resolution in Arabic

Meaning of resolution in Arabic is: (تَسْوِيَة، تَصْمِيْم، حَلّ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

resolution in Arabic

Arabic for resolution

1) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the act of solving or settling a problem, argument, etc.

التّسوية هي عمليّة حلّ وإنهاء مشكلة أو صراع محدّد

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US pressed for an immediate resolution to the conflict

ضغطت الولايات المتّحدة نحو تسوية فوريّة للصّراع

He is an expert in the field of conflict resolution

إنّه خبير في مجال تسوية النّزاعات

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

2) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the quality of being resolute or determined

التّصميم هو الصّبر والإصرار على فعل شيء ما

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US dealt with the Iranian nuclear programme with strong resolution

تعاملت الولايات المتّحدة مع البرنامج النّوويّ الإيرانيّ بتصميم شديد

The resistance continued with its struggle with unwavering resolution

واصلت المقاومة كفاحها بتصميم لا يلين

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

3) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the act of solving or settling a problem, argument, etc.

الحلّ هو عمليّة تسوية وإنهاء مشكلة أو صراع محدّد

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US pressed for an immediate resolution to the conflict

ضغطت الولايات المتّحدة نحو حلّ فوريّ للصّراع

a successful resolution to the border dispute

حلّ ناجح للنّزاع الحدوديّ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

4) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the power of a computer screen, printer, etc. to give a clear image, depending on the size of the dots (= marks) that make up the image

دقّة الشّاشة أو الطّابعة ونحوها أي مقدار جودة صورتها اعتمادا على حجم أو عدد النّقاط (= البكسل)

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

Rung the game at a lower resolution

شغّل اللّعبة بدقّة منخفضة

The higher the resolution, the larger the size of the video

كلّما زادت الدّقّة زاد حجم الفيديو

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high resolution

دقّة عالية

low resolution

دقّة منخفضة

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

5) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a definite decision to do or not to do something

عزم على فعل شيء أي نوى وقرّر فعله بصورة أكيدة وجادّة

Click to show conjugation of عزم

  ∘ عزم past tense conjugation in Arabic

أنا عزمت - نحن عزمنا
أنت عزمت - أنت عزمت
أنتما عزمتما
أنتم عزمتم - أنتنّ عزمتنّ
هو عزم - هي عزمت
هما (مذكّر) عزما - هما (مؤنّث) عزمتا
هم عزموا - هنّ عزمن

  ∘ عزم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أنا أعزم - نحن نعزم
أنت تعزم - أنت تعزمين
أنتما تعزمان
أنتم تعزمون - أنتنّ تعزمن
هو يعزم - هي تعزم
هما (مذكّر) يعزمان - هما (مؤنّث) تعزمان
هم يعزمون - هنّ يعزمن

  ∘ عزم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أنت اعزم - أنت اعزمي
أنتما اعزما
أنتم اعزموا - أنتنّ اعزمن

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

He made a resolution to give up smoking

عزم على الإقلاع عن التّدخين

I've made a resolution to exercise twice a week

عزمت على التّمرّن مرّتين أسبوعيّا

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

6) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the quality of being resolute or determined

العزيمة هي الصّبر والإصرار على فعل شيء ما

  ∘ Plural of عزيمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The resistance continued with its struggle with unwavering resolution

واصلت المقاومة كفاحها بعزيمة لا تتزحزح

Ahmad showed strong resolution in executing the plan

أظهر أحمد عزيمة قويّة في تنفيذ الخطّة

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Well, Sarah lacks resolution

حسنا, سارة تفتقر إلى العزيمة

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

7) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a promise to yourself to do something

القرار هو وعد تعده نفسك تعزم على فعله أو على عدم فعله

  ∘ Plural of قرار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

I made a resolution to give up alcohol

اتّخذت قراري بالامتناع عن تناول الكحول

I made a resolution to study harder

اتّخذت قرارا بالدّراسة بجدّ أكثر

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as



  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote

القرار هو بيان رسميّ يصدر عن مجموعة أو لجنة محدّدة عقب التّصويت عليه

  ∘ Plural of قرار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The committee unanimously approved the resolution

وافقت اللّجنة على القرار بالإجماع

The resolution called for an immediate end to indiscriminate bombing of civilian

دعا القرار إلى وقف قصف المدنيّين العشوائيّ

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a joint German-French resolution

قرار ألمانيّ فرنسيّ مشترك

Arabic for resolution

1) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the act of solving or settling a problem, argument, etc.

