دعا in English

Meaning of دعا in English is: (dub, invite, invoke) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

دعا بالانجليزي

English for دعا


1) dub-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

dub somebody + noun to give somebody/something a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way

دعا شخصا أو شيء باسم معيّن أي سمّاه به أو أطلقه عليه

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

The president dubbed his rival "the crazy man"

دعا الرّئيس منافسه بالرّجل الأخرق

This disease was dubbed "the wealthy disease"

دعي هذا المرض بمرض الأثرياء

More Examples

He is the "Bad guy". This is how the media bubs him

إنه الرّجل السّيء. هذا ما تدعوه به وسائل الإعلام

She was dubbed "the coldest woman in the US"

دعيت بالمرأة الأبرد في الولايات المتّحدة

2) invite-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

To ask someone to come to a party, wedding, ceremony, meal,etc

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

Invite you ant to dinner tomorrow

ادع عمّتك إلى الغداء غدا

Who will you invite to the wedding

من ستدع إلى العرس

More Examples

I was not invited

لم أدع

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

invite is pronounced in English as



  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

To ask someone to do something in a nice way

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

Successful candidates will be invited for interview next week

المرشّحون النّاجحون سيدعون إلى مقابلة الأسبوع المقبل

He invited questions from the journalists

دعا الصّحفيّينض لطرح الأسئلة

More Examples

We do invite readers to make notes

إنّنا ندع القرّاء لطرح الملاحظات

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

invite is pronounced in English as

3) invoke -verb

دعا -فعل

  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

​invoke somebody to make a request (for help) to somebody, especially a god

دعا الله أي سأله المعونة والمساعدة

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

Prisoners were invoking God agisnt the jailor

كان المساجين يدعون الله على السّجّان

I invoked God to repay my debt

دعوت الله قضاء ديني

More Examples

I left the king invoking God to conquer his enemies

تركت الملك وهو يدعو الله لينصره على أعدائه

4) appeal-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

to try to persuade someone to do something by suggesting that it is a fair, reasonable, or honest thing to do

دعا إلى أمر ما أيّ حثّ عليّه أو نادى به

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic

دعا دعت دعونا دعوا

  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يدعو تدعو أدعو ندعو يدعون تدعون

  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أدعو أدعي أدعوا

  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

I appeal to you to begin a healthy life.

أدعوك لتبدأ حياة صحيّة.

They tried to appeal to his sense of honesty.

حاولوا أن يدعوه للإحساس بالصدق.

More Examples

We need to appeal to stop people's immigration decisions.

نحن بحاجة لأن ندعو الناس لوقف قرارات الهجرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

appeal is pronounced in English as

5) pray-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help

التحدث إلى الله، خاصة لتقديم الشكر أو طلب المساعدة

  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

They pray before eating.

يدعون قبل الأكل.

More Examples

They gathered to pray.

اجتمعوا كي يدعون

She prays every night.

تدعو كل ليلة.

We pray together every morning.

ندعوا معا كل صباح.

They prayed for good health.

دعوا من أجل الصحة الجيدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

pray is pronounced in English as

English for دعا


1) dub-verb


  ∘ دَعَا meaning in English & Arabic

dub somebody + noun to give somebody/something a particular name, often in a humorous or critical way

دَعَا شَخْصًا أَوْ شَيْءً بِاسْمٍ مُعَيَّنٍ أَيْ سَمَّاهُ بِهِ أَوْ أَطْلَقَهُ عَلَيْهِ

Click to show conjugation of دَعَا

  ∘ دَعَا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَعَا in English and Arabic

The president dubbed his rival "the crazy man"

دَعَا الرَّئِيْسُ مُنَافِسَهُ بِالرَّجُلِ الأَخْرَقِ

This disease was dubbed "the wealthy disease"

دُعِيَ هَذَا المَرَضُ بِمَرَضِ الأَثْرِيَاءِ

More Examples

He is the "Bad guy". This is how the media bubs him

إِنَهُ الرَّجُلُ السَّيَِءُ. هَذَا مَا تَدْعُوْهُ بِهِ وَسَائِلُ الإِعْلَامِ

She was dubbed "the coldest woman in the US"

