chairman in Arabic

Meaning of chairman in Arabic is: (رئيس، رئيس الجلسة، مسؤول) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

chairman in Arabic

  ∘ Plural of رئيس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

They elected him the chairman of the department.

انتخبوه رئيس للقسم.

My neighbour is a deputy chairman of the company.

إن جاري هو معاون رئيس الشركة.

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The sport club chairman evaluated the the members' efforts.

قدّر رئيس النادي الرياضيّ جهود الأعضاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as

2) chairman-noun

رئيس الجلسة-اسم

  ∘ chairman meaning in Arabic & English

the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.

رئيس الجلسة هو الشخص الذي ينظّم الإجتماعات و الجلسات كي بوزّع الأدزر على المتكامين ليضبط الفوضى في القاعة

  ∘ رئيس الجلسة imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

رئيسات الجلسات

  ∘ Plural of رئيس الجلسة in Arabic

وؤساء الجلسات

  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

The chairman called the people to a meeting.

دعا رئيس الجلسة الناس للإجتماع.

The committee voted him as a chairman.

إنتخبته اللجنة كرئيس للجلسة.

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The chairman decided to end up the session.

قرر رئيس الجلسة إنهاء الجلسة.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as

3) chairman-noun


  ∘ chairman meaning in Arabic & English

the person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.

المسؤول هو الشخص الذي يكلّف برئاسة دائرة أو مؤسسة أو الخ...... لقوم على رعايتها

  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

The executive chairman reported the profits of the year.

أعلن المسؤول التنفيذي أرباح السنة.

She became the chairman of the educational department.

أصبحت مسؤولة القسم التربويّ.

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She failed in trying to persuade the committee chairman that she was right.

فشلت في إقناع مسؤول اللجنة بأنها كانت محقّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as

رئيس noun رئيس الجلسة noun مسؤول noun

Arabic for chairman

1) chairman-noun


  ∘ chairman meaning in Arabic & English

the person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.

رئيس دائرة ما أو مؤسسة ما أي مسؤول عنها و عن إدارتها

  ∘ رئيس imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Plural of رئيس in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

They elected him the chairman of the department.

انتخبوه رئيس للقسم.

My neighbour is a deputy chairman of the company.

إن جاري هو معاون رئيس الشركة.

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The sport club chairman evaluated the the members' efforts.

قدّر رئيس النادي الرياضيّ جهود الأعضاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as

2) chairman-noun

رئيس الجلسة-اسم

  ∘ chairman meaning in Arabic & English

the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak, etc.

رئيس الجلسة هو الشخص الذي ينظّم الإجتماعات و الجلسات كي بوزّع الأدزر على المتكامين ليضبط الفوضى في القاعة

  ∘ رئيس الجلسة imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

رئيسات الجلسات

  ∘ Plural of رئيس الجلسة in Arabic

وؤساء الجلسات

  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

The chairman called the people to a meeting.

دعا رئيس الجلسة الناس للإجتماع.

The committee voted him as a chairman.

إنتخبته اللجنة كرئيس للجلسة.

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The chairman decided to end up the session.

قرر رئيس الجلسة إنهاء الجلسة.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as

3) chairman-noun


  ∘ chairman meaning in Arabic & English

the person in charge of a committee, a company, etc.

المسؤول هو الشخص الذي يُكلّف برئاسة دائرة أو مؤسسة أو الخ...... لقوم على رعايتها

  ∘ Examples of chairman in Arabic and English

The executive chairman reported the profits of the year.

أعلن المسؤول التنفيذي أرباح السنة.

She became the chairman of the educational department.

أصبحت مسؤولة القسم التربويّ.

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She failed in trying to persuade the committee chairman that she was right.

فشلت في إقناع مسؤول اللجنة بأنها كانت محقّة.

  ∘ How to pronounce chairman in English?

The word chairman is pronounced in English as
