deep in Arabic

Meaning of deep in Arabic is: (عميق) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

deep in Arabic

Arabic for deep

1) deep-adj


  ∘ deep meaning in Arabic & English

having a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom

يمتلك مسافة كبيرة من القمة أو السطح إلى القاع

  ∘ Examples of deep in Arabic and English

The ocean is very deep.

المحيط عميق جدا.

They dug a deep hole in the ground.

حفروا حفرة عميقة في الأرض.

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The deep valley was surrounded by mountains.

كان الوادي العميق محاط بالجبال.

They explored a deep cave.

استكشفوا كهفا عميقا.

The wound was deep and required stitches.

كان الجرح عميقا وتطلب خياطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce deep in English?

The word deep is pronounced in English as

Arabic for deep

1) deep-adj


  ∘ deep meaning in Arabic & English

having a large distance from the top or surface to the bottom

يمتلك مسافة كبيرة من القمة أو السطح إلى القاع

  ∘ Examples of deep in Arabic and English

The ocean is very deep.

المحيط عميق جدًا.

They dug a deep hole in the ground.

حفروا حفرة عميقة في الأرض.

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The deep valley was surrounded by mountains.

كان الوادي العميق محاط بالجبال.

They explored a deep cave.

استكشفوا كهفًا عميقًا.

The wound was deep and required stitches.

كان الجرح عميقا وتطلب خياطة.

  ∘ How to pronounce deep in English?

The word deep is pronounced in English as
