غزير in English

Meaning of غزير in English is: (heavy) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

غزير بالانجليزي

English for غزير


1) heavy -adj


  ∘ غزير meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of غزير in English and Arabic

Heavy rains fell on us while getting back home

تساقطت علينا أمطار غزيرة أثناء عودتنا إلى المنزل

Pollution caused by the heavy traffic in the capital

التلوّث النّاجم عن الحركة المروريّة الغزيرة في العاصمة

  ∘ How to pronounce غزير in English?

heavy is pronounced in English as

English for غزير


1) heavy -adj


  ∘ غَزِيْر meaning in English & Arabic

  ∘ Examples of غَزِيْر in English and Arabic

Heavy rains fell on us while getting back home

تَسَاقَطَتْ عَلَيْنَا أَمْطَارٌ غَزِيْرَةٌ أَثْنَاءَ عَوْدَتِنَا إِلَىْ المَنْزِلِ

Pollution caused by the heavy traffic in the capital

التَلَوُّثُ النَّاجِمُ عَنِ الحَرَكَةِ المُرُوْرِيَّةِ الغَزِيْرَةِ فِيْ العَاصِمَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce غَزِيْر in English?

heavy is pronounced in English as
