rate in Arabic

Meaning of rate in Arabic is: (معدل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

rate in Arabic

Arabic for rate

1) rate-noun


  ∘ rate meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of rate in Arabic and English

The rate of inflation has increased.

ارتفع معدل التضخم.

She measured the rate of water flow.

قاست معدل تدفق الماء.

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The school has a high graduation rate.

للمدرسة معدل تخرج عالي.

Interest rates have fallen.

انخفضت معدلات الفائدة.

We discussed the rates of crime in different cities.

ناقشنا معدلات الجريمة في مدن مختلفة.

The hotel charges different rates for peak seasons.

يفرض الفندق معدلات مختلفة خلال المواسم الذروة.

Arabic for rate

1) rate-noun


  ∘ rate meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Examples of rate in Arabic and English

The rate of inflation has increased.

ارتفع معدل التضخم.

She measured the rate of water flow.

قاست معدل تدفق الماء.

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The school has a high graduation rate.

للمدرسة معدل تخرج عالي.

Interest rates have fallen.

انخفضت معدلات الفائدة.

We discussed the rates of crime in different cities.

ناقشنا معدلات الجريمة في مدن مختلفة.

The hotel charges different rates for peak seasons.

يفرض الفندق معدلات مختلفة خلال المواسم الذروة.
