influential in Arabic

Meaning of influential in Arabic is: (مُؤَثِّر، مُتَنَفِّذ، نَافِذ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

influential in Arabic

Arabic for influential

1) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of مؤثّر in Arabic

مؤثّرون / مؤثّرين / مؤثّرات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

He is an influntial figure in the country

إنّه شخصيّة مؤثّرة في البلاد

Far-right parties are extremely influential in formulating the constitution

أحزاب اليمين المتطرّف مؤثّرين تأثيرا شديدا في صياغة الدّستور

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Infleunetial politicians forced him to resign

أجبره سياسيّون مؤثّرون على الاستقالة

This studio is famous for producing influential movies

يشتهر هذا الأستوديو بإنتاج أفلام مؤثّرة

A highly influential programme

برنامج مؤثّر بشدّة

She is an influential actress in teenagers

إنّها ممثّلة مؤثّرة في المراهقين

Our world lacks influential leaders

يخلو عالمنا من القادة المؤثّرين

2) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

​having a lot of influence on somebody/something

متنفّذأي له تأثير كبير على شخص أو شيء

  ∘ Plural of متنفّذ in Arabic

متنفّذون / متنفّذين / متنفّذات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

The president maintains deep relationships with influential generals

يحافظ رئيس الجمهوريّة على علاقات عميقة مع ضبّاط متنفّذين

The influential politicians and tycoons back and support him

يدعمه ويؤيّده سياسيّون وأباطرة مال متنفّذون

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An influential prosecutor

مدّع عامّ متنفّذ

3) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

​having a lot of influence on somebody/something

نافذ أي له تأثير كبير على شخص أو شيء

  ∘ Plural of نافذ in Arabic

نافذون / نافذين / نافذات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

The chairman maintains deep relationships with influential politicians and generals

يحافظ رئيس مجلس الإدارة على علاقات عميقة مع سياسيّين وضبّاط نافذين

The influential senators back and support him

يدعمه ويؤيّده أعضاء مجلس الشّيوخ النّافذين

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An influential prosecutor

مدّع عامّ نافذ

Arabic for influential

1) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of مُؤَثِّر in Arabic

مُؤَثِّرُوْنَ / مُؤَثِّرِيْنَ / مُؤَثِّرَات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

He is an influntial figure in the country

إِنَّهُ شَخْصِيَّةُ مُؤَثِّرَةٌ فِيْ البِلَادِ

Far-right parties are extremely influential in formulating the constitution

أَحْزَابُ اليَمِيْنِ المُتَطَرِّفِ مُؤَثِّرِيْنَ تَأْثِيْرًا شَدِيْدًا فِيْ صِيَاغَةِ الدُّسْتُوْرِ

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Infleunetial politicians forced him to resign

أَجْبَرَهُ سِيَاسِيُّوْنَ مُؤَثِّرُوْنَ عَلَىْ الِاسْتِقَالَةِ

This studio is famous for producing influential movies

يَشْتَهِرُ هَذَا الأُسْتُوْدِيُوْ بِإِنْتَاجِ أَفْلَامٍ مُؤَثِّرَةٍ

A highly influential programme

بَرْنَامَجٌ مُؤَثِّرٌ بِشِدَّةٍ

She is an influential actress in teenagers

إِنَّهَا مُمَثِّلَةٌ مُؤَثِّرَةٌ فِيْ المُرَاهِقِيْنَ

Our world lacks influential leaders

يَخْلُوْ عَالَمُنَا مِنَ القَادَةِ المُؤَثِّرِيْنَ

2) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

​having a lot of influence on somebody/something

مُتَنَفِّذٌأَيْ لَهُ تَأْثِيْرٌ كَبِيْرٌ عَلَىْ شَخْصٍ أَوْ شَيْءٍ

  ∘ Plural of مُتَنَفِّذ in Arabic

مُتَنَفِّذُوْنَ / مُتَنَفِّذِيْنَ / مُتَنَفِّذَات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

The president maintains deep relationships with influential generals

يُحَافِظُ رَئِيْسُ الجُمْهُوْرِيَّةِ عَلَىْ عَلَاقَاتٍ عَمِيْقَةٍ مَعَ ضُبَّاطَ مُتَنَفِّذِيْنَ

The influential politicians and tycoons back and support him

يَدْعَمُهُ وَيُؤَيِّدُهُ سِيَاسِيُّوْنَ وَأَبَاطِرَةُ مَالٍ مُتَنَفِّذُوْنَ

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An influential prosecutor

مُدَّعٍ عَامٌّ مُتَنَفِّذٌ

3) influential-adj


  ∘ influential meaning in Arabic & English

​having a lot of influence on somebody/something

نَافِذ أَيْ لَهُ تَأْثِيْرٌ كَبِيْرٌ عَلَىْ شَخْصٍ أَوْ شَيْءٍ

  ∘ Plural of نَافِذ in Arabic

نَافِذُوْنَ / نَافِذِيْنَ / نَافِذَات

  ∘ Examples of influential in Arabic and English

The chairman maintains deep relationships with influential politicians and generals

يُحَافِظُ رَئِيْسُ مَجْلِسِ الإِدَارَةِ عَلَىْ عَلَاقَاتٍ عَمِيْقَةٍ مَعَ سِيَاسِيِّيْنَ وَضُبَّاطَ نَافِذِيْنَ

The influential senators back and support him

يَدْعَمُهُ وَيُؤَيِّدُهُ أَعْضَاءُ مَجْلِسِ الشُّيُوْخِ النَّافِذِيْنَ

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An influential prosecutor

مُدَّعٍ عَامٌّ نَافِذٌ
