receiver in Arabic

Meaning of receiver in Arabic is: (سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ، حَارِسٌ قَضَائِيٌّ، مُسْتَقْبِل) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

receiver in Arabic

Arabic for receiver

1) receiver -noun

سمّاعة الهاتف-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

The part of the telephone that you hold in your hand while talking on the telephone - SYN: Handset

  ∘ Plural of سمّاعة الهاتف in Arabic

سمّاعات الهاتف/ سمّاعات الهواتف

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

Hand me the receiver

ناوليني سمّاعة الهاتف

The handset is receiver

السّمّاعة معطوبة

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Pick up/ lift/ put down the receiver

ارفع السّمّاعة/ أغلق السّمّاعة

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

2) receiver-noun

حارس قضائيّ -اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

​(British English also official receiver) (law) a person who is chosen by a court to be in charge of a company that is bankrupt

الحارس القضائيّ هو شخص تعيّنه المحكمة لإدارة شركة مفلسة

  ∘ Plural of حارس قضائيّ in Arabic

حرّاس قضائيّون / حارسات قضائيّات

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

The bank was put in the hands of the receiver

وضع البنك في وصاية حارس قضائيّ

The court appointed a receiver to be in charge of the company

عيّنت المحكمة حارسا قضائيّا ليكون مسؤولا عن الشّركة

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

3) receiver-noun


  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

المستقبل هو جهاز يوصل إلى التّلفاز ونحوه ويستقبل الإشارات الرّاديويّة من القمر الصّناعيّ ويحوّلها إلى صوت أو صورة

  ∘ Plural of مستقبل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

GPS receiver

مستقبل GPS

The receiver should be replaced

ينبغي استبدال المستقبل

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

4) receiver-noun

جهاز استقبال / وحدة استقبال-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

جهاز الاستقبال أو وحدة الاستقبال هو جهاز يوصل إلى التّلفاز ونحوه ويستقبل الإشارات الرّاديويّة من القمر الصّناعيّ ويحوّلها إلى صوت أو صورة

  ∘ Plural of جهاز استقبال / وحدة استقبال in Arabic

أجهزة استقبال / وحدات استقبال

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

GPS receiver

جهاز استقبال GPS

a satellite TV receivers

أجهزة استقبال تلفزيونيّة

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The receiver unit should be replaced

ينبغي استبدال وحدة الاستقبال

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

5) receiver-noun

سمّاعة / سمّاعة الهاتف-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

السّمّاعة أو سمّاعة الهاتف هي الجزء الّذي تضعه على أذنك وقريبا من فمك وتستخدمه لتتحدّث إلى المتّصل ولتسمعه

  ∘ Plural of سمّاعة / سمّاعة الهاتف in Arabic

سمّاعات / سمّاعات هواتف

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

He covered the reciever and siad, ‘It's my wife.’

وضع يده على السّمّاعة وقال "إنّها زوجتي."

Pick up the receiver quickly

ارفع سمّاعة الهاتف (= ردّ على الهاتف) بسرعة

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She slammed the receiver in my face

صفق (= أغلقها بعنف فجأة) السّمّاعة في وجهي

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

Arabic for receiver

1) receiver -noun

سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

The part of the telephone that you hold in your hand while talking on the telephone - SYN: Handset

  ∘ Plural of سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ in Arabic

سَمَّاعَاتُ الهَاتِفِ/ سَمَّاعَاتُ الهَوَاتِفِ

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

Hand me the receiver

نَاوِلِيْنِيْ سَمَّاعَةَ الهَاتِفِ

The handset is receiver

السَّمَّاعَةُ مَعْطُوْبَةً

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Pick up/ lift/ put down the receiver

ارْفَعِ السَّمَّاعَةَ/ أَغْلِقِ السَّمَّاعَةَ

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

2) receiver-noun

حَارِسٌ قَضَائِيٌّ -اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

​(British English also official receiver) (law) a person who is chosen by a court to be in charge of a company that is bankrupt

