fast in Arabic

Meaning of fast in Arabic is: (آمِن، صَوْم، سَرِيْع) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

fast in Arabic

Arabic for fast

1) fast -adj


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

He made my car fast

جعل سيّارتي آمنة

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

2) fast -noun


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Ramadan is the month of fast for Muslims

رمضان شهر الصّوم عند المسلمين

I went on a fast

بدأت الصّوم

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

fast -noun


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

a period during which a person does not eat or drink, especially for religious reasons

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Ramadan is the month of fast for Muslims

رمضان شهر الصّيام عند المسلمين

I went on a fast

بدأت الصّيام

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

3) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Do not drive fast, I have a phobia

لا تقد بسرعة, لديّ رهابا

How fast can you run?

ما مدى سرعة ركضك؟

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A fast-moving car

سيّارة تمضي بسرعة

The well water drained quickly

نضبت مياه البئر بسرعة

I'll come fast to the construction site

سآتي بسرعة إلى موقع البناء

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me

كنت أركض بسرعة

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

We should solve the refugee problem fast

يجب حلّ أزمة اللّاجئين بسرعة

Inflation rate rises fast

يزداد معدّل التّضخّم بسرعة

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I want the work done fast without delay

أريد العمل منجزا بسرعة وبدون تأخير

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يقترب المصرف المركزيّ من الإفلاس بسرعة

It all happened so fast I could not do a thing

حدث كلّ ذلك بسرعة حتّى أنّني لم أستطع فعل شيئ

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  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

moving or able to move quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

A fast boat

قارب سريع

This is the fastest car I have ever driven

هذه أسرع سيّارة ركبتها

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A fast destroying wind

رياح سريعة مدمّرة

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The train is the fastest mode of transportation to get to the airport

القطار أسرع وسائل النّقل للوصول إلى المطار

We shall suggest a fast approach to strengthen the trust between the government and the people

علينا اقتراح آليّة سريعة لتعزيز الثّقة بين الحكومة والمواطن

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A fast drop of the income of middle-class families

انخفاض سريع في دخل عائلات الطّبقة المتوسّطة

A fast and effective response to the pandemic

استجابة سريعة وفعّالة للجائحة



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

to be able to do something quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

A fast runner/ learner/ driver

عدّاء/ متعلّم/ قائد سريع



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

allowing quick movement

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

How could I go to the fast road?

كيف أذهب إلى الطّريق السّريع؟

A fast lane

حارة (مروريّة) سريعة

4) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

Moving quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The well water drained quickly

نضبت مياه البئر سريعا

I'll come fast to the construction site

سآتي سريعا إلى موقع البناء

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

We should solve the refugee problem fast

يجب حلّ أزمة اللّاجئين سريعا

Inflation rate rises fast

يزداد معدّل التّضخّم سريعا

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It all happened so fast I could not do a thing

حدث كلّ ذلك سريعا حتّى أنّني لم أستطع فعل شيئ

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يقترب المصرف المركزيّ سريعا من الإفلاس

5) fast -verb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

to eat no food or no food and drinks for a period of time, especially for religious reasons

Click to show conjugation of صام

  ∘ صام past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا صمت - نحن صمنا
أنت صمت - أنت صمت
أنتما صمتما
أنتم صمتم - أنتنّ صمتنّ
هو صام - هي صامت
هما (مذكّر) صاما - هما (مؤنّث) صامتا
هم صاموا - هنّ صمن

  ∘ صام present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أصوم - نحن نصوم
أنت تصوم - أنت تصومين
أنتما تصومان
أنتم تصومون - أنتنّ تصمن
هو يصوم - هي تصوم
هما (مذكّر) يصومان - هما (مؤنّث) تصومان
هم يصومون - هنّ يصمن

  ∘ صام imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت صم - أنت صومي
أنتما صوما
أنتم صوموا - أنتنّ صمن

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Muslims fast during Ramadan from dawn to dusk

يصوم المسلمون في رمضان من الفجر وحتّى الغروب

I fasted for the first time when I was 7 year of age

صمت لأوّل مرّة في عمر الـ 7 سنوات

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I am fasting

إنّي صائم

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

6) fast -adj


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

a clock that is fast shows a later time than the real time

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The kitchen's clock is ten minutes fast

