capable in Arabic

Meaning of capable in Arabic is: (بارع، قادر، كفؤ) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

capable in Arabic

Arabic for capable

1) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability to do things well

بارع أيّ متفوق و لديّه القدرة على القيام بعمل ما بشكل جيّد جدا

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

He is a very capable professor in science.

إنه بروفيسور بارع في العلوم.

She has a capable mind which makes her a reference.

لديّها عقل بارع يجعلها مرجع.

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They are respectable because they are capable workers.

إنهم محترمون لأنهم عمّال بارعون.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as

2) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something

قادر على فعل شيّء ما أو القيام بشيّء ما أيّ يمكنه إنجازه

  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

She is capable of solving the problem.

إنها قادرة على حل المشكلة.

He is quite capable of walking long distances.

إنه قادر تماما على السير مسافات طويلة.

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They are capable of climbing high mountains.

إنهم قادرون على تسلّق الجبال المرتفعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as

3) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability to do things well

كفؤ أيّ مؤهل و جدير بفعل أو القيام بعمل ما

  ∘ Plural of كفؤ in Arabic

أكفاء كفاء

  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

He is capable in doing his job.

إنه كفؤ بعمله.

She is a capable doctor.

إنها طبيبة كفؤ.

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They are capable engineers.

إنهم مهندسون أكفاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as

Arabic for capable

1) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability to do things well

بارع أيّ متفوق و لديّه القدرة على القيام بعمل ما بشكل جيّد جداً

  ∘ Plural of بارع in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

He is a very capable professor in science.

إنه بروفيسور بارع في العلوم.

She has a capable mind which makes her a reference.

لديّها عقل بارع يجعلها مرجع.

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They are respectable because they are capable workers.

إنهم محترمون لأنهم عمّال بارعون.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as

2) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something

قادر على فعل شيّء ما أو القيام بشيّء ما أيّ يمكنه إنجازه

  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

She is capable of solving the problem.

إنها قادرة على حل المشكلة.

He is quite capable of walking long distances.

إنه قادر تماماً على السير مسافات طويلة.

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They are capable of climbing high mountains.

إنهم قادرون على تسلّق الجبال المرتفعة.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as

3) capable-adj


  ∘ capable meaning in Arabic & English

having the ability to do things well

كفؤ أيّ مؤهل و جدير بفعل أو القيام بعمل ما

  ∘ Plural of كفؤ in Arabic

أكفاء كفاء

  ∘ Examples of capable in Arabic and English

He is capable in doing his job.

إنه كفؤ بعمله.

She is a capable doctor.

إنها طبيبة كفؤ.

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They are capable engineers.

إنهم مهندسون أكفاء.

  ∘ How to pronounce capable in English?

The word capable is pronounced in English as
