خاطئ in English

Meaning of خاطئ in English is: (flawed, incorrect, wrong) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

خاطئ بالانجليزي

English for خاطئ


1) flawed-adj


  ∘ خاطئ meaning in English & Arabic

having a flaw; not perfect or correct

خاطئ أي ناقص غير تامّ ويوجد فيه عيوب أو أخطاء أو خلال (جمع خلل)

  ∘ Examples of خاطئ in English and Arabic

A flawed judgment

حكم خاطئ

Your conclusion is based on seriously flawed interpretations of the situation in Iraq

استنتاجك مبنيّ على أساس تفسيرات خاطئة للوضع في العراق

More Examples

Your argument is fundamentally flawed

حجّتك خاطئة في جوهرها

His flawed behaviour and conduct

سلوكه وتصرّفاته الخاطئة

I cannot understand your flawed reasoning

لا يمكنني فهم منطقك الخاطئ

2) incorrect-adj


  ∘ خاطئ meaning in English & Arabic

not accurate or true

خاطئ أي غير صحيح أو مغلوط

  ∘ Examples of خاطئ in English and Arabic

Your information is incorrect

إنّ معلوماتك خاطئة

Your account of the incident is incorrect

إنّ روايتك للواقعة خاطئة

More Examples

Those are incorrect figures and statistics

هذه أرقام وإحصائيّات خاطئة

Well, after hearing you I can say that your hypothesis is incorrect

حسنا, بعد الاستماع إليك, يمكنني القول أنّ افتراضك خاطئ

All the information you gave us was incorrect

كلّ المعلومات الّتي أعطيتنا إيّاها خاطئة

3) wrong-adj


  ∘ خاطئ meaning in English & Arabic

not right or correct

غير صحيح أو صواب

  ∘ Examples of خاطئ in English and Arabic

His answer was wrong.

كانت إجابته خاطئة.

That decision seems wrong.

يبدو أن ذاك القرار خاطئا.

More Examples

Her behaviour was wrong.

كان تصرفها خاطئا.

He took a wrong turn.

اتخذ انعطافا خاطئا.

The instructions are wrong.

إن التعليمات خاطئة.

The calculations were wrong.

كانت الحسابات خاطئة.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاطئ in English?

wrong is pronounced in English as

4) false-adj


  ∘ خاطئ meaning in English & Arabic

Wrong; not correct or true.

غير صحيح؛ غير صادق أو حقيقي.

  ∘ Examples of خاطئ in English and Arabic

The statement was false.

كان البيان خاطئا.

He gave a false name.

أعطى اسما خاطئا.

More Examples

Their accusations were found to be false.

وجد أن اتهاماتهم كانت خاطئة.

She denied the false rumors.

نفت الشائعات الخاطئة.

He was arrested for providing false information.

تم القبض عليه بسبب تقديم معلومات خاطئة.

The test results were falsely interpreted.

فسرت نتائج الاختبار بشكل خاطئ.

  ∘ How to pronounce خاطئ in English?

false is pronounced in English as

English for خاطئ


1) flawed-adj


  ∘ خَاطِئ meaning in English & Arabic

having a flaw; not perfect or correct

خَاطِئٌ أَيْ نَاقِصٌ غَيْرُ تَامٍّ وَيُوْجَدُ فِيْهِ عُيُوْبٌ أَوْ أَخْطَاءٌ أَوْ خِلَالٌ (جَمْعُ خَلَلٍ)

  ∘ Examples of خَاطِئ in English and Arabic

A flawed judgment

حُكْمٌ خَاطِئٌ

Your conclusion is based on seriously flawed interpretations of the situation in Iraq

اسْتِنْتَاجُكَ مَبْنِيٌّ عَلَىْ أَسَاسِ تَفْسِيْرَاتٍ خَاطِئَةٍ لِلْوَضْعِ فِيْ العِرَاقِ

More Examples

Your argument is fundamentally flawed

حُجَّتُكَ خَاطِئَةٌ فِيْ جَوْهَرِهَا

His flawed behaviour and conduct

سُلُوْكُهُ وَتَصَرُّفَاتُهُ الخَاطِئَةُ

I cannot understand your flawed reasoning

لَا يُمْكِنُنِيْ فَهْمُ مَنْطِقَكَ الخَاطِئَ

2) incorrect-adj


  ∘ خَاطِئ meaning in English & Arabic

not accurate or true

خَاطِئٌ أَيْ غَيْرُ صَحِيْحٍ أَوْ مَغْلُوْطٌ

  ∘ Examples of خَاطِئ in English and Arabic

Your information is incorrect

إِنَّ مَعْلُوْمَاتُكَ خَاطِئَةٌ

Your account of the incident is incorrect

إِنَّ رِوَايَتَكَ لِلْوَاقِعَةِ خَاطِئَةٌ

More Examples

Those are incorrect figures and statistics

هَذِهِ أَرْقَامٌ وَإِحْصَائِيَّاتٌ خَاطِئَةٌ

Well, after hearing you I can say that your hypothesis is incorrect

حَسَنًا, بَعْدَ الِاسْتِمَاعِ إِلَيْكَ, يُمْكِنُنِيْ القَوْلُ أَنَّ افْتِرَاضَكَ خَاطِئٌ

All the information you gave us was incorrect

كُلٌّ المَعْلُوْمَاتِ الَّتِيْ أَعْطَيْتَنَا إِيَّاهَا خَاطِئَةٌ

3) wrong-adj


  ∘ خَاطِئ meaning in English & Arabic

not right or correct

غير صحيح أو صواب

  ∘ Examples of خَاطِئ in English and Arabic

His answer was wrong.

كانت إجابته خاطئة.

That decision seems wrong.

يبدو أن ذاك القرار خاطئًا.

More Examples

Her behaviour was wrong.

كان تصرفها خاطئاً.

He took a wrong turn.

اتخذ انعطافاً خاطئاً.

The instructions are wrong.

إن التعليمات خاطئة.

The calculations were wrong.

كانت الحسابات خاطئة.

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاطِئ in English?

wrong is pronounced in English as

4) false-adj


  ∘ خَاطِئ meaning in English & Arabic

Wrong; not correct or true.

غير صحيح؛ غير صادق أو حقيقي.

  ∘ Examples of خَاطِئ in English and Arabic

The statement was false.

كان البيان خاطئًا.

He gave a false name.

أعطى اسمًا خاطئًا.

More Examples

Their accusations were found to be false.

وُجد أن اتهاماتهم كانت خاطئة.

She denied the false rumors.

نفت الشائعات الخاطئة.

He was arrested for providing false information.

تم القبض عليه بسبب تقديم معلومات خاطئة.

The test results were falsely interpreted.

فُسرت نتائج الاختبار بشكل خاطئ.

  ∘ How to pronounce خَاطِئ in English?

false is pronounced in English as