ساعة المطبخ مسبّقة عشر دقائق

I think my watch is 5 minutes fast

أظنّ أنّ ساعتي مسبّقة 5 دقائق

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

7) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

Moving quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Do not drive fast, I have a phobia

لا تقد مسرعا, لديّ رهابا

A fast-moving car

سيّارة تمضي مسرعة

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I'll come fast to the construction site

سآتي مسرعا إلى موقع البناء

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me

كنت أركض مسرعا

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يقترب المصرف المركزيّ مسرعا من الإفلاس

Arabic for fast

1) fast -adj


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

He made my car fast

جَعَلَ سَيَّارَتِيْ آمِنَةً

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

2) fast -noun


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Ramadan is the month of fast for Muslims

رَمَضَانُ شَهْرُ الصَّوْمِ عِنْدَ المُسْلِمِيْنَ

I went on a fast

بَدَأْتُ الصَّوْمَ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

fast -noun


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

a period during which a person does not eat or drink, especially for religious reasons

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Ramadan is the month of fast for Muslims

رَمَضَانُ شَهْرُ الصِّيَامِ عِنْدَ المُسْلِمِيْنَ

I went on a fast

بَدَأْتُ الصِّيَامَ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

3) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Do not drive fast, I have a phobia

لَا تَقُدْ بِسُرْعَةٍ, لَدَيَّ رُهَابًا

How fast can you run?

مَا مَدَىْ سُرْعَةُ رَكْضِكَ؟

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A fast-moving car

سَيَّارَةٌ تَمْضِيْ بِسُرْعَةٍ

The well water drained quickly

نَضَبَتْ مِيَاهُ البِئْرِ بِسُرْعَةٍ

I'll come fast to the construction site

سَآتِيْ بِسُرْعَةٍ إِلَىْ مَوْقِعِ البِنَاءِ

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me

كُنْتُ أَرْكُضُ بِسُرْعَةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

We should solve the refugee problem fast

يَجِبُ حَلُّ أَزْمَةِ اللَّاجِئِيْنَ بِسُرْعَةٍ

Inflation rate rises fast

يَزْدَادُ مُعَدَّلُ التَّضَخُّمِ بِسُرْعَةٍ

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I want the work done fast without delay

أُرِيْدُ العَمَلَ مُنْجَزًا بِسُرْعَةٍ وَبِدُوْنِ تَأْخِيْرٍ

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يَقْتَرِبُ المَصْرِفُ المَرْكَزِيُّ مِنَ الإِفْلَاسِ بِسُرْعَةٍ

It all happened so fast I could not do a thing

حَدَثَ كُلُّ ذَلِكَ بِسُرْعَةٍ حَتَّىْ أَنَّنِيْ لَمْ أَسْتَطِعِ فِعْلَ شَيْئٍ

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  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

moving or able to move quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

A fast boat

قَارِبٌ سَرِيْعٌ

This is the fastest car I have ever driven

هَذِهِ أَسْرَعُ سَيَّارَةٍ رَكِبْتُهَا

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A fast destroying wind

رِيَاحٌ سَرِيْعَةٌ مُدَمِّرَةٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The train is the fastest mode of transportation to get to the airport

القِطَارُ أَسْرَعُ وَسَائِلِ النَّقْلِ لِلْوُصُوْلِ إِلَىْ المَطَارِ

We shall suggest a fast approach to strengthen the trust between the government and the people

عَلَيْنَا اقْتِرَاحُ آلِيَّةٍ سَرِيْعَةٍ لِتَعْزِيْزِ الثِّقَةِ بَيْنَ الحُكُوْمَةِ وَالمُوَاطِنِ

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A fast drop of the income of middle-class families

انْخِفَاضٌ سَرِيْعٌ فِيْ دَخْلِ عَائِلَاتِ الطَّبَقَةِ المُتَوَسِّطَةِ

A fast and effective response to the pandemic

اسْتِجَابَةٌ سَرِيْعَةٌ وَفَعَّالَةٌ لِلْجَائِحَةِ



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

to be able to do something quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

A fast runner/ learner/ driver

عَدَّاءٌ/ مُتَعَلِّمٌ/ قَائِدٌ سَرِيْعٌ



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

allowing quick movement

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

How could I go to the fast road?

