achievement in Arabic

Meaning of achievement in Arabic is: (إنجاز، منجز) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

achievement in Arabic

Arabic for achievement

1) achievement -noun


  ∘ achievement meaning in Arabic & English

a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

إنجاز أي شيء أو عمل تم القيام به بنجاح بعد بذل الجهد واستخدام المهارات

  ∘ Examples of achievement in Arabic and English

It's a major achievement

إنه إنجاز عظيم

I'm proud of your achievements

أنا فخور بإنجازاتك

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We have worked hard for this outcome; it is a real achievement

عملنا بجد من أجل هذه النتيجة، إنه فعلا إنجاز حقيقي.

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in English?

The word achievement is pronounced in English as

2) achievement -noun


  ∘ achievement meaning in Arabic & English

a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

منجز أي شيء أو عمل تم القيام به بنجاح بعد بذل الجهد واستخدام المهارات

  ∘ Examples of achievement in Arabic and English

You should focus on your achievements

عليك التركيز على منجزاتك

Your learning achievements are great

منجزاتك التعلمية رائعة

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Those are achievements of which we should all be proud

هذه منجزات ينبغي لنا جميعا أن نفتخر بها

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in English?

The word achievement is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in Arabic?

The word منجز is pronounced in English as

Arabic for achievement

1) achievement -noun


  ∘ achievement meaning in Arabic & English

a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

إنجاز أي شيء أو عمل تم القيام به بنجاح بعد بذل الجهد واستخدام المهارات

  ∘ Examples of achievement in Arabic and English

It's a major achievement

إنه إنجاز عظيم

I'm proud of your achievements

أنا فخور بإنجازاتك

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We have worked hard for this outcome; it is a real achievement

عملنا بجد من أجل هذه النتيجة، إنه فعلًا إنجاز حقيقي.

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in English?

The word achievement is pronounced in English as

2) achievement -noun


  ∘ achievement meaning in Arabic & English

a thing that somebody has done successfully, especially using their own effort and skill

منجز أي شيء أو عمل تم القيام به بنجاح بعد بذل الجهد واستخدام المهارات

  ∘ Examples of achievement in Arabic and English

You should focus on your achievements

عليك التركيز على منجزاتك

Your learning achievements are great

منجزاتك التعلمية رائعة

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Those are achievements of which we should all be proud

هذه منجزات ينبغي لنا جميعًا أن نفتخر بها

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in English?

The word achievement is pronounced in English as

  ∘ How to pronounce achievement in Arabic?

The word منجز is pronounced in English as
