وقت فراغ لعمل أيّ شيّء آخر

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

He will be too busy to attend the meeting.

سوف يكون مشغولاً كثيراً و لن يحضر الاجتماع.

She is busy nowadays preparing for her Master's degree.

إنها مشغولة هذه الأيّام بالتحضير للماجستير.

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The were busy repairing the broken machine.

كانوا مشغولين بتصليح الآلة المعطّلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as

3) busy-adj


  ∘ busy meaning in Arabic & English

giving all your attention and effort to a particular activity

منهمك أيّ مهتم جداً بأمر ما يعيره انتباهه و جهده كلّه

  ∘ Examples of busy in Arabic and English

She is busy cleaning the house.

إنها منهمكة بتنظيف المنزل.

He is busy studying for the exam.

إنه منهمك يالدرّاسة للإمتحان.

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They were busy preparing for the party.

كانوا منهمكين في التحضير للحفلة.

  ∘ How to pronounce busy in English?

The word busy is pronounced in English as
