ashamed in Arabic

Meaning of ashamed in Arabic is: (خجل، خجلان، خجول) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ashamed in Arabic

Arabic for ashamed

1) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجل من أمر ما أيّ مستحي منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

ليس هناك شيّء يستدعي لتكون خجلا.

He is ashamed of his friend's conduct.

خجل من سلوك صديقه.

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She felt ashamed when she asked that silly question.

شعرت أنها خجلة عندما سألت ذاك السؤال السخيف.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

2) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجلان من شيّء ما أيّ مستحي منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

She was ashamed of her failure.

كانت خجلانة من فشلها.

He felt ashamed to ask about the issue any more.

شعر أنه خجلان من أن يسأل عن القضيّة أكثر من ذلك.

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They are ashamed of that unnecessary hesitation.

إنهم خجلانون من ترددهم الذي لا داعي له.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

3) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجول أيّ كثير الحياء

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He was ashamed of his behaviour yesterday.

كان خجول من سلوكه بالأمس.

She felt ashamed of herself for getting angry.

كانت خجولة من نفسها بسبب غصبها.

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They seem ashamed that they may cause to their neighbours trouble.

يبدو أنهم خجولين لأنهم يمكن أن يتسببوا بإزعاج لجيراتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

4) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment

محرج من فعل أمر ما أيّ لا يمكنه القيام به لأنه يسبب الإحراج

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He will feel ashamed if you ask him about personal questions.

سوف يكون محرجا إذا سألته أسئلة شخصيّة.

She seems ashamed of crying in front the audience.

تبدو محرجة من البكاء أمام الحضور.

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They felt ashamed to tell the truth.

شعروا أنهم محرجين من قول الحقيقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

5) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

مخجول من شيّء ما أيّ مستحي من أمر ما

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He was ashamed of his children's behaviour.

كان مخجول من تصرفات أولاده.

I felt really ashamed of her fool words.

شعرت حقيقة أنني مخجولة من كلماتها الحمقاء.

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They are ashamed of themselves for being rude.

إنهم مخجولون من أنفسهم لفظاظتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

6) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

مستح من أمر ما أيّ خجلان منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He felt ashamed of speaking so cruelly.

شعر أنه مستح للهجته القاسيّة في الحديث.

They were ashamed of not finishing the work.

كانوا مستحين من عدم إنهائهم عملهم.

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She should be ashamed of her wrong behaviour.

يجب أن تكون مستحيّة من تصرّفها الخاطىء.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

Arabic for ashamed

1) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجل من أمر ما أيّ مستحي منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

There is nothing to be ashamed of.

ليس هناك شيّء يستدعي لتكون خجلاً.

He is ashamed of his friend's conduct.

خجل من سلوك صديقه.

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She felt ashamed when she asked that silly question.

شعرت أنها خجلة عندما سألت ذاك السؤال السخيف.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

2) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجلان من شيّء ما أيّ مستحي منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

She was ashamed of her failure.

كانت خجلانة من فشلها.

He felt ashamed to ask about the issue any more.

شعر أنه خجلان من أن يسأل عن القضيّة أكثر من ذلك.

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They are ashamed of that unnecessary hesitation.

إنهم خجلانون من ترددهم الذي لا داعي له.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

3) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

خجول أيّ كثير الحياء

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He was ashamed of his behaviour yesterday.

كان خجول من سلوكه بالأمس.

She felt ashamed of herself for getting angry.

كانت خجولة من نفسها بسبب غصبها.

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They seem ashamed that they may cause to their neighbours trouble.

يبدو أنهم خجولين لأنهم يمكن أن يتسببوا بإزعاج لجيراتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

4) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

unwilling to do something because of shame or embarrassment

مُحرج من فعل أمر ما أيّ لا يمكنه القيام به لأنه يسبب الإحراج

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He will feel ashamed if you ask him about personal questions.

سوف يكون مُحرجاً إذا سألته أسئلة شخصيّة.

She seems ashamed of crying in front the audience.

تبدو مُحرجة من البكاء أمام الحضور.

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They felt ashamed to tell the truth.

شعروا أنهم مُحرجين من قول الحقيقة.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

5) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

مخجول من شيّء ما أيّ مستحي من أمر ما

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He was ashamed of his children's behaviour.

كان مخجول من تصرفات أولاده.

I felt really ashamed of her fool words.

شعرتُ حقيقةً أنني مخجولة من كلماتها الحمقاء.

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They are ashamed of themselves for being rude.

إنهم مخجولون من أنفسهم لفظاظتهم.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as

6) ashamed-adj


  ∘ ashamed meaning in Arabic & English

feeling shame or embarrassment about someone or something, or because of something you have done

مستح من أمر ما أيّ خجلان منه

  ∘ Examples of ashamed in Arabic and English

He felt ashamed of speaking so cruelly.

شعر أنه مستح للهجته القاسيّة في الحديث.

They were ashamed of not finishing the work.

كانوا مستحين من عدم إنهائهم عملهم.

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She should be ashamed of her wrong behaviour.

يجب أن تكون مستحيّة من تصرّفها الخاطىء.

  ∘ How to pronounce ashamed in English?

The word ashamed is pronounced in English as
