ambition in Arabic

Meaning of ambition in Arabic is: (رغبة، طموح، مرام) among others. This article contains images, pronunciation, examples, and more!

ambition in Arabic

Arabic for ambition

1) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

الرغبة هي الحاجة الملحّة أو السعيّ للحصول على شيّء ما أو تحقيق هدف ما

  ∘ Plural of رغبة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

Nadia finally realized her ambition of success.

حققت ناديا أخيرا رغبتها في النجاح.

She lacks the ambition to work hard.

ينقصها الرغبة في العمل بجد.

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He achieved his ambition of becoming a famous writer.

حقق رغبته في أن يصبح كاتب مشهور.

To fulfil your ambitions, you have to think of the present and the future.

لتحقق رغباتك، يجب أن تفكر في الحاضر و المستقبل.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

2) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

الطموح هو الرغبة الشديدة لتحقيق شيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

His only ambition is to be a pilot.

كان طموحه الوحيد أن يكون طيّار.

Her ambitions know no limits.

طموحاتها لا تعرف حدود.

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I hope you can achieve your ambition.

أتمنى أن تحقق طموحك.

She didn't allow her disability to affect the realization of her ambition.

لم تسمح لإعاقتها أن تؤثر على تحقيق طموحها.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

3) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

المرام هو المطلب أو ما يرغب الشخص بتحقيقه

  ∘ Plural of مرام in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

His ambition is to sail to be an engineer.

مرامه أن يصبح مهندسا.

They finally achieved their ambition of success.

حققوا أخيرا مرامهم في النجاح.

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Her ambition motivated her to face new challenges.

حفزّها مرامها أن تتحدى الصعوبات الجديدة.

Your ambition will enhance your work towards your goals.

سوف يعزز مرامك عملك نحو أهدافك.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

4) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

مطمح هو الشيّء الذي يطمح اليّه شخص ما أو ما يرغب في تحقيقه

  ∘ Plural of مطمح in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

Her ambition helped her to achieve success.

مطمحها ساعدها في تحقيق النجاح.

Ambitions keep you looking for the future.

تبقيك مطامحك تبحث عن المستقبل باستمرار.

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He will use all his efforts to realize his ambition.

سوف يبذل قصارى جهوده ليحقق مطمحه.

Ambitions make our lives more meaningful.

تجعل المطامح لحياتنا معنى أكبر.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

Arabic for ambition

1) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

الرغبة هي الحاجة الملحّة أو السعيّ للحصول على شيّء ما أو تحقيق هدف ما

  ∘ Plural of رغبة in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

Nadia finally realized her ambition of success.

حققت ناديا أخيراً رغبتها في النجاح.

She lacks the ambition to work hard.

ينقصها الرغبة في العمل بجد.

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He achieved his ambition of becoming a famous writer.

حقق رغبته في أن يصبح كاتب مشهور.

To fulfil your ambitions, you have to think of the present and the future.

لتحقق رغباتك، يجب أن تفكر في الحاضر و المستقبل.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

2) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

الطموح هو الرغبة الشديدة لتحقيق شيّء ما

  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

His only ambition is to be a pilot.

كان طموحه الوحيد أن يكون طيّار.

Her ambitions know no limits.

طموحاتها لا تعرف حدود.

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I hope you can achieve your ambition.

أتمنى أن تحقق طموحك.

She didn't allow her disability to affect the realization of her ambition.

لم تسمح لإعاقتها أن تؤثر على تحقيق طموحها.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

3) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

المرام هو المطلب أو ما يرغب الشخص بتحقيقه

  ∘ Plural of مرام in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

His ambition is to sail to be an engineer.

مرامه أن يصبح مهندساً.

They finally achieved their ambition of success.

حققوا أخيراً مرامهم في النجاح.

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Her ambition motivated her to face new challenges.

حفزّها مرامها أن تتحدى الصعوبات الجديدة.

Your ambition will enhance your work towards your goals.

سوف يعزز مرامك عملك نحو أهدافك.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as

4) ambition-noun


  ∘ ambition meaning in Arabic & English

something that you want to do or achieve very much

مطمح هو الشيّء الذي يطمح اليّه شخص ما أو ما يرغب في تحقيقه

  ∘ Plural of مطمح in Arabic


  ∘ Examples of ambition in Arabic and English

Her ambition helped her to achieve success.

مطمحها ساعدها في تحقيق النجاح.

Ambitions keep you looking for the future.

تبقيك مطامحك تبحث عن المستقبل باستمرار.

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He will use all his efforts to realize his ambition.

سوف يبذل قصارى جهوده ليحقق مطمحه.

Ambitions make our lives more meaningful.

تجعل المطامح لحياتنا معنى أكبر.

  ∘ How to pronounce ambition in English?

The word ambition is pronounced in English as
