English for عام
1) generic-adj
∘ عامّ meaning in English & Arabic
shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things; not specific
مصطلح عامّ أي غير محدّد ويشترك فيه مجموعة كاملة من الأشياء أو المفاهيم
∘ Examples of عامّ in English and Arabic
Chronic obstructive pulmonary is a generic term refers to a group of chronic lung diseases
الانسداد الرّئويّ المزمن هو مصطلح عامّ يشير إلى مجموعة من الأمراض الرّئويّة المزمنة
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∘ How to pronounce عامّ in English?
generic is pronounced in English as
∘ عامّ meaning in English & Arabic
(disapproving) (of a film, song, story, etc.) lacking imagination and so not original
عامّ أي يفتقر إلى الخيال والإبداع والأصالة
∘ Examples of عامّ in English and Arabic
2) year-noun
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
a period of twelve months, especially from 1 January to 31 December
فترة من الزّمن مدّتها اثنا عشر شهرا تبدأ من 1 كانون الثاني وتمتد حتى 30 كانون الأول
∘ Plural of عام in Arabic
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
We started privatization in the last year
بدأنا الخصخصة في العام الماضي
More Examples
In the year 1996
في عام 1996
∘ How to pronounce عام in English?
year is pronounced in English as
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
A period of 12 months or 365 days measured from any particular time
أية فترة من الزّمن مدّتها اثنا عشر شهرا أي 365 يوما
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
I graduated last year
تخرّجت العام الماضي
More Examples
A three-year-old child
طفل ذو ثلاث أعوام
My grandpa died 20 years ago
توفّي جدّي منذ 20 عاما
It's been two years since I got cancer
مرّ عامان منذ أصبت بالسّرطان
I've known him since he was 10 years old
أعرفه وعنده 10 أعوام
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∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
A period of 12 months connected with a particular activity
فترة من الزّمن مدّتها اثنا عشر شهرا ومرتبطة بنشاط معين
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
A school year
سنة دراسيّة
An academic year
سنة أكاديميّة
More Examples
A financial year
سنة ماليّة
A tax year
سنة ضريبيّة
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
Age or time of life
العمر أو الوقت الذي قضيته على قيد الحياة منذ ولادتك
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
I was 17 years old when I won the marathon
كان عمري 17 عاما عندما فزت بالماراثون
She got married when she was 20 years of age
تزوّجت وعمرها 21 عاما
More Examples
He is getting on in years
يكبر بمرور الأعوام
He performed the surgery in his 12th year
أجرى العمليّة في عامه الـ 12
A three-year-old child
طفل ذو ثلاث أعوام
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
A very long period of time
فترة طويلة من الزمن
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
I have nit visited him for years
لم أزره لأعوام
It's been years since I went to the beach
مرّت أعوام مذ ذهبت إلى البحر
More Examples
It was the first time I fought with him in years
تشاجرت معه للمرّة الأولى منذ أعوام
We amass a fortune over the years
جمعنا ثروة بمرور الأعوام
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
A very long period of time
فترة طويلة من الزمن
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
the value of the building decreased year by year
تناقصت قيمة العقار عاما بعد عام
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
Every year for many years
لعدد من الفترات التي تبلغ مدتها إثنا عشر شهرا
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
The regime’s repression increases year after year.
يزداد قمع النّظام عاما بعد عام
3) float-v
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
More Examples
We watched clouds float across the sky.
شاهدنا السحب تعوم في السماء.
∘ How to pronounce عام in English?
float is pronounced in English as
4) general-adj
∘ عامّ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عامّ in English and Arabic
More Examples
She gave a general description of the event.
قدمت وصفا عاما للحدث.
The book covers general aspects of science.
يغطي الكتاب جوانب عامة من العلم.
In general, the plan was well-received.
بشكل عام، لقيت الخطة استحسانا.
∘ How to pronounce عامّ in English?
general is pronounced in English as
5) public-adj
∘ عامّ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عامّ in English and Arabic
This is a public park.
هذه حديقة عامة.
More Examples
The public library has thousands of books.
تحتوي المكتبة العامة على آلاف الكتب.
∘ How to pronounce عامّ in English?
public is pronounced in English as
English for عام
1) generic-adj
∘ عَامّ meaning in English & Arabic
shared by, including or typical of a whole group of things; not specific
مُصْطَلَحٌ عَامٌّ أَيْ غَيْرُ مُحَدَّدٍ وَيَشْتَرِكُ فِيْهِ مَجْمُوْعَةٌ كَامِلَةٌ مِنَ الأَشْيَاءِ أَوِ المَفَاهِيْمِ
∘ Examples of عَامّ in English and Arabic
Chronic obstructive pulmonary is a generic term refers to a group of chronic lung diseases
الِانْسِدَادُ الرِّئَوِيُّ المُزْمِنُ هُوَ مُصْطَلَحٌ عَامٌّ يُشِيْرُ إِلَىْ مَجْمُوْعَةٍ مِنَ الأَمْرَاضِ الرِّئَوِيَّةِ المُزْمِنَةِ
This is a generic problem we all suffer from
إِنَّ هَذِهِ مُشْكِلَةٌ عَامَّةٌ نُعَانِيْ مِنْهَا جَمِيْعًا
More Examples
∘ How to pronounce عَامّ in English?
