pain in Arabic

Meaning of pain in Arabic is: (ألم) among others. This article contains pronunciation, examples, and more!

Arabic for pain

1) pain-n


  ∘ pain meaning in Arabic & English

the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill

المشاعر التي تشعر بها في جسمك عندما تتألم أو عندما تكون مريضا

  ∘ Examples of pain in Arabic and English

She felt a sharp pain in her back.

شعرت بألم حاد في ظهرها.

The medication relieved his pain.

خفف الدواء من ألمه.

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Pains in the chest can be a sign of heart disease.

يحتمل أن تكون آلام الصدر علامة على مرض القلب.

The patient reported a decrease in pain level.

أفاد المريض بانخفاض في مستوى الألم.

After the surgery, she experienced less pain.

شعرت بألم أقل بعد الجراحة.

  ∘ How to pronounce pain in English?

The word pain is pronounced in English as

Arabic for pain

1) pain-n


  ∘ pain meaning in Arabic & English

the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill

المشاعر التي تشعر بها في جسمك عندما تتألم أو عندما تكون مريضًا

  ∘ Examples of pain in Arabic and English

She felt a sharp pain in her back.

شعرت بألم حاد في ظهرها.

The medication relieved his pain.

خفف الدواء من ألمه.

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Pains in the chest can be a sign of heart disease.

يحتمل أن تكون آلام الصدر علامة على مرض القلب.

The patient reported a decrease in pain level.

أفاد المريض بانخفاض في مستوى الألم.

After the surgery, she experienced less pain.

شعرت بألم أقل بعد الجراحة.

  ∘ How to pronounce pain in English?

The word pain is pronounced in English as