التَّسْوِيَةُ هِيَ عَمَلِيَّةُ حَلِّ وَإِنْهَاءِ مُشْكِلَة أَوْ صِرَاعٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US pressed for an immediate resolution to the conflict

ضَغَطَتِ الوِلَايَاتُ المُتَّحِدَةُ نَحْوَ تَسْوِيَةٍ فَوْرِيَّةٍ لِلصِّرَاعِ

He is an expert in the field of conflict resolution

إِنَّهُ خَبِيْرٌ فِيْ مَجَالِ تَسْوِيَةِ النِّزَاعَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

2) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the quality of being resolute or determined

التَّصْمِيْمُ هُوَ الصَّبْرُ وَالإِصْرَارُ عَلَىْ فِعْلِ شَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US dealt with the Iranian nuclear programme with strong resolution

تَعَامَلَتِ الوِلَايَاتُ المُتَّحِدَةُ مَعَ البَرْنَامَجِ النَّوَوِيِّ الإِيْرَانِيِّ بِتَصْمِيْمٍ شَدِيْدٍ

The resistance continued with its struggle with unwavering resolution

وَاصَلَتِ المُقَاوَمَةُ كِفَاحَهَا بِتَصْمِيْمٍ لَا يَلِيْنُ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

3) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the act of solving or settling a problem, argument, etc.

الحَلُّ هُوَ عَمَلِيَّةُ تَسْوِيَةِ وَإِنْهَاءِ مُشْكِلَة أَوْ صِرَاعٍ مُحَدَّدٍ

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The US pressed for an immediate resolution to the conflict

ضَغَطَتِ الوِلَايَاتُ المُتَّحِدَةُ نَحْوَ حَلٍّ فَوْرِيٍّ لِلصِّرَاعِ

a successful resolution to the border dispute

حَلٌّ نَاجِحٌ لِلنِّزَاعِ الحُدُوْدِيِّ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

4) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable, singular] the power of a computer screen, printer, etc. to give a clear image, depending on the size of the dots (= marks) that make up the image

دِقَّةُ الشَّاشَةِ أَوِ الطَّابِعَةِ وَنَحْوِهَا أَيْ مِقْدَارُ جُوْدَةِ صُوْرَتِهَا اعْتِمَادًا عَلَىْ حَجْمِ أَوْ عَدَدِ النِّقَاطِ (= البِكْسِلِ)

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

Rung the game at a lower resolution

شَغِّلِ اللُّعْبَةَ بِدِقَّةٍ مُنْخَفِضَةٍ

The higher the resolution, the larger the size of the video

كُلَّمَا زَادَتِ الدِّقَّةُ زَادَ حَجْمُ الفِيْدْيُوْ

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high resolution

دِقَّةٌ عَالِيَةٌ

low resolution

دِقَّةٌ مُنْخَفِضَةٌ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

5) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a definite decision to do or not to do something

عَزَمَ عَلَىْ فِعْلِ شَيْءٍ أَيْ نَوَىْ وَقَرَّرَ فِعْلَهُ بِصُوْرَةٍ أَكِيْدَةٍ وَجَادَّةٍ

Click to show conjugation of عَزَمَ

  ∘ عَزَمَ past tense conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا عَزَمْتُ - نَحْنُ عَزَمْنَا
أَنْتَ عَزَمْتَ - أَنْتِ عَزَمْتِ
أَنْتُمَا عَزَمْتُمَا
أَنْتُمْ عَزَمْتُمْ - أَنْتُنَّ عَزَمْتُنَّ
هُوَ عَزَمَ - هِيَ عَزَمَتْ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) عَزَمَا - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) عَزَمَتَا
هُمْ عَزَمُوا - هُنَّ عَزَمْنَ

