نحو in English

Meaning of نحو in English is: (roughly, along, approximately) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

نحو بالانجليزي

English for نحو


1) roughly-noun


  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

approximately but not exactly

نحو أي بشكل تقريبيّ غير دقيق بشكل كامل

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

I made roughly $1000 last month

جنيت نحو 1000$ الشّهر الماضي

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حضر المؤتمر نحو 40 مبعوثا (= مندوبا)

More Examples

The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سوف تولّد محطّة الطّاقة النّوويّة نحو 5.6 جيجاوات

  ∘ How to pronounce نحو in English?

roughly is pronounced in English as

2) along-adverb


  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

towards a better state or position

نحو أيّ باتجاه وجهة معيّنة أفضل

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

You will come along well.

سوف تسير نحو الأقضل.

He is improving along clearly.

يتجه نحو التحسن بوضوح.

More Examples

Her marks are getting along higher.

تتجه علاماتها نحو الإزدياد.

The company's performance has developed noticeably.

مضى أداء الشركة نحو التتطور بشكل ملحوظ.

  ∘ How to pronounce نحو in English?

along is pronounced in English as

3) approximately-adverb

نحو -اسم

  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or correct

نحو أيّ تقريبا

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

The length of the sub road is approximately 300 meters.

طول الطريق الفرعي نحو 300 متر.

A good laptop will cost you approximately 800 dollars.

تكلفة الحاسوب المحمول الجيّد نحو 800 دولار.

More Examples

The battery allows approximately an hour and a half of time.

تعمل البطاريّة نحو ساعة و نصف من الوقت.

4) around-preposition


  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

نحو شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ باتجاهه

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

I turned around the city center.

اتجهت نحو مركز المدينة.

He walked directly around the room.

سار مباشرة نحو الغرفة.

More Examples

She moved the table around the window.

حرّكتت الطاولة نحو النافذة.

5) towards-prep

نحو-حرف جر

  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

in the direction of somebody/something

في اتجاه شخص أو شيء

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

He walked towards the door.

مشى نحو الباب.

She looked towards the sea.

نظرت نحو البحر.

More Examples

They ran towards the sound.

ركضوا نحو الصوت.

I moved towards the window to get a better view.

تحركت نحو النافذة للحصول على رؤية أفضل.

The cat crept towards the mouse quietly.

تسلل القط نحو الفأر بهدوء.

The car headed towards the city center.

اتجهت السيارة نحو مركز المدينة.

  ∘ How to pronounce نحو in English?

towards is pronounced in English as

English for نحو


1) roughly-noun


  ∘ نَحْوَ meaning in English & Arabic

approximately but not exactly

نَحْوَ أَيْ بِشَكْلٍ تَقْرِيْبِيٍّ غَيْرَ دَقِيْقٍ بِشَكْلٍ كَامِلٍ

  ∘ Examples of نَحْوَ in English and Arabic

I made roughly $1000 last month

جَنَيْتُ نَحْوَ 1000$ الشَّهْرَ المَاضِيَ

There were roughly 40 delegates at the conference

حَضَرَ المُؤْتَمَرَ نَحْوَ 40 مَبْعُوْثًا (= مَنْدُوْبًا)

More Examples

The nuclear power plant will generate roughly 5.6 gigawatts

سَوْفَ تُوَلِّدُ مَحَطَّةُ الطَّاقَةِ النَّوَوِيَّةِ نَحْوَ 5.6 جِيْجَاوَاتَ

  ∘ How to pronounce نَحْوَ in English?

roughly is pronounced in English as

2) along-adverb


  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

towards a better state or position

نحو أيّ باتجاه وجهة معيّنة أفضل

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

You will come along well.

سوف تسير نحو الأقضل.

He is improving along clearly.

يتجه نحو التحسن بوضوح.

More Examples

Her marks are getting along higher.

تتجه علاماتها نحو الإزدياد.

The company's performance has developed noticeably.

مضى أداء الشركة نحو التتطور بشكل ملحوظ.

  ∘ How to pronounce نحو in English?

along is pronounced in English as

3) approximately-adverb

نحو -اسم

  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

used to show that something is almost, but not completely, accurate or correct

نحو أيّ تقريباً

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

The length of the sub road is approximately 300 meters.

طول الطريق الفرعي نحو 300 متر.

A good laptop will cost you approximately 800 dollars.

تكلفة الحاسوب المحمول الجيّد نحو 800 دولار.

More Examples

The battery allows approximately an hour and a half of time.

تعمل البطاريّة نحو ساعة و نصف من الوقت.

4) around-preposition


  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

on, to, or from the other side of someone or something

نحو شخص ما أو شيّء ما أيّ باتجاهه

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

I turned around the city center.

اتجهت نحو مركز المدينة.

He walked directly around the room.

سار مباشرةً نحو الغرفة.

More Examples

She moved the table around the window.

حرّكتت الطاولة نحو النافذة.

5) towards-prep

نحو-حرف جر

  ∘ نحو meaning in English & Arabic

in the direction of somebody/something

في اتجاه شخص أو شيء

  ∘ Examples of نحو in English and Arabic

He walked towards the door.

مشى نحو الباب.

She looked towards the sea.

نظرت نحو البحر.

More Examples

They ran towards the sound.

ركضوا نحو الصوت.

I moved towards the window to get a better view.

تحركت نحو النافذة للحصول على رؤية أفضل.

The cat crept towards the mouse quietly.

تسلل القط نحو الفأر بهدوء.

The car headed towards the city center.

اتجهت السيارة نحو مركز المدينة.

  ∘ How to pronounce نحو in English?

towards is pronounced in English as
