Arabic for event
1) event-noun
∘ event meaning in Arabic & English
Something that happens, especially something important
∘ Plural of حدث in Arabic
∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
The conquest of Mecca is one of the most important events in the Islamic history
فتح مكّة أحد أهمّ الأحداث في التّاريخ الإسلاميّ
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The normal course of events
السّير الطّبيعيّ للأحداث
A suspicious series of events
سلسلة أحداث مريبة
∘ How to pronounce event in English?
The word event is pronounced in English as
∘ event meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
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∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
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Arabic for event
1) event-noun
∘ event meaning in Arabic & English
Something that happens, especially something important
∘ Plural of حَدَث in Arabic
∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
The conquest of Mecca is one of the most important events in the Islamic history
فَتْحُ مَكَّةَ أَحَدُ أَهَمِّ الأَحْدَاثِ فِيْ التَّارِيْخِ الإِسْلَامِيِّ
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He suspiciously knew the sequence of events
كَانَ عَلَىْ دَرَايَةٍ بِتَسَلْسُلِ الأَحْدَاثِ بِشَكْلٍ مُثِيْرٍ لِلرَّيْبَةِ
The chain of events indicates that you are the murdered
تُشِيْرُ سِلْسِلَةُ الأَحْدَاثِ إِلَىْ كَوْنِكَ القَاتِلُ
The normal course of events
السَّيْرُ الطَّبِيْعِيُّ لَلْأَحْدَاثِ
A suspicious series of events
سِلْسِلَةُ أَحْدَاثٍ مُرِيْبَةٍ
∘ How to pronounce event in English?
The word event is pronounced in English as
∘ event meaning in Arabic & English
∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
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∘ Examples of event in Arabic and English
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