  ∘ عَزَمَ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

أًنَا أعْزِمُ - نَحْنُ نعْزِمُ
أَنْتَ تعْزِمُ - أَنْتِ تعْزِمِينَ
أَنْتُمَا تعْزِمَانِ
أَنْتُمْ تعْزِمُونَ - أَنْتُنَّ تعْزِمْنَ
هُوَ يعْزِمُ - هِيَ تعْزِمُ
هُمَا (مُذَكَّر) يعْزِمَانِ - هُمَا (مُؤَنَّث) تعْزِمَانِ
هُمْ يعْزِمُونَ - هُنَّ يعْزِمْنَ

  ∘ عَزَمَ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أَنْتَ اعْزِمْ - أَنْتِ اعْزِمي
أَنْتُمَا اعْزِما
أَنْتُمْ اعْزِموا - أَنْتُنَّ اعْزِمنَ

  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

He made a resolution to give up smoking

عَزَمَ عَلَىْ الإِقْلَاعِ عَنِ التَّدْخِيْنِ

I've made a resolution to exercise twice a week

عَزَمْتُ عَلَىْ التَّمَرُّنِ مَرَّتَيْنِ أُسْبُوْعِيًّا

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

6) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[uncountable] the quality of being resolute or determined

العَزِيْمَةُ هِيَ الصَّبْرُ وَالإِصْرَارُ عَلَىْ فِعْلِ شَيْءٍ مَا

  ∘ Plural of عَزِيْمَة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The resistance continued with its struggle with unwavering resolution

وَاصَلَتِ المُقَاوَمَةُ كِفَاحَهَا بِعَزِيْمَةٍ لَا تَتَزَحْزَحُ

Ahmad showed strong resolution in executing the plan

أَظْهَرَ أَحْمَدُ عَزِيْمَةً قَوِيَّةً فِيْ تَنْفِيْذِ الخُطَّةِ

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Well, Sarah lacks resolution

حَسَنًا, سَارَةُ تَفْتَقِرُ إِلَىْ العَزِيْمَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as

7) resolution-noun


  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a promise to yourself to do something

القَرَارُ هُوَ وَعْدٌ تَعِدُهُ نَفْسَكَ تَعْزِمُ عَلَىْ فِعْلِهِ أَوْ عَلَىْ عَدَمِ فِعْلِهِ

  ∘ Plural of قَرَار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

I made a resolution to give up alcohol

اتَّخَذْتُ قَرَارِيَ بِالِامْتِنَاعِ عَنْ تَنَاوُلِ الكُحُوْلِ

I made a resolution to study harder

اتَّخَذْتُ قَرَارًا بِالدِّرَاسَةِ بِجِدٍّ أَكْثَرَ

  ∘ How to pronounce resolution in English?

The word resolution is pronounced in English as



  ∘ resolution meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a council, especially by means of a vote

القَرَارُ هُوَ بَيَانٌ رَسْمِيٌّ يَصْدُرُ عَنْ مَجْمُوْعَةٍ أَوْ لَجْنَةٍ مُحَدَّدَةٍ عَقِبَ التَّصْوِيْتِ عَلَيْهِ

  ∘ Plural of قَرَار in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of resolution in Arabic and English

The committee unanimously approved the resolution

وَافَقَتِ اللَّجْنَةُ عَلَىْ القَرَارِ باِلإِجْمَاعِ

The resolution called for an immediate end to indiscriminate bombing of civilian

دَعَا القَرَارُ إِلَىْ وَقْفِ قَصْفِ المَدَنِيِّيْنَ العَشْوَائِيَّ

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a joint German-French resolution

قَرَارٌ أَلْمَانِيٌّ فِرَنْسِيٌّ مُشْتَرَكٌ