كَيْفَ أَذْهَبُ إِلَىْ الطَّرِيْقِ السَّرِيْعِ؟

A fast lane

حَارَةٌ (مُرُوْرِيَّةٌ) سَرِيْعَةٌ

4) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

Moving quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The well water drained quickly

نَضَبَتْ مِيَاهُ البِئْرِ سَرِيْعًا

I'll come fast to the construction site

سَآتِيْ سَرِيْعًا إِلَىْ مَوْقِعِ البِنَاءِ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

We should solve the refugee problem fast

يَجِبُ حَلُّ أَزْمَةِ اللَّاجِئِيْنَ سَرِيْعًا

Inflation rate rises fast

يَزْدَادُ مُعَدَّلُ التَّضَخُّمِ سَرِيْعًا

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It all happened so fast I could not do a thing

حَدَثَ كُلُّ ذَلِكَ سَرِيْعًا حَتَّىْ أَنَّنِيْ لَمْ أَسْتَطِعِ فِعْلَ شَيْئٍ

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يَقْتَرِبُ المَصْرِفُ المَرْكَزِيُّ سَرِيْعًا مِنَ الإِفْلَاسِ

5) fast -verb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

to eat no food or no food and drinks for a period of time, especially for religious reasons

Click to show conjugation of صَامَ

  ∘ صَامَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا صمْتُ - نَحْنُ صمْنَا
أَنْتَ صمْتَ - أَنْتِ صمْتِ
أَنْتُمَا صمْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ صمْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ صمْتُنَّ
هُوَ صَامَ - هِيَ صَامَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) صَامَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) صَامَتَا
هُمْ صَامُوا - هُنَّ صمْنَ

  ∘ صَامَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أصُوْمُ - نَحْنُ نصُوْمُ
أَنْتَ تصُوْمُ - أَنْتِ تصُوْمِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تصُوْمَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تصُوْمُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تصمْنَ
هُوَ يصُوْمُ - هِيَ تصُوْمُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يصُوْمَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تصُوْمَانِ
هُمْ يصُوْمُونَ - هُنَّ يصمْنَ

  ∘ صَامَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ صمْ - أَنْتِ صُوْمي
أَنْتُمَا صُوْما
أَنْتُمْ صُوْموا - أَنْتُنَّ صمنَ

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Muslims fast during Ramadan from dawn to dusk

يَصُوْمُ المُسْلِمُوْنَ فِيْ رَمَضَانَ مِنَ الفَجْرِ وَحَتَّىْ الغُرُوْبِ

I fasted for the first time when I was 7 year of age

صُمْتُ لِأَوَّلِ مَرَّةٍ فِيْ عُمُرِ الـ 7 سَنَوَاتٍ

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I am fasting

إِنِّيْ صَائِمٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

6) fast -adj


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

a clock that is fast shows a later time than the real time

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The kitchen's clock is ten minutes fast

سَاعَةُ المَطْبَخِ مُسَبِّقَةٌ عَشْرَ دَقَائِقَ

I think my watch is 5 minutes fast

أَظُنُّ أَنَّ سَاعَتِيْ مُسَبِّقَةً 5 دَقَائِقَ

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as

7) fast -adverb


  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

Moving quickly

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

Do not drive fast, I have a phobia

لَا تَقُدْ مُسْرِعًا, لَدَيَّ رُهَابًا

A fast-moving car

سَيَّارَةٌ تَمْضِيْ مُسْرِعَةً

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I'll come fast to the construction site

سَآتِيْ مُسْرِعًا إِلَىْ مَوْقِعِ البِنَاءِ

I was running as fast as my legs could carry me

كُنْتُ أَرْكُضُ مُسْرِعًا

  ∘ How to pronounce fast in English?

The word fast is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fast meaning in Arabic & English

happening in a short time without delay

  ∘ Examples of fast in Arabic and English

The central bank is fast approaching bankruptcy

يَقْتَرِبُ المَصْرِفُ المَرْكَزِيُّ مُسْرِعًا مِنَ الإِفْلَاسِ
