fall in Arabic

Meaning of fall in Arabic is: (الخَرٍيْفُ، انْخِفَاض، سَقْطَة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

fall in Arabic

Arabic for fall

1) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of الخريف in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

Fall is the season between summer and winter

الخريف هو الفصل بين الشّتاء والصّيف

In fall, leaves change color and the weather becomes cooler

تصفرّ أوراق الأشجار في الخريف ويبرد الطّقس

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In early/ late fall

في أوائل/ أواخر الخريف

The fall term

الفصل الخريفيّ

In the fall of 1456 the city fell

في خريف عام 1456 سقطت المدينة

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

2) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A reduction in the level, price, production, etc of something

  ∘ Plural of انخفاض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

There has been a sharp fall in oil production last month

حصل انخفاض حادّ في إنتاج النّفط الشّهر الماضي

Real estate stocks profits witnessed a steep fall

شهدت عائدات الأسهم العقاريّة انخفاضات حادّة

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

3) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

An act of falling

  ∘ Plural of سقطة in Arabic

سقطات/ سقطات/ سقاط

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

I lost my memory as I had a bad fall

فقدت ذاكرتي على إثر سقطة شديدة

I stretched out my hands to break my fall

وضعت يداي على الأرض لأخفّف من شدّة السّقطة

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I fell several falls from the back of the horse

سقطت بضع سقطات عن ظهر الحصان

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

4) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

An act of falling

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

I lost my memory as I had a bad fall

فقدت ذاكرتي على إثر سقوط شديد

I stretched out my hands to break my fall

وضعت يداي على الأرض لأخفّف من شدّة السّقوط

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I used to have falls from the back of the horse

اعتدت على السّقوط عن ظهر الحصان

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

The amount of rain, snow, etc that falls or have fallen

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

A heavy fall of hailstone

سقوط كثيف للبرد

Have you heard of a rocks fall on Lot's people

هل سمعت بسقوط الصّخور على قوم لوط؟

5) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A large amount of water that falling down from a height

  ∘ Plural of شلّال in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

Niagara falls

شلّالات نياغرا

A rock fell from the top of the falls

سقطت صخرة من أعلى الشّلّال

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I am hearing the falls around me

أسمع صوت الشّلّال من حولي

Have you enjoyed the magnificent view of the falls

هل استمتعت بمنظر الشّلّال السّاحر

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

6) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A reduction in the level, price, production, etc of something

  ∘ Plural of هبوط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

There has been a sharp fall in oil production last month

حصل هبوط حادّ في إنتاج النّفط الشّهر الماضي

Real estate stocks profits witnessed a steep fall

شهدت عائدات الأسهم العقاريّة هبوطات حادّة

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A situation in which someone or something loses their power, position,etc

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

The rise and fall of the development process

الصّعود والهبوط في عمليّة التّنمية

Our trade relationships with the neighboring countries witnessed rise and fall

شهدت علاقاتنا التّجاريّة مع دول الجوار صعودا وهبوطا

Arabic for fall

1) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

  ∘ Plural of الخَرٍيْفُ in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

Fall is the season between summer and winter

الخَرِيفُ هُو الفَصْلُ بَينَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيفِ

In fall, leaves change color and the weather becomes cooler

تَصْفَرُّ أَوْرَاقُ الأَشْجَارِ فِي الخَرِيفِ وَيَبرُدُ الطَّقْسُ

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In early/ late fall

فِيْ أَوَائِلُ/ أَوَاخِرُ الخَرِيْفِ

The fall term

الفَصْلُ الخَرِيْفِيُّ

In the fall of 1456 the city fell

فِيْ خَرِيْفِ عَامِ 1456 سَقَطَتِ المَدِيْنَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

2) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A reduction in the level, price, production, etc of something

  ∘ Plural of انْخِفَاض in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

There has been a sharp fall in oil production last month

حَصَلَ انْخِفَاضٌ حَادٌّ فِيْ إِنْتَاجِ النِّفْطِ الشَّهْرَ المَاضِيَ

Real estate stocks profits witnessed a steep fall

شَهِدَتْ عَائِدَاتُ الأَسْهُمِ العَقَارِيَّةِ انْخِفَاضَاتٍ حَادَّةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

3) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

An act of falling

  ∘ Plural of سَقْطَة in Arabic

سَقَطَات/ سَقْطَات/ سِقَاط

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

I lost my memory as I had a bad fall

فَقَدْتُ ذَاكِرَتِيْ عَلَىْ إِثْرِ سَقْطَةٍ شَدِيْدَةٍ

I stretched out my hands to break my fall

وَضَعْتُ يَدَايَ عَلَىْ الأَرْضِ لِأُخَفِّفَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ السَّقْطَةِ

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I fell several falls from the back of the horse

سَقَطْتُ بِضْعَ سَقَطَاتِ عَنْ ظَهْرِ الحِصَانِ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

4) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

An act of falling

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

I lost my memory as I had a bad fall

فَقَدْتُ ذَاكِرَتِيْ عَلَىْ إِثْرِ سُقُوْطٍ شَدِيْدٍ

I stretched out my hands to break my fall

وَضَعْتُ يَدَايَ عَلَىْ الأَرْضِ لِأُخَفِّفَ مِنْ شِدَّةِ السُّقُوْطِ

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I used to have falls from the back of the horse

اعْتَدْتُ عَلَىْ السُّقُوْطِ عَنْ ظَهْرِ الحِصَانِ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

The amount of rain, snow, etc that falls or have fallen

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

A heavy fall of hailstone

سُقُوْطٌ كَثِيْفٌ لِلْبَرَدِ

Have you heard of a rocks fall on Lot's people

هَلْ سَمِعْتَ بِسُقُوْطِ الصُّخُوْرِ عَلَىْ قَوْمِ لُوْطٍ؟

5) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A large amount of water that falling down from a height

  ∘ Plural of شَلَّال in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

Niagara falls

شَلَّالَاتُ نِيَاغْرَا

A rock fell from the top of the falls

سَقَطَتْ صَخْرَةٌ مِنْ أَعْلَىْ الشَّلَّالِ

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I am hearing the falls around me

أَسْمَعُ صَوْتَ الشَّلَّالِ مِنْ حَوْلِيَ

Have you enjoyed the magnificent view of the falls

هَلِ اسْتَمْتَعْتَ بِمَنْظَرِ الشَّلَّالِ السَّاحِرِ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as

6) fall-noun


  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A reduction in the level, price, production, etc of something

  ∘ Plural of هُبُوْط in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

There has been a sharp fall in oil production last month

حَصَلَ هُبُوْطٌ حَادٌّ فِيْ إِنْتَاجِ النِّفْطِ الشَّهْرَ المَاضِيَ

Real estate stocks profits witnessed a steep fall

شَهِدَتْ عَائِدَاتُ الأَسْهُمِ العَقَارِيَّةِ هُبُوْطَاتٍ حَادَّةٍ

  ∘ How to pronounce fall in English?

The word fall is pronounced in English as



  ∘ fall meaning in Arabic & English

A situation in which someone or something loses their power, position,etc

  ∘ Examples of fall in Arabic and English

The rise and fall of the development process

الصُّعُوْدُ وَالهُبُوْطُ فِيْ عَمَلِيَّةِ التَّنْمِيَةِ

Our trade relationships with the neighboring countries witnessed rise and fall

شَهِدَتْ عَلَاقَاتُنَا التِّجَارِيَّةُ مَعَ دُوَلِ الجِوَارِ صُعُوْدًا وَهُبُوْطًا