الحَارِسُ القَضَائِيُّ هُوَ شَخْصٌ تُعَيِّنُهُ المَحْكَمَةُ لِإِدَارَةِ شَرِكَةٍ مُفْلِسَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of حَارِسٌ قَضَائِيٌّ in Arabic

حُرَّاسٌ قَضَائِيُّوْنَ / حَارِسَاتٌ قَضَائِيَّاتٌ

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

The bank was put in the hands of the receiver

وُضِعَ البَنْكُ فِيْ وِصَايَةِ حَارِسٍ قَضَائِيٍّ

The court appointed a receiver to be in charge of the company

عَيَّنَتِ المَحْكَمَةُ حَارِسًا قَضَائِيًّا لِيَكُوْنَ مَسْؤُوْلًا عَنِ الشَّرِكَةِ

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

3) receiver-noun


  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

المُسْتَقْبِلُ هُوَ جِهَازٌ يُوْصَلُ إِلَىْ التِّلْفَازِ وَنَحْوِهِ وَيَسْتَقْبِلُ الإِشَارَاتِ الرَّادْيُوْيَّةَ مِنَ القَمَرِ الصِّنَاعِيِّ وَيُحَوِّلُهَا إِلَىْ صَوْتٍ أَوْ صُوْرَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of مُسْتَقْبِل in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

GPS receiver

مُسْتَقْبِلُ GPS

The receiver should be replaced

يَنْبَغِيْ اسْتِبْدَالُ المُسْتَقْبِلِ

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

4) receiver-noun

جِهَازُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ / وِحْدَةُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

جِهَازُ الِاسْتِقْبَالِ أَوْ وِحْدَةُ الِاسْتِقْبَالِ هُوَ جِهَازٌ يُوْصَلُ إِلَىْ التِّلْفَازِ وَنَحْوِهِ وَيَسْتَقْبِلُ الإِشَارَاتِ الرَّادْيُوْيَّةَ مِنَ القَمَرِ الصِّنَاعِيِّ وَيُحَوِّلُهَا إِلَىْ صَوْتٍ أَوْ صُوْرَةٍ

  ∘ Plural of جِهَازُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ / وِحْدَةُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ in Arabic

أَجْهِزَةُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ / وِحْدَاتُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

GPS receiver

جِهَازُ اسْتِقْبَالِ GPS

a satellite TV receivers

أَجْهِزَةُ اسْتِقْبَالٍ تِلْفِزْيُوْنِيَّةَ

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The receiver unit should be replaced

يَنْبَغِيْ اسْتِبْدَالُ وِحْدَةَ الِاسْتِقْبَالِ

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as

5) receiver-noun

سَمَّاعَة / سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ-اسم

  ∘ receiver meaning in Arabic & English

the part of a telephone that you hold next to your mouth and ear

السَّمَّاعَةُ أَوْ سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ هِيَ الجُزْءُ الَّذِيْ تَضَعُهُ عَلَىْ أُذُنِكَ وَقَرِيْبًا مِنْ فَمِكَ وَتَسْتَخْدِمُهُ لِتَتَحَدَّثَ إِلَىْ المُتَّصِلِ وَلِتَسْمَعَهُ

  ∘ Plural of سَمَّاعَة / سَمَّاعَةُ الهَاتِفِ in Arabic

سَمَّاعَات / سَمَّاعَاتُ هَوَاتِفٍ

  ∘ Examples of receiver in Arabic and English

He covered the reciever and siad, ‘It's my wife.’

وَضَعَ يَدَهُ عَلَىْ السَّمَّاعَةِ وَقَالَ "إِنَّهَا زَوْجَتِيْ."

Pick up the receiver quickly

ارْفَعِ سَمَّاعَةَ الهَاتِفِ (= رُدَّ عَلَىْ الهَاتِفِ) بِسُرْعَةٍ

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She slammed the receiver in my face

صَفَقَ (= أَغْلَقَهَا بِعُنْفٍ فَجْأَةً) السَّمَّاعَةَ فِيْ وَجْهِيْ

  ∘ How to pronounce receiver in English?

The word receiver is pronounced in English as