دُعِيَتْ بِالمَرْأَةِ الأَبْرَدِ فِيْ الوِلَايَاتِ المُتَّحِدَةِ

2) invite-verb


  ∘ دَعَا meaning in English & Arabic

To ask someone to come to a party, wedding, ceremony, meal,etc

Click to show conjugation of دَعَا

  ∘ دَعَا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَعَا in English and Arabic

Invite you ant to dinner tomorrow

ادْعُ عَمَّتَكَ إِلَىْ الغَدَاءِ غَدًا

Who will you invite to the wedding

مَنْ سَتَدْعُ إِلَىْ العُرْسِ

More Examples

I was not invited

لَمْ أُدْعَ

  ∘ How to pronounce دَعَا in English?

invite is pronounced in English as



  ∘ دَعَا meaning in English & Arabic

To ask someone to do something in a nice way

Click to show conjugation of دَعَا

  ∘ دَعَا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَعَا in English and Arabic

Successful candidates will be invited for interview next week

المُرَشَّحُوْنَ النَّاجِحُوْنَ سَيُدْعَوْنَ إِلَىْ مُقَابَلَةٍ الأُسْبُوْعَ المُقْبِلَ

He invited questions from the journalists

دَعَا الصَّحَفِيِّيْنض لِطَرْحِ الأَسْئِلَةِ

More Examples

We do invite readers to make notes

إِنَّنَا نَدْعُ القُرَّاءَ لِطَرْحِ المُلاحَظَاتِ

  ∘ How to pronounce دَعَا in English?

invite is pronounced in English as

3) invoke -verb

دَعَا -فعل

  ∘ دَعَا meaning in English & Arabic

​invoke somebody to make a request (for help) to somebody, especially a god

دَعَا اللهَ أَيْ سَأَلَهُ المَعُوْنَةَ وَالمُسَاعَدَةَ

Click to show conjugation of دَعَا

  ∘ دَعَا past tense conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ دَعَا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of دَعَا in English and Arabic

Prisoners were invoking God agisnt the jailor

كَانَ المَسَاجِيْنُ يَدْعُوْنَ اللهَ عَلَىْ السَّجَّانِ

I invoked God to repay my debt

دَعَوْتُ اللهَ قَضَاءَ دَيْنِيْ

More Examples

I left the king invoking God to conquer his enemies

تَرَكْتُ المَلِكَ وَهُوَ يَدْعُوَ اللهَ لِيَنْصُرَهُ عَلَىْ أَعْدَائِهِ

4) appeal-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

to try to persuade someone to do something by suggesting that it is a fair, reasonable, or honest thing to do

دعا إلى أمرٍ ما أيّ حثّ عليّه أو نادى به

Click to show conjugation of دعا

  ∘ دعا past tense conjugation in Arabic

دعا دعت دعونا دعوا

  ∘ دعا present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يدعو تدعو أدعو ندعو يدعون تدعون

  ∘ دعا imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

أدعو أدعي أدعوا

  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

I appeal to you to begin a healthy life.

أدعوك لتبدأ حياة صحيّة.

They tried to appeal to his sense of honesty.

حاولوا أن يدعوه للإحساس بالصدق.

More Examples

We need to appeal to stop people's immigration decisions.

نحن بحاجة لأن ندعو الناس لوقف قرارات الهجرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

appeal is pronounced in English as

5) pray-verb


  ∘ دعا meaning in English & Arabic

to speak to God, especially to give thanks or ask for help

التحدث إلى الله، خاصة لتقديم الشكر أو طلب المساعدة

  ∘ Examples of دعا in English and Arabic

They pray before eating.

يدعون قبل الأكل.

More Examples

They gathered to pray.

اجتمعوا كي يدعون

She prays every night.

تدعو كل ليلة.

We pray together every morning.

ندعوا معًا كل صباح.

They prayed for good health.

دعوا من أجل الصحة الجيدة.

  ∘ How to pronounce دعا in English?

pray is pronounced in English as
