cap in Arabic

Meaning of cap in Arabic is: (غطاء، قبعة، قمة) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

cap in Arabic

Arabic for cap

1) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

a cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc.

الغطاء هو ما يغطى به شيّء ما لإعلاقه مثل غطاء القلم القنينة الخ.................

  ∘ Plural of غطاء in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

He removed the cap of his pen to write.

نزع غطاء قلمه ليكتب.

She unscrewed the cap of the water bottle to drink.

قامت بحل غطاء قنينة الماء لتشرب.

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You keep your lenses cap when you are not using them.

يجب أن تبقي غطاء عدساتك عندما لا تستخدمهما.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as

2) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front). Caps are worn especially by men and boys, often as part of a uniform

القبعة هي غطاء للرأس يقي من أشعة الشمس و الحر و من المطر و البرد

  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

He took off his cap when he entered the room.

خلع قبعته عندما دخل الغرفة.

Students wear special caps during graduation parties.

يرتدي الطلاب قبعات خاصة أثناء حفل التخرّج.

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Nurses put on white caps during work.

تضع الممرضات قبعات بيضاء أثناء العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as

3) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

the top of a mountain or a wave

القمة هي أعلى نقطة في شيّء ما أو في مكان ما

  ∘ Plural of قمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

Be careful, the wave cap is very high.

احذر، إن قمة الموجة عالية.

The snowy mountain caps are beautiful sights.

إن قمم الجبال المغطاة بالثلوج مناظر جميلة.

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If the polar ice caps melt, they will cover most of the Earth with water.

إذا ذابت قمم الجليد القطبية، سوف تغمر معظم الأرض بالمياه.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as

Arabic for cap

1) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

a cover or top for a pen, bottle, etc.

الغطاء هو ما يُغطى به شيّء ما لإعلاقه مثل غطاء القلم القنينة الخ.................

  ∘ Plural of غطاء in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

He removed the cap of his pen to write.

نزع غطاء قلمه ليكتب.

She unscrewed the cap of the water bottle to drink.

قامت بحل غطاء قنينة الماء لتشرب.

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You keep your lenses cap when you are not using them.

يجب أن تُبقي غطاء عدساتك عندما لا تستخدمهما.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as

2) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

a type of soft flat hat with a peak (= a hard curved part sticking out in front). Caps are worn especially by men and boys, often as part of a uniform

القبعة هي غطاء للرأس يقي من أشعة الشمس و الحر و من المطر و البرد

  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

He took off his cap when he entered the room.

خلع قبعته عندما دخل الغرفة.

Students wear special caps during graduation parties.

يرتدي الطلاب قبعات خاصة أثناء حفل التخرّج.

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Nurses put on white caps during work.

تضع الممرضات قبعات بيضاء أثناء العمل.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as

3) cap-noun


  ∘ cap meaning in Arabic & English

the top of a mountain or a wave

القمة هي أعلى نقطة في شيّء ما أو في مكان ما

  ∘ Plural of قمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of cap in Arabic and English

Be careful, the wave cap is very high.

احذر، إن قمة الموجة عالية.

The snowy mountain caps are beautiful sights.

إن قمم الجبال المغطاة بالثلوج مناظر جميلة.

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If the polar ice caps melt, they will cover most of the Earth with water.

إذا ذابت قمم الجليد القطبية، سوف تغمر معظم الأرض بالمياه.

  ∘ How to pronounce cap in English?

The word cap is pronounced in English as