generic is pronounced in English as
∘ عَامّ meaning in English & Arabic
(disapproving) (of a film, song, story, etc.) lacking imagination and so not original
عَامٌّ أَيْ يَفْتَقِرُ إِلَىْ الخَيَالِ وَالإِبْدَاعِ وَالأَصَالَةِ
∘ Examples of عَامّ in English and Arabic
The movie was dull, with bad acting and generic storyline
كَانَ الفِيْلْمُ مُمِلًّا بِتَمْثِيْلٍ سَيِّءٍ وَقِصَّةٍ عَامَّةٍ
2) year-noun
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
a period of twelve months, especially from 1 January to 31 December
فترة من الزَّمن مُدَّتها اثنا عشر شَهْرًا تبدأ من 1 كانون الثاني وتمتد حتى 30 كانون الأول
∘ Plural of عَام in Arabic
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
We started privatization in the last year
بَدَأْنَا الخَصْخَصَةَ فِيْ العَامِ المَاضِيْ
More Examples
In the year 1996
فِيْ عَامِ 1996
∘ How to pronounce عَام in English?
year is pronounced in English as
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
A period of 12 months or 365 days measured from any particular time
أية فترة من الزَّمن مُدَّتها اثنا عشر شَهْرًا أي 365 يومًا
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
I graduated last year
تَخَرَّجْتُ العَامَ المَاضِيَ
More Examples
A three-year-old child
طِفْلٌ ذُوْ ثَلَاثِ أَعْوَامٍ
My grandpa died 20 years ago
تُوُفِّيَ جَدِّيْ مُنْذُ 20 عَامًا
It's been two years since I got cancer
مَرَّ عَامَانِ مُنْذُ أُصِبْتُ بِالسَّرَطَانِ
I've known him since he was 10 years old
أَعْرِفُهُ وَعِنْدَهُ 10 أَعْوَامٍ
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∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
A period of 12 months connected with a particular activity
فترة من الزَّمن مُدَّتها اثنا عشر شهرًا ومرتبطة بنشاط معين
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
A school year
سَنَةٌ دِرَاسِيَّةٌ
An academic year
سَنَةٌ أَكَادِيْمِيَّةٌ
More Examples
A financial year
سَنَةٌ مَالِيَّةٌ
A tax year
سَنَةٌ ضَرِيْبِيَّةٌ
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
Age or time of life
العمر أو الوقت الذي قضيته على قيد الحياة منذ ولادتك
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
I was 17 years old when I won the marathon
كَانَ عُمُرِيْ 17 عَامًا عِنْدَمَا فُزْتُ بِالمَارَاثُوْنِ
She got married when she was 20 years of age
تَزَوَّجَتْ وَعُمُرُهَا 21 عَامًا
More Examples
He is getting on in years
يَكْبُرُ بِمُرُوْرِ الأَعْوَامِ
He performed the surgery in his 12th year
أَجْرَىْ العَمَلِيَّةَ فِيْ عَامِهِ الـ 12
A three-year-old child
طِفْلٌ ذُوْ ثَلَاثِ أَعْوَامٍ
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
A very long period of time
فترة طويلة من الزمن
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
I have nit visited him for years
لَمْ أَزُرْهُ لِأَعْوَامٍ
It's been years since I went to the beach
مَرَّتْ أَعْوَامٌ مُذْ ذَهَبْتُ إِلَىْ البَحْرِ
More Examples
It was the first time I fought with him in years
تَشَاجَرْتُ مَعَهُ لِلْمَرَّةِ الأُوْلَىْ مُنْذُ أَعْوَامٍ
We amass a fortune over the years
جَمَعْنَا ثَرْوَةً بِمُرُوْرِ الأَعْوَامِ
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
A very long period of time
فترة طويلة من الزمن
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
the value of the building decreased year by year
تَنَاقَصَتْ قِيْمَةُ العَقَارِ عَامًا بَعْدَ عَامٍ
∘ عَام meaning in English & Arabic
Every year for many years
لعدد من الفترات التي تبلغ مدتها إثنا عشر شهرًا
∘ Examples of عَام in English and Arabic
The regime’s repression increases year after year.
يَزْدَادُ قَمْعُ النِّظَامِ عَامًا بَعْدَ عَامٍ
3) float-v
∘ عام meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عام in English and Arabic
More Examples
We watched clouds float across the sky.
شاهدنا السحب تعوم في السماء.
∘ How to pronounce عام in English?
float is pronounced in English as
4) general-adj
∘ عَامّ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَامّ in English and Arabic
More Examples
She gave a general description of the event.
قدمت وصفًا عامًا للحدث.
The book covers general aspects of science.
يغطي الكتاب جوانب عامة من العلم.
In general, the plan was well-received.
بشكل عام، لقيت الخطة استحسانًا.
∘ How to pronounce عَامّ in English?
general is pronounced in English as
5) public-adj
∘ عَامّ meaning in English & Arabic
∘ Examples of عَامّ in English and Arabic
This is a public park.
هذه حديقة عامة.
More Examples
The public library has thousands of books.
تحتوي المكتبة العامة على آلاف الكتب.
∘ How to pronounce عَامّ in English?
public is pronounced in English as