bite in Arabic

Meaning of bite in Arabic is: (عضّ، عضة، قضم) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

bite in Arabic

Arabic for bite

1) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to use your teeth to cut into or through something

عضّ أيّ أمسك بأسنانه و شد

Click to show conjugation of عضّ

  ∘ عضّ past tense conjugation in Arabic

عضّ عضّت عضّيّنا عضّوا

  ∘ عضّ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعضّ تعضّ أعضّ نعضّ يعضّون تعضّون

  ∘ عضّ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

عضّ عضّي عضّوا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Be aware of sharks they bite.

كن حذرا من سمك القرش إنه يعض.

Some dogs bite if you hurt them.

بعض الكلاب تعض إذا أذيتها.

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The cat bit the child when it was playing with him.

عضت القطة الطفل عندما كانت تلعب معه.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

2) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] an act of biting

العضة هي الجرح الذي يسببه الشد بالأسنان

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

The little child took out a bite of the pear.

أخذ الطفل الصغير عضة من الإجاصة.

The cat gave her a playful bite.

أعطتها القطة عضة للمرح.

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He ate the sandwich in three bites.

أكل الشطيرة بثلاث عضات.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

3) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive] if a fish bites, it takes food from the end of a fishing line and may get caught

قضم شيّء ما أيّ أكله و كسّره بيّن أسنانه

Click to show conjugation of قضم

  ∘ قضم past tense conjugation in Arabic

قضم قضمت قضمنا قضموا

  ∘ قضم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقضم تقضم أقضم نقضم يقضمون تقضمون

  ∘ قضم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اقضم اقضمي اقضموا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Don't bite your nails.

لا تقضم أظافرك.

The fish bit the food on the fishing line.

قضمت السمكة الطعم من عن السنارة.

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I have pain in my tooth. I can't bite the sandwich.

لديّ ألم في سني. لا أستطيع أن أقضم الشطيرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

4) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to wound somebody by making a small hole or mark in their skin

لسع أيّ لدغ

Click to show conjugation of لسع

  ∘ لسع past tense conjugation in Arabic

لسع لسعت لسعنا لسعوا

  ∘ لسع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلسع تلسع ألسع نلسع يلسعون تلسعون

  ∘ لسع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

السع السعي السعوا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Mosquitoes bit them while they were sleeping.

لسعهم البعوض أثناء نومهم.

Snakes are dangerous, they bite and cause death.

الأفاعي خطيرة، تلسع و تسبب الموت.

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A man was bitten by a scorpion.

لسع الرجل من العقرب.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

5) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a wound made by an animal or insect

لسعة أيّ لدغة

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

He went to the hospital for a snake bite.

ذهب إلى المستشفى بسبب لسعة أفعى.

In camps you feel the insects bites.

تشعر في المخيمات بلسعات الحشرات.

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Be aware of scorpion bites; they are harmful.

كن حذرا من لسعة القرب؛ إنها مؤذية.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

6) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a small piece of food that you can bite from a larger piece

اللقمة هي المقدار الذي يلقّم من الطعام في مرة واحدة

  ∘ Plural of لقمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

He was ill and didn't eat a bite of his food.

كان مريض و لم يأكل لقمة واحدة من طعامه.

Let me take a bite of the dish to taste it.

دعني آخذ لقمة من الطبق لأتذوقه.

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She was hungry and ate the apple in a few bites

كانت جائعة و أكلت التفاحة ببضع لقمات.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

Arabic for bite

1) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to use your teeth to cut into or through something

عضّ أيّ أمسك بأسنانه و شد

Click to show conjugation of عضّ

  ∘ عضّ past tense conjugation in Arabic

عضّ عضّت عضّيّنا عضّوا

  ∘ عضّ present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يعضّ تعضّ أعضّ نعضّ يعضّون تعضّون

  ∘ عضّ imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

عضّ عضّي عضّوا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Be aware of sharks they bite.

كن حذراً من سمك القرش إنه يعض.

Some dogs bite if you hurt them.

بعض الكلاب تعض إذا أذيتها.

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The cat bit the child when it was playing with him.

عضت القطة الطفل عندما كانت تلعب معه.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

2) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] an act of biting

العضة هي الجرح الذي يسببه الشد بالأسنان

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

The little child took out a bite of the pear.

أخذ الطفل الصغير عضة من الإجاصة.

The cat gave her a playful bite.

أعطتها القطة عضة للمرح.

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He ate the sandwich in three bites.

أكل الشطيرة بثلاث عضات.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

3) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive] if a fish bites, it takes food from the end of a fishing line and may get caught

قضم شيّء ما أيّ أكله و كسّره بيّن أسنانه

Click to show conjugation of قضم

  ∘ قضم past tense conjugation in Arabic

قضم قضمت قضمنا قضموا

  ∘ قضم present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يقضم تقضم أقضم نقضم يقضمون تقضمون

  ∘ قضم imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

اقضم اقضمي اقضموا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Don't bite your nails.

لا تقضم أظافرك.

The fish bit the food on the fishing line.

قضمت السمكة الطعم من عن السنارة.

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I have pain in my tooth. I can't bite the sandwich.

لديّ ألم في سني. لا أستطيع أن أقضم الشطيرة.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

4) bite-verb


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[intransitive, transitive] to wound somebody by making a small hole or mark in their skin

لسع أيّ لدغ

Click to show conjugation of لسع

  ∘ لسع past tense conjugation in Arabic

لسع لسعت لسعنا لسعوا

  ∘ لسع present & future tenses conjugation in Arabic

يلسع تلسع ألسع نلسع يلسعون تلسعون

  ∘ لسع imperative mood conjugation in Arabic

السع السعي السعوا

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

Mosquitoes bit them while they were sleeping.

لسعهم البعوض أثناء نومهم.

Snakes are dangerous, they bite and cause death.

الأفاعي خطيرة، تلسع و تسبب الموت.

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A man was bitten by a scorpion.

لُسع الرجل من العقرب.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

5) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a wound made by an animal or insect

لسعة أيّ لدغة

  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

He went to the hospital for a snake bite.

ذهب إلى المستشفى بسبب لسعة أفعى.

In camps you feel the insects bites.

تشعر في المخيمات بلسعات الحشرات.

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Be aware of scorpion bites; they are harmful.

كن حذراً من لسعة القرب؛ إنها مؤذية.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as

6) bite-noun


  ∘ bite meaning in Arabic & English

[countable] a small piece of food that you can bite from a larger piece

اللقمة هي المقدار الذي يُلقّم من الطعام في مرة واحدة

  ∘ Plural of لقمة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of bite in Arabic and English

He was ill and didn't eat a bite of his food.

كان مريض و لم يأكل لقمة واحدة من طعامه.

Let me take a bite of the dish to taste it.

دعني آخذ لقمة من الطبق لأتذوقه.

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She was hungry and ate the apple in a few bites

كانت جائعة و أكلت التفاحة ببضع لقمات.

  ∘ How to pronounce bite in English?

The word bite is pronounced in English as